Very good command line tool for W3C validation and broken link detection of your local development or production URL. Validation errors,warnings or suggestions will be reported to terminal.
Install with the terminal.
$ npm install w3c-link-validator -g
After installation w3clink
command will be available globally.
See the command line help first.
$ w3clink --help
Usage: w3clink [options]
-V, --version output the version number
check, --check <url> [verbose] [onlyhtml] [suggestions] Validate links and html both
-h, --help output usage information
$ w3clink check <url> [options]
This command will start validation service for specific URL. URLs per each page will be tested recursively.
will show you anything during the validation. Eg hyperlinks per page.onlyhtml
will block the deep url traversing. Use if you want to validate html standards only.suggestions
will log the suggestions also.
$ w3clink check http://localhost/w3ctest/ suggestions
Sample output on Windows terminal
Massive websites may log bunch of messages to your terminal. Therefore you may save your log to a file.
$ w3clink check http://localhost/w3ctest/ suggestions > mylogfile.txt
Click here to view the full contribution guidelines
Fork and clone repo
$ git clone<username>/w3c-link-validator.git
Install dependencies
$ npm install
Link to global commands
$ npm link
Run the tests
$ npm run test
Check the code coverage with istanbul. HTML report will be generated to /coverage/lcov-report
$ npm run coverage
We expect your contribution to improve this project. You may..
- Open issues for bug reporting or new feature suggestions.
- Submit pull requests from your fork in order to close existing issues.
We encourage you to apply Github best practices for the communication and development through the repo.
Happy contributing!
w3c-link-validator is initially developed for the Hacktitude open source hackathon. Special thanks goes to project mentors @thinkholic, @lakindu95, @rehrumesh and awesome Dotitude Family from 99xt.
MIT © 99XT