Object-hash mapping library for Redis.
Ohm is a library for storing objects in Redis, a persistent key-value database. It includes an extensible list of validations and has very good performance.
Join the mailing list: http://groups.google.com/group/ohm-ruby
Meet us on IRC: #ohm on freenode.net
These are libraries in other languages that were inspired by Ohm.
- JOhm for Java, created by xetorthio
- Lohm for Lua, created by slact
- Nohm for Node.js, created by maritz
- Redisco for Python, created by iamteem
Install Redis. On most platforms it's as easy as grabbing the sources,
running make and then putting the redis-server
binary in the PATH.
Once you have it installed, you can execute redis-server
and it will
run on localhost:6379
by default. Check the redis.conf
file that comes
with the sources if you want to change some settings.
If you don't have Ohm, try this:
$ [sudo] gem install ohm
Or you can grab the code from https://github.com/soveran/ohm.
Now, in an irb session you can test the Redis adapter directly:
>> require "ohm"
=> true
>> Ohm.connect
=> []
>> Ohm.redis.set "Foo", "Bar"
=> "OK"
>> Ohm.redis.get "Foo"
=> "Bar"
There are a couple of different strategies for connecting to your Redis
database. The first is to explicitly set the :host
, :port
, :db
options. You can also set only a few of them, and let the other
options fall back to the default.
The other noteworthy style of connecting is by just doing Ohm.connect
set the environment variable REDIS_URL
Here are the options for {Ohm.connect} in detail:
A Redis URL of the form redis://:<passwd>@<host>:<port>/<db>
Note that if you specify a URL and one of the other options at
the same time, the other options will take precedence. Also, if
you try and do Ohm.connect
without any arguments, it will check
is set, and will use it as the argument for
Host where the Redis server is running, defaults to ""
Port number, defaults to 6379
Database number, defaults to 0
It is the secret that will be sent to the Redis server. Use it if the server
configuration requires it. Defaults to nil
Database timeout in seconds, defaults to 0
Initializes the client with a monitor. It has a small performance penalty, and
it's off by default. For thread safety, it is recommended to use a different
instance per thread. I you have no choice, then pass :thread_safe => true
when connecting.
Ohm's purpose in life is to map objects to a key value datastore. It doesn't need migrations or external schema definitions. Take a look at the example below:
class Event < Ohm::Model
attribute :name
reference :venue, :Venue
set :participants, :Person
counter :votes
index :name
def validate
assert_present :name
class Venue < Ohm::Model
attribute :name
collection :events, :Event
class Person < Ohm::Model
attribute :name
All models have the id
attribute built in, you don't need to declare it.
This is how you interact with IDs:
event = Event.create :name => "Ohm Worldwide Conference 2031"
# => 1
# Find an event by id
event == Event[1]
# => true
# Trying to find a non existent event
# => nil
# Finding all the events
# => [#<Event @values={:id=>1, :name=>"Ohm Worldwide Conference 2031"}>]
This example shows some basic features, like attribute declarations and validations. Keep reading to find out what you can do with models.
Ohm::Model provides four attribute types: {Ohm::Model.attribute attribute}, {Ohm::Model.set set}, {Ohm::Model.list list} and {Ohm::Model.counter counter}; and two meta types: {Ohm::Model.reference reference} and {Ohm::Model.collection collection}.
An attribute
is just any value that can be stored as a string. In the
example above, we used this field to store the event's name
. You can
use it to store numbers, but be aware that Redis will return a string
when you retrieve the value.
A set
in Redis is an unordered list, with an external behavior similar
to that of Ruby arrays, but optimized for faster membership lookups.
It's used internally by Ohm to keep track of the instances of each model
and for generating and maintaining indexes.
A list
is like an array in Ruby. It's perfectly suited for queues
and for keeping elements in order.
A counter
is like a regular attribute, but the direct manipulation
of the value is not allowed. You can retrieve, increase or decrease
the value, but you can not assign it. In the example above, we used a
counter attribute for tracking votes. As the incr and decr operations
are atomic, you can rest assured a vote won't be counted twice.
