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A collection of new demos


A 'BootIntro' is an Intro which replaces the GPU code which is decrypted by the Jaguar BIOS and directly executed. The encrypted size is limited to 10 time 64 bytes, though it is possible to use the rest of the ROM ;-)

Most of these intros need a Model-M BIOS.

If run with BigPEmu, be sure to select Boot ROM Image.

These intros do not work with SKUNK as SKUNK's firmware is in the boot header.

A collection of 64 (or below) intros

A collection of 128 byte intros.

A collection of 256 byte intros.

A collection of 512 byte intros.

Port/Remix of the STNICCC 2000 Demo by Oxygene

Port/Remix of the STNICCC 2000 Demo by Oxygene

Triple-buffering => 25% quicker.

Port/Remix of the STNICCC 2000 Demo by Oxygene

Triple-buffering and DDA for poly-egdes => 86 polys/s.

A 100% GPU version, booting directly.

A prove of concept demo of a Voxel Space demo.

Based on voxelFlight but growing

Yet Another Rotating Cube - Sillyventure WE 2022 entry

Evolution of yarc: No more 68K, direct boot.

Port of jag_ball4 for rmac/rln and latest lyxass. Demos Z buffering and interleaved screen buffers.

Nostalgic-O-demo remix. 100% GPU/DSP no 68k.