Since the Cocoapods 1.12.0 version has resolved this problem, this code repository is no longer updated
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cocoapods-pod-sign is a tool to help you set cocopads bundle identifier and team. In order to solve the compilation error of Xcode14.
$ gem install cocoapods-pod-sign
I have received several user feedback encountering errors. I just added a new method to skip the signature. I recommend using the skip signature setting.
plugin 'cocoapods-pod-sign'
There are two ways to use it, one is to automatically obtain the bundle identifier and team, and the other is to set it manually.
Just write the following code into the Podfile, it will automatically read the bundle identifier(version 1.3.x no longer sets bundle identifier) and team from the main project.
plugin 'cocoapods-pod-sign'
You can also manually specify the bundle identifier and team under different configs. For example:
Debug bundle identifier: team: ABCDEFG
Release bundle identifier: com.ccc.ddd team: HIJKLMN
Profile bundle identifier: team: ASDFGHJ
plugin 'cocoapods-pod-sign'
'Debug' => {:bundle_id => '', :team_id => 'ABCDEFG'},
'Release' => {:bundle_id => 'com.ccc.ddd', :team_id => 'HIJKLMN'},
'Profile' => {:bundle_id => '', :team_id => 'ASDFGHJ'}