It's a special kind of attribute that references another model. Internally, Ohm will keep a pointer to the model (its ID), but you get accessors that give you real instances. You can think of it as the model containing the foreign key to another model.
Provides an accessor to search for all models that reference
the current model.
The attributes declared with attribute
are only persisted after
calling save
. If the object is in an invalid state, no value is sent
to Redis (see the section on Validations below).
Operations on attributes of type list
, set
and counter
possible only after the object is created (when it has an assigned
). Any operation on these kinds of attributes is performed
immediately, without running the object validations. This design yields
better performance than running the validations on each operation or
buffering the operations and waiting for a call to save
For most use cases, this pattern doesn't represent a problem. If you need to check for validity before operating on lists, sets or counters, you can use this pattern:
if event.valid?
event.comments.add(Comment.create(:body => "Great event!"))
If you are saving the object, this will suffice:
if event.save
event.comments.add(Comment.create(:body => "Wonderful event!"))
Given the following model declaration:
class Event < Ohm::Model
attribute :name
set :attendees, :Person
You can add instances of Person
to the set of attendees with the
event.attendees.add(Person.create(:name => "Albert"))
# And now...
event.attendees.each do |person|
# ...do what you want with this person.
Since attendees
is a {Ohm::Model::Set Set}, it exposes two sorting
methods: {Ohm::Model::Collection#sort sort} returns the elements
ordered by id
, and {Ohm::Model::Collection#sort_by sort_by} receives
a parameter with an attribute name, which will determine the sorting
order. Both methods receive an options hash which is explained below:
Order direction and strategy. You can pass in any of the following:
It defaults to ASC
Important Note: Starting with Redis 2.6, ASC
and DESC
work with integers or floating point data types. If you need to sort
by an alphanumeric field, add the ALPHA
The offset and limit from which we should start with. Note that
this is 0-indexed. It defaults to 0
limit: [0, 10]
will get the first 10 entries starting from offset 0.
Key or Hash key with which to sort by. An important distinction with
using {Ohm::Model::Collection#sort sort} and
{Ohm::Model::Collection#sort_by sort_by} is that sort_by
converts the passed argument with the assumption that it is a hash key
and it's within the current model you are sorting.
Post.all.sort_by(:title) # SORT Post:all BY Post:*->title
Post.all.sort(:by => :title) # SORT Post:all BY title
Tip: Unless you absolutely know what you're doing, use sort
when you want to sort your models by their id
, and use sort_by
A key pattern to return, e.g. Post:*->title
. As is the case with
the :by
option, using {Ohm::Model::Collection#sort sort} and
{Ohm::Model::Collection#sort_by sort_by} has distinct differences in
that sort_by
does much of the hand-coding for you.
Post.all.sort_by(:title, :get => :title)
# SORT Post:all BY Post:*->title GET Post:*->title
Post.all.sort(:by => :title, :get => :title)
# SORT Post:all BY title GET title
Ohm lets you declare references
and collections
to represent associations.
class Post < Ohm::Model
attribute :title
attribute :body
collection :comments, :Comment
class Comment < Ohm::Model
attribute :body
reference :post, :Post
After this, every time you refer to post.comments
you will be talking
about instances of the model Comment
. If you want to get a list of IDs
you can use post.comments.key.smembers
Doing a {Ohm::Model.reference reference} is actually just a shortcut for the following:
# Redefining our model above
class Comment < Ohm::Model
attribute :body
attribute :post_id
index :post_id
def post=(post)
self.post_id = post.id
def post
The only difference with the actual implementation is that the model is memoized.
The net effect here is we can conveniently set and retrieve Post
and also search comments using the post_id
Comment.find(:post_id => 1)
The reason a {Ohm::Model.reference reference} and a {Ohm::Model.collection collection} go hand in hand, is that a collection is just a macro that defines a finder for you, and we know that to find a model by a field requires an {Ohm::Model.index index} to be defined for the field you want to search.
