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Ivan Sola edited this page Jul 18, 2023 · 2 revisions

Want to Contribute?

We are delighted that you want to be part of this project! If you have an idea for a new koan that you would like to implement, simply follow these steps to collaborate with us:

  1. Clone the repository and set it up locally.

  2. Run composer install

  3. Implement the koan on a new branch that branches off from master. If you're already part of the project, please follow the defined standards for commits and branch naming. For branches: numberIssue-name-of-branch. For commits: [numberIssue] - Name of commit. Remember that in numberIssue you must replace it with the number of the issue to which it refers and name-of-branch with the descriptive name of the branch (same with commits).

  4. When implementing a new koan, pay attention to the style used in previous koans and try to replicate it:

    • Use @test and @testdox annotations before each test.

    • Add a relevant comment about the test followed by @testdox.

    • Include any interesting resources you used for inspiration in the koan. If you feel it's necessary to provide additional resources within a test, feel free to add them using the => syntax. For example:

       * @test
       * @testdox Arrays can be of type key=>value =>
    • Aim to give the tests meaningful and descriptive names. If the name begins with a verb, use the third person. For example: getsTheLengthOfAnArray.

  5. Once you have implemented the koan, push the branch and create a pull request. It will be reviewed, and we can continue improving the project together!

Thank you for your contribution, and we look forward to your creative additions to the project!

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