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4skl's blog

  • For now the main branch is considered to be dev branch, once it'll be stable enough it'll be considered as the prod branch. And a dev branch will be created.

Dev setup


  • Docker
  • Docker-compose
  • VSCode
  • VSCode Devcontainer extension
  • Other VSCode extensions (see .devcontainer/devcontainer.json)

Just open the project in VSCode and it'll ask you to open it in a devcontainer.


# Reset git to HEAD ! make sure you don't have any changes you want to keep, see utils section
git reset --hard HEAD

# Pull latest changes
git pull

# Build and run
docker-compose up --build --force-recreate -d


docker-compose up -d


todo: add more utils

# Generate fixtures from dev : use the loaddumpdata app or the command below in exec in the django devcontainer (note: exlude contenttypes, auth.Permission and sessions.session; we exclude sessions to avoid leaking it in the repository, anyway it's not useful to have it in the fixtures too since the django secret key is changing at each deploy)
python dumpdata --natural-foreign --natural-primary -e contenttypes -e auth.Permission -e sessions.session --indent 4 > ./fixtures/initial_data.json

# Generate fixtures from prod (note: exlude contenttypes, auth.Permission and sessions.session; we exclude sessions to avoid leaking it in the repository, anyway it's not useful to have it in the fixtures too since the django secret key is changing at each deploy)
docker exec -it 4sklcom-django-1 python dumpdata --natural-foreign --natural-primary -e contenttypes -e auth.Permission -e sessions.session --indent 4 > ./skl_backend/fixtures/initial_data.json

# Get fixtures from prod
scp :~/ ./skl_backend/fixtures/initial_data.json

# Copy media from prod to dev; replace the local media folder with the one from prod
scp -r :~/ ./

# Reset git to HEAD (remove all changes), used to reset prod after changing media files and copying them to dev with scp for example (note: use django admin, or command to get the fixture accordingly)
git reset --hard HEAD

# Pull latest changes
git pull

# Build and run
docker compose up --build --force-recreate -d

# Create superuser
docker exec -it 4sklcom-django-1 python createsuperuser

# See logs
docker compose logs -f

# See logs for a specific service
docker compose logs -f <service_name>


  • Create django models, urls, serializers and views
  • Setup admin user + create fixture with data
  • [~] Create frontend using backend REST API
  • Checkout devcontainer for dev setup
  • Setup prod env with docker-compose, and prepare for prod + branch to dev once done
  • Deploy to VPS and setup nginx + ssl