This is a plugin that allows you to create equipment or held items which gives you potion effects, permissions, particles or execute commands :)
- Everything is configurable!
- Stupid simple!
- Easy configuration-side item creator ( also item creator by command )
- Special Mode which saving tps by spliting operation to parts
- Plethora of Item configuration; All checks enabled separately, applicable potion effects, command on enable/disable
- OpenSource!!!
1.8.1 <-> 1.19.2
(/eea) - EquipmentEffects.admin
/EquipmentEffectsAdmin reload
- To reload Configuration/EquipmentEffectsAdmin list
- To check list of created items/EquipmentEffectsAdmin give {PLAYER} {ITEM_ID}
- Give Item to player/EquipmentEffectsAdmin give {ITEM_ID}
- Give Item/EquipmentEffectsAdmin create {ITEM_ID}
- Create new File with given Item ID(on holding item in hand)
You can watch preview video right here!
# that's default itemstack, if you want to create another,
# just create new file with own name, you need .yml as extension ;)
# id to identify item (for example in give command)
# name of item
name: "Default item"
# [!] Information
# options: must-wear | must-hold-mainhand | must-hold-offhand can be used together at the same time :)
# if true, player have to wear that item to make it work, hands does not count
must-wear: true
# if both {must-hold-mainhand} and {must-hold-offhand} that makes it work for both hands
# if true, player have to hold item in main hand to make it work
must-hold-mainhand: false
# if true, player have to hold item in off hand to make it work
must-hold-offhand: false
# effects which will be applied
- "SPEED:2"
# section for itemstack checks
# if all checks is true, then other checks won't be working ( all checks is also including nbt check)
all-checks: true
# should check item display name?
display-name-check: true
# should check item lore?
lore-check: true
# should check item enchantments?
enchantment-check: true
# should check item flags?
item-flag-check: true
# section for interactions on triggering with {must-wear} or {must-hold-mainhand} or {must-hold-offhand}
# placeholders:
# %player% -> Nickname of executing player
# trigger on triggering enable for interaction ( example; holding item )
# command which will be executed
- "say Trigger on for %player%"
- "say Test123"
# trigger on triggering disable for interaction ( example; un-holding item )
# command which will be executed
- "say Trigger off"
- "say Test123"
# itemstack for which effects will work(it don't have to be given by command, just similar itemstack
# for more information about how this section work, go here:
==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
v: 2230
==: ItemMeta
meta-type: UNSPECIFIC
display-name: "Default Item"
# this is version of config, if it is different from plugin version that means that you have outdated config!
config-version: ${project.version}
# partition minimum players amount multiplier
# that's multiplier of {update-partitions-amount}, if you have this value set to 4, and you use
# default 2 multiplier, it will enable partitioning when you have at least 8 players, below this number
# it will update for all players at once
# 2 is minimum, otherwise it can throw an IllegalArgumentException
partition-minimum-players-multiplier: 2
# to how many partitions split player count
# ex: 105 players on server, if you specify {update-partitions-amount} as 4 it will split player inventory calculation
# for 4 parts; 25, 25, 25, 30, every part will be calculated every {task-schedule-time}, with default value of 20,
# it will take server 4 seconds to calculate all players inventory, and it will constantly repeat
update-partitions-amount: 4
# update player inventory(apply effects) task period, in ticks(20 ticks = 1 sec)
task-schedule-time: 20
admin-command-usage: "Usage of admin command: /EEA give <id> | /EEA list | /EEA reload | /EEA create {ITEM_ID}"
reload: "Config got reloaded!"
no-permissions: "No Permissions!"
item-already-exists: "You cannot create item with the same ID!"
no-item-in-hand: "You need to hold item in your hand!"
this-command-is-player-only: "In order to execute that command you need to execute it in-game!"
created-new-item: "Congratulations, you created new Item!"