pip install -r requirements.txt
also you should have Tor installed
python deepexplorer.py "legal thing" 40 default (will crawl if results obtained in browser do not reach 40)
python deepexplorer.py "legal thing" 30 all (will crawl every link obtained in browser [ultil reachs 30])
python deepexplorer.py "legal thing" 30 none (do not crawl, only obtain links from browser)
Deep Explorer is a tool designed to search (any) thing in a few seconds
Any idea, failure etc please report to telegram: blueudp
results.txt contains results obtaioned in previus search
Tested in ParrotOS and Kali Linux 2.0
- Error importing... -> You should try manual pip install package
- Error connecting to server -> Cant connect to ahmia browser
It depends, Deep Explorer is not designed with the purpose of searching illegal things, remember that Tor it's a simple network
Name: Eduardo Pérez-Malumbres
Telegram: @blueudp
Twitter: https://twitter.com/blueudp