- Upgraded editor to use CVSS4 calculator
- Minor upgrades and enhancement
- Set martor to a fixed version 1.6.26 #210
- POC section added to reports
- Mayor upgrades and enhancement from bat_bast contributions
- Dashboard enhancement
- Customers management
- Deliverables management
- Reports and findings clone option
- Multiple output templates
- Findings OWASP top 10 categories #5
- Settings section configuration added
- lint the code and fix some code using ruff linter #63
- Feature to select specific findings only from a product in DefectDojo #64
- Multilingual and Internationalization support
- Spanish and French lang files
- CSV import enhancement
- Mitre Attack Flow integration
- Background logo image added to pdf reports
- Output templates improvements
- Custom fields
- #15 Screenshots are not added to the appendix in reports
- #24 Code is escaped in code box
- Minor changes in templates
- #28 Add CWE directly in the web interface
- #54 Server error 500
- Error check in forms
- pluralize views
- Markdown, martor and image tags compatibility issues
- #51 Error when importing from DefectDojo
- Minor changes
- #48 'bleach' causing Internal Error 500
- Upgraded bleach and django-bleach versions
- Media images path support
- #39 The newest version of bleach changed the parameters in the clean method (source: https://bleach.readthedocs.io/en/latest/changes.html#version-5-0-0-april-7th-2022). This causes the error: clean() got an unexpected keyword argument 'styles'. Workaround; to use bleach==4.1.0
Ubuntu 22.xx use python 3.10, in which was moved the library Collections Abstract Base Classes to the collections.abc module. For backwards compatibility, they continue to be visible through Python 3.9. Workaround; Ubuntu 20.04 is set to the correct docker image to pull.
- #36 Security Issue - Stored XSS (Attack Tree)
- #64f78b2 First commit