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A minuscule cookie library. Nothing but bones. Works on every browser. Fully featured.


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About MicroCookie | Installing MicroCookie | Using MicroCookie | NPM Package

About MicroCookie

What is MicroCookie?

MicroCookie is a desert-bone-dry cookie management package (just 566 bytes minimized!) designed to be so small you don't even notice it's there. It's also 100% compatible.

Why another cookie manager?

Every "simple" cookie manager I could find was much bigger than it needed to be. Additionally, the compatibility metric of all of them was ridiculously bad.

Why do you use "expires" instead of "max-age"?

It boils down to compatibility. Not every browser supports max-age, and some browsers throw a fit if both are given. Does it really matter in this day and age? Not really, but I've already made my decision unless something big happens.


  • Only the value of the primary key of the cookie is encoded. Everything else is assumed to be clean input.
  • There is no internal namespace conflict management
  • This is not guaranteed to be RFC 6265 compliant. However, if you find an incompliant section, it is considered a bug.
  • npm is probably the clunkiest way of using this library. It does work, though.
  • All instructions assume you are running a Unix-based operating system. This probably won't matter if you aren't using npm.
  • UglifyJS used to change reserved variable names if they were optimized out. It may reappear in the future, but it does not affect usage.

Installing MicroCookie

Note for npm users

MicroCookie is not intentionally deigned for npm as it is already designed for the web. However, it is exported CJS-style with JSDocs excluded from minimization and should work as long as document.cookie is valid.


Either download microcookie-min.js in the releases tab, or use one of the external sources already provided.

Including MicroCookie in your project

Using npm

npm install microcookiepkg

This will install the pre-processed package ready for use. If you would like to make changes or contribute, view Minimizing MicroCookie.

Otherwise, you can proceed to Including MicroCookie in your project.

Minimizing MicroCookie

A number of npm scripts are set up in order to automate minimization and modification. The following precursors will be necessary:

echo "You need to install Stream EDitor using the package manager on your os if it isn't already installed, ie."
sudo apt-get install sed
echo "Uglify is necessary to minimize the package"
npm install uglify-js -g

Once this is installed, the following script can be run:

npm run-script prepublishOnly

This will run a chain of commands that create the dist folder, minimize with separate settings for HTML and NPM, and modify the HTML result to remove NPM-specific code. If you would like to view this in detail, it is in the package.json.

Conditional directory from pcambra

Including MicroCookie in your project

Using HTML

<!-- Stored locally -->
<script src="path/to/src/microcookie-min.js"></script>

<!-- Stored on my website (no garunteed reliability) -->
<script src=""></script>

<!-- Stored on jsDelivr -->
<script src=""></script>

Using JavaScript directly in browser

var script = document.createElement("script"); // create a script DOM node
script.src = "path/to/microcookie-min.js";

Using NPM / Webpack / Browserify

// This is not fully minified and as such will be larger pre-packing (but also far more commented)
const MicroCookie = require("microcookiepkg");

Using MicroCookie

Fetching a cookie

 * @description Get a cookie
 * @param {string} k key
 * @returns {string|undefined} value of key

//example - get cookie "test"

Making an expiration timestamp

 * @description craft a unix timestamp usable with the add function
 * @param {number} d days from current date
 * @param {number} w weeks from current date (7 days)
 * @param {number} m months from current date (30.4375 days)
 * @param {number} y years from current date (365.25 days) (going beyond 2038 is incompatible with 32 bit devices)
 * @returns {number} The calculated unix timestamp (ms)
MicroCookie.makeExpiration(d, w, m, y);

//example - expiration date for 1 month and 2 weeks
MicroCookie.makeExpiration(undefined, 2, 1);

Setting a cookie

 * @description Set a cookie
 * @param {string} k key - to prevent issues, only use alphanumeric characters
 * @param {string} v value - what the key will be set to
 * @param {number} e expiration - Unix timestamp (ms)
 * @param {object} o optional configuration for path, domain, secure, httpOnly, & sameSite
 * @param {string} o.path - restricts cookie to path
 * @param {string} o.domain - restricts (or loosens) cookie to subdomain
 * @param {true} - only allow cookie on HTTPS connection
 * @param {"None"|"Lax"|"Strict"} o.sameSite - cookie cross-site options, "None" typically requires "secure"
 * @returns {string} the encoded cookie string as a receipt
MicroCookie.set(k, v, e, {o.path, o.domain,, o.sameSite});

//example - set cookie "test" with value "This is a test!" expiring in 1 day
let expiration = MicroCookie.makeExpiration(1);
MicroCookie.set("test", "This is a test!", expiration);

//example - set cookie "test" with value "This is a test!" expiring in 1 day for all subdomains on over HTTPS only
MicroCookie.set("test", "This is a test!", expiration, {
    path: "/",
    domain: "",
    secure: true

Removing a cookie

 * @description Remove a cookie
 * @param {string} k key of cookie to be removed
 * @param {string} p path (optional) - path cookie is stored to
 * @param {string} d domain (optional) - domain cookie is stored to
MicroCookie.remove(k, p, d);

//example - remove cookie "test"

Full examples

At the time of writing, there is one full example, which is available in the test/ folder as test/testpage.html


A minuscule cookie library. Nothing but bones. Works on every browser. Fully featured.








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