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Hermit-V2 - The Minimal Hugo Theme

Hermit-V2 is a minimal and fast theme for Hugo, built for bloggers who want a simple and focused website. This is a maintained fork of Hermit, which iterates over the original work to have production-ready experience with bug fixes and new features.

First Impression & Demo

Check out Hermit-V2 : This demo also acts as an documentation for the theme, utilizing its powerful features.

The source for the site is located in Staging Branch

Initial Information

Original theme for Hermit-v2 is, you gussed it, is Hermit. However, it seems Track3 isn't maintaining this anymore, which resulted in de-listing from GoHugo Themes and totally breaks in newer Hugo versions.

Goal of this project is to keep the essence of theme as-is. We will not diverge too much from the original and keep it as minimal as possible, but include all the tools for you to extend, customize and use this theme as you deem fit.


Site Configuration is done through hugo.toml or hugo.yaml file in root directory of your Hugo Site. To aid you, there is a hugo.toml.example file located in theme folder. See this configuration for the staging branch here. See what each configuration does here.


Run this command from the root of your Hugo directory:

git clone themes/hermit-v2

Or, if your Hugo site is already in git, you can include this repository as a git submodule. This makes it easier to update this theme. For this, you need to run:

git submodule add -b main themes/hermit-v2

To update submodule and to have the latest version of the theme with your project, run

git submodule update --remote

First Use Knowledge

Features Inherited from Original Theme

  • A single-column layout and carefully crafted typography offers a great reading experience.
  • Navigation and functions are placed in the bottom-bar which will hide when you scroll down.
  • Featured image is supported. It will be displayed as a dimmed background of the page.
  • Displays all of your posts on a single page, with one section per year, simple and compact.
  • Extremely lightweight and load fast. No third party framework, no unnecessary code.
  • All code fields feature syntax highlighting and a code-copy function
  • Responsive & Retina Ready. Scales gracefully from a big screen all the way down to the smallest mobile phone. Assets in vector format ensures that it looks sharp on high-resolution screens.

Custom CSS and JS

if you feel there is a need to have your own CSS and JS to be added, there is a provision for the same. These custom files should be designed to for a page or few particular pages. E.g. If you make contact form.

To make use of custom CSS and JS, add the below section to page frontmatter. If there is any folder structure, that should be mentioned as well.

custom_css = ["custom_css/foo.css","custom_css/bar.css"]
custom_js = ["custom_js/custom-about.js"]

The files itself will reside in assets directory. Namely:

  • /assets/custom_css/<file_name>.css for CSS files
  • /assets/custom_js/<file_name>.js for JS files

Refer to Staging Branch to have a feel on how this is implemented.

Customize theme

This theme allows to be customized. To customize, copy the respective scss file from the theme to site's assets/scss/ and edit them to your liking.

  • To customize theme colours, copy _colors.scss
  • To customize theme fonts, copy _fonts.scss
  • To customize code block colours, copy _syntax.scss
  • To change CSS effects limited to single page or few pages, add following to your page FrontMatter custom_css = ["custom_css/foo.css","custom_css/bar.css"], and add the relevant SCSS files in assets/custom_css directory. You may find additional help in Custom CSS and JS.
  • To change css styling sitewide, add userstyles.scss and modify Stylesheets to your liking. This styles are applied to very end of stylesheet, superseding in-built ones.

Extend functionality

Functionality can be extended via layouts.

Layouts can live in either the project’s (root) or the themes’ layout folders, any template inside the root layout folder will override theme's layout that relative to it, for example: layouts/_default/baseof.html will override themes/hermit-V2/layouts/_default/baseof.html. So, you can easily customize the theme without edit it directly, which makes updating the theme easier.

Copy files as required to site's layouts/partials/ and edit them to fit your needs.

  • To add or modify SVG images used in the theme, copy svg.html
  • To add or modify comment system (default is Disqus), copy comments.html
  • To add or modify custom analytics(default is Google Analytics), copy analytics.html
  • To inject HTML code to every page's document head or right above the closing body tag ( this makes it easy to add any HTML metadata, custom css/js, DNS-prefetch etc.), create a file at site's extra-head.html or extra-foot.html


Use RealFaviconGenerator to generate these files, put them into your site's static folder:

  • android-chrome-192x192.png
  • android-chrome-512x512.png
  • apple-touch-icon.png
  • favicon-16x16.png
  • favicon-32x32.png
  • favicon.ico
  • mstile-150x150.png
  • safari-pinned-tab.svg
  • site.webmanifest

SVG Favicons

If your favicon is in SVG format, there are two ways to implement the same in this theme.

  • If you are looking for a clean directory structure, place your favicon as favicon.svg in static directory. In this mode, favicon will not be minified by Hugo
  • If you want your generated site to be as light as possible, place your favicon as favicon.svg in assets/images. In this mode, favicon will be minified by Hugo

Social icons

The following icons are supported, please make sure the name field is exactly one of these:

email codepen facebook github gitlab
instagram linkedin slack stackoverflow telegram
twitter (Now X) youtube shutterstock freepik adobestock
dreamstime dribbble behance 123rf paypal
twitch qq mastodon discord matrix
etsy tiktok imgur bluesky xmpp
medium medium old pixelfed ko-fi threads

If that's not enough, you can see Extend functionality section.

Manage content

  • Keep your regular pages in the content folder. To create a new page, run hugo new
  • Keep your blog posts in the content/posts folder. To create a new post, run hugo new posts/

LaTeX in Markdown

LaTeX is supported by this theme through Mathjax. Please check explaining-configs to learn more.


This theme is made specifically with translation in mind. Translations of few languages (English, Spanish, French, Italian, German and Chinese Simplified) are provided in Staging branch. However, this theme can work without Translation if your content is English only. To have translation of your language :

  1. Create translation tables in the i18n directory, naming each file according to RFC 5646. E.g. i18n/<2-2 Language Code>.toml. To find your Language code, visit to get an idea for the code. See Staging Branch to see how this is implemented.
  2. Copy English Translation key and edit to your language. Edit the section other = "<In your Language>".

Page specific footers

You can make page specific footers by creating below partials in /layouts/partials

  • For homepage (or landing page), index-footer.html
  • For article list pages, list-footer.html
  • For single pages (which are not articles), single-footer.html
  • For posts/articles pages, posts-footer.html

Sites using hermit-V2

Sites using hermit-V2 is a user contributed list of all the blogs/pages that is using hermit-V2 in some capacity. It could be any component of the theme from landing page or a partial to full fledged use of the theme. The objective of this section is to :

  • Help new and aspiring bloggers/webmasters to get inspiration from
  • Create a sense of community

You can find currently listed sites from Sites-using-hermit‐V2 ( and you can add your site by raising an issue.


Share your thoughts

Share your thoughts on how to make this theme more suited for you. It could be a general feedback or something that couldn't be classified as an Issue. You can share it in Discussions :