# Redefining our post above
class Post < Ohm::Model
attribute :title
attribute :body
def comments
Comment.find(:post_id => self.id)
The only "magic" happening is with the inference of the index
that was used
in the other model. The following all produce the same effect:
# easiest, with the basic assumption that the index is `:post_id`
collection :comments, :Comment
# we can explicitly declare this as follows too:
collection :comments, :Comment, :post
# finally, we can use the default argument for the third parameter which
# is `to_reference`.
collection :comments, :Comment, to_reference
# exploring `to_reference` reveals a very interesting and simple concept:
Post.to_reference == :post
# => true
An {Ohm::Model.index index} is a set that's handled automatically by Ohm. For any index declared, Ohm maintains different sets of objects IDs for quick lookups.
In the Event
example, the index on the name attribute will
allow for searches like Event.find(:name => "some value")
Note that the {Ohm::Model::Validations#assert_unique assert_unique} validation and the methods {Ohm::Model::Set#find find} and {Ohm::Model::Set#except except} need a corresponding index in order to work.
You can find a collection of records with the find
# This returns a collection of users with the username "Albert"
User.find(:username => "Albert")
# Find all users from Argentina
User.find(:country => "Argentina")
# Find all activated users from Argentina
User.find(:country => "Argentina", :status => "activated")
# Find all users from Argentina, except those with a suspended account.
User.find(:country => "Argentina").except(:status => "suspended")
# Find all users both from Argentina and Uruguay
User.find(:country => "Argentina").union(:country => "Uruguay")
Note that calling these methods results in new sets being created on the fly. This is important so that you can perform further operations before reading the items to the client.
Uniques are similar to indices except that there can only be one record per entry. The canonical example of course would be the email of your user, e.g.
class User < Ohm::Model
attribute :email
unique :email
u = User.create(email: "[email protected]")
u == User.with(:email, "[email protected]")
# => true
User.create(email: "[email protected]")
# => raises Ohm::UniqueIndexViolation
Before every save, the validate
method is called by Ohm. In the method
definition you can use assertions that will determine if the attributes
are valid. Nesting assertions is a good practice, and you are also
encouraged to create your own assertions. You can trigger validations at
any point by calling valid?
on a model instance.
Ohm ships with some basic assertions. Check Ohm::Validations to see the method definitions.
The assert
method is used by all the other assertions. It pushes the
second parameter to the list of errors if the first parameter evaluates
to false.
def assert(value, error)
value or errors.push(error) && false
Checks that the given field is not nil or empty. The error code for this
assertion is :not_present
assert_present :name
Checks that the given field matches the provided format. The error code for this assertion is :format.
assert_format :username, /^\w+$/
Checks that the given field holds a number as a Fixnum or as a string representation. The error code for this assertion is :not_numeric.
assert_numeric :votes
Provides a pretty general URL regular expression match. An important
point to make is that this assumes that the URL should start with
or https://
. The error code for this assertion is
In this current day and age, almost all web applications need to
validate an email address. This pretty much matches 99% of the emails
out there. The error code for this assertion is :not_email
Checks that a given field is contained within a set of values (i.e.
like an ENUM
def validate
assert_member :state, %w{pending paid delivered}
The error code for this assertion is :not_valid
Checks that a given field's length falls under a specified range.
def validate
assert_length :username, 3..20
The error code for this assertion is :not_in_range
Checks that a given field looks like a number in the human sense of the word. Valid numbers are: 0.1, .1, 1, 1.1, 3.14159, etc.
The error code for this assertion is :not_decimal
When an assertion fails, the error report is added to the errors array. Each error report contains two elements: the field where the assertion was issued and the error code.
Given the following example:
def validate
assert_present :foo
assert_numeric :bar
assert_format :baz, /^\d{2}$/
If all the assertions fail, the following errors will be present:
# => { foo: [:not_present], bar: [:not_numeric], baz: [:format] }
Ohm is rather small and can be extended in many ways.
A lot of amazing contributions are available at Ohm Contrib make sure to check them if you need to extend Ohm's functionality.
The changes in Ohm 1 break the compatibility with previous versions. We will do our best to provide a script to ease the pain of upgrading. In the meantime, it's recommended that you use the new version only for new projects.