released this
02 Jul 17:53
v8.5 - Added manual installer for Metasploit
v8.5 - Added Phantomjs manual installer
v8.5 - Added sc0pe template to check for default credentials via BruteX
v8.5 - Added fullportscans to all 'web' mode scans to ensure full port coverage
v8.5 - Fixed issue with 2nd stage OSINT scans not running
v8.5 - Added port values to sc0pe engine to define port numbers
v8.5 - Fixed issue with LinkFinder not working
v8.5 - Fixed issue with Javascript link parser
v8.5 - Added phantomjs dependency to fix webscreenshots on Ubuntu
v8.5 - Added http-default-accounts NMap NSE to check for default web credentials
v8.5 - Fixed several issues with to resolve deps on Ubuntu and Kali 2020.2
v8.5 - Removed larger wordlists to reduce install size of Sn1per
v8.5 - Added 20+ new active/passive sc0pe templates
v8.5 - Fixed issue with installer on latest Kali and Docker builds
v8.5 - Fixed custom installer for Arachni
v8.5 - Fixed Dockerfile with updated Kali image (CC. @stevemcilwain )
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