Github repository
This is the mothership, it hold the data and talks to the differents sub projects.
The API handle:
- user managment, auth creation grant
- authorisation
- routing of the file accros the different piers
- social feed
- subscriptions for the scraper, and later for notifications
- whish list
- download basket
Github repository
The pier act as a proxy for accesseing and manipulating files. Because of it is not part of the API is can run on any other machin and is flexible enough for any crazy setup.
The pier does of could do:
- talk and auth itself on a single mothership API
- file download with http-range
- token based auth with the mothership API
- proxy communication to a transmission daemon
- unrar on the fly
- zip/tar on the fly
Github repository
The scraper goes on website and grab data/file to feed the mothership API with. The mothership API provides list of wanted subscriptions or whised files.
The scraper sends whater he find that match back to the API.
Github repository
Web client for foc
CLI Client TBD
Windows Client TBD
OSX Client TBD
R&D subject, how and what can we bring to the tablets, iPad and Nexus 7 and to the html5 video tag.
This could lead to pure awesomeness, but todisapointment, worse scenario VLC web plugin.
- foc-api
- foc-scraper
- foc-pier
- foc-web
- CLI client
- streamer