Golang Implementation of Streaming Merkle Root, Proof, and Verify (single leaf) from Luke Champine's paper: Streaming Merkle Proofs within Binary Numeral Trees @ https://eprint.iacr.org/2021/038.pdf
import "github.com/jlogelin/fastmerkle"
func main() {
blkstream := [][]byte{[]byte("a"), []byte("b"), []byte("c")}
root := MerkleRoot(blkstream)
fmt.Printf("Merkle root: %x\n", root)
The following root node calculation benchmark was run on an Apple M1 Pro 32 GB
- 33554432 elements
- sha256 hash
Project | Execution Time |
fast-merkle | 8.320988875s |
cbergoon/merkletree | 26.294219875s |
wealdtech/go-merkletree | 30.399641917s |
txaty/go-merkletree | 2m 37s |