This library was renamed to log4cl-extras and moved to:
To turn this handler on, do:
Then, somewhere in code:
(log4cl-json:with-fields (:request-id 42)
(log:info "Processing request")
;; All logging in this call and nested calls will have
;; "request-id = 42" field.
If you want to log unhandled signals' traceback, then do:
(log4cl-json:with-log-unhandled ()
If some unhandled condition will be signaled in foo or bar, this code
will log an error with traceback
field like this:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "NIL", line NIL, in BAR (BAR 1 :BOO "baz") File "NIL", line NIL, in FOO (FOO) File "NIL", line NIL, in HANDLE-RE… (HANDLE-REQUEST 42) File "NIL", line NIL, in MAIN (MAIN) File "/Users/art/.roswell/impls/x86-64/darwin/ccl-bin/1.11/level-1/l1-aprims.lisp", line 90, in APPLY (APPLY MAIN NIL) File "/Users/art/.roswell/impls/x86-64/darwin/ccl-bin/1.11/level-1/l1-readloop.lisp", line 827, in CALL-CHEC… (CCL::CALL-CHECK-REGS APPLY MAIN NIL) File "/Users/art/.roswell/impls/x86-64/darwin/ccl-bin/1.11/level-1/l1-readloop.lisp", line 706, in CHEAP-EVA… (CCL::CHEAP-EVAL-IN-ENVIRONMENT (ROSWELL:QUIT (APPLY 'MAIN ROSWELL:*ARGV*)) NIL) File "/Users/art/.roswell/impls/x86-64/darwin/ccl-bin/1.11/level-1/l1-readloop.lisp", line 668, in CHEAP-EVA… (CCL::CHEAP-EVAL (ROSWELL:QUIT (APPLY 'MAIN ROSWELL:*ARGV*))) File "/Users/art/.roswell/impls/x86-64/darwin/ccl-bin/1.11/tools/asdf.lisp", line 3947, in (INTERNAL… ((:INTERNAL UIOP/STREAM:EVAL-INPUT) #<CONCATENATED-STREAM #x302000DA60CD>) File "/Users/art/usr/roswell/etc/roswell/init.lisp", line 355, in (INTERNAL… ((:INTERNAL ROSWELL::BODY ROSWELL:SCRIPT) #<BASIC-FILE-CHARACTER-INPUT-STREAM ("/Users/art/projects/lisp/log4cl-json/./example.ros"/4 UTF-8) #x302000DA730D>)
"@fields": {
"uuid": "c969f594-8c46-454b-a2af-fd5c877ab288",
"title": "",
"changelog_id": 57,
"level": "DEBUG",
"method": "POST",
"source": "test+samples/markdown-release-notes",
"version": "2.6",
"another_changelog_id": 57,
"preview_id": 3,
"path": "/preview/1/",
"job_name": "update_preview_task",
"name": "filter_versions"
"@timestamp": "2016-06-22T06:18:12+00:00",
"@source_host": "52a8033dfd3a",
"@message": "Excluded because parent version is 1.0.5"
"@fields": {
"exception": "Traceback (most recent call last):\n File \"/app/allmychanges/parsing/\", line 1040, in wrapper\n for item in processor(*args, **kwargs):\n File \"/app/allmychanges/\", line 467, in get_versions_from_vcs\n commits, tagged_versions = get_history(path)\n File \"/app/allmychanges/\", line 69, in git_history_extractor\n with cd(path):\n File \"/usr/lib/python2.7/\", line 17, in __enter__\n return\n File \"/app/allmychanges/\", line 68, in cd\n os.chdir(path)\nTypeError: coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, list found\n",
"uuid": "c969f594-8c46-454b-a2af-fd5c877ab288",
"job_name": "update_preview_task",
"level": "ERROR",
"changelog_id": 57,
"method": "POST",
"source": "test+samples/markdown-release-notes",
"another_changelog_id": 57,
"preview_id": 3,
"path": "/preview/1/",
"processor": "get_versions_from_vcs",
"name": "processing-pipe"
"@timestamp": "2016-06-22T06:18:09+00:00",
"@source_host": "52a8033dfd3a",
"@message": "Unable to process items"