I have experienced various unnecessary hassles when both developing on projects and a build system simultaneously.
- Updates on the build system must be copied to all other projects.
- Source code sharing also required manual copying. Especially when developing on the same code but in different projects.
Other hassles were the context switches and setup time for setting up the required git repositores.
Also there is a vision about an extensive gitOps-network for all services and frontends. Where this will come in handy.
Thingycreate, originally thought as projectcreate, is a small project setup helper for many possible projects which inherently require the same repository strucure use, git submodules and a shared build system, which also is being worked on simultanously.
It became a "thingy" instead "project" because the concept of a project is inherently flawed by it's definition. It is defined as a temporary endeavor with a beginning and an end. The limits set for a project are quite important for it. So no reasonable software project can really be a project actually because there is no scope for surely acceptable limitations.
Instead of looking at a single software project as a project, thus alienating and effectivly cripple it by putting illusionary limitations on it. We should look at the whole software evolution as an ongoing organic process, where what it is what we develop is only an essentially very connected part of the whole.
Where the word "component" would make sense, it may be are created and evolves, becomes optimized then most probably becomes deprecated at some point. Without any predicability on how the whole process will evolve and what are reasonable limitations for one of the components is.
As the word "component" is already used in many contextes and has a load of conflicting associations. I simply defaulted to it being a thing. Then to thingy because it sounded better :D
Current git version
$ npm install -g git+https://github.com/JhonnyJason/thingycreate.git
Npm Registry
$ npm install -g thingycreate
First make sure you have your ssh access-key for github usable in your shell. I personally add it using the ssh-agent right before I call the wizard.
$ thingycreate <thingyType> <thingyName> <basePath>
All parameters are optional, but currently not interchangable.
That means, if you want to provide a basePath
, you also need to provide both the thingyType
and the thingyName
Then the wizard will ask you for what he needs to know ;-)
$ thingycreate website the-new-website /home/imthauser/thingies
_ _ _ _
| |_ | |__ (_) _ __ __ _ _ _ ___ _ __ ___ __ _ | |_ ___
| __| | '_ \ | | | '_ \ / _` | | | | | / __| | '__| / _ \ / _` | | __| / _ \
| |_ | | | | | | | | | | | (_| | | |_| | | (__ | | | __/ | (_| | | |_ | __/
\__| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| \__, | \__, | \___| |_| \___| \__,_| \__| \___|
|___/ |___/
? Github username: JhonnyJason
? Github password: [hidden]
◡ Checking credentials...Credentials Check succeeded!
◞ Checking thingy name "the-new-website"... acceptable!
All relevant repositories for the-new-website may be created :-)
◟ Checking if https://github.com/JhonnyJason/root-template.git is reachable...Reachable!
? 'the-new-website' - repository... How shall it be initialized? copy https://github.com/JhonnyJason/root-template.git
◝ Checking if https://github.com/JhonnyJason/toolset.git is reachable...Reachable!
? 'the-new-website-toolset' - repository... How shall it be initialized? use https://github.com/JhonnyJason/toolset.git
◞ Checking if https://github.com/JhonnyJason/sample-source.git is reachable...Reachable!
? 'the-new-website-sources' - repository... How shall it be initialized? copy https://github.com/JhonnyJason/sample-source.git
? 'the-new-website-testing' - repository... How shall it be initialized? create new
◞ Creating all repositories...created!
◝ Initializing all repositories...initialized!
All done!
- parameter
: the name of the base repository - parameter
: (Website, App, Service, Machine) - determines structure of thingy - parameter 'basePath': the path where all repositories are created. Result on success will be one repository with it's submodules, all set up with their remote on github. At
can be relative or absolute. If omitted then cwd will be thebasePath
. - Github Login (Will ask for your username and password, also handles 2fa) - really use username not the email-address!
- Preemptivly checks if the necessary repositories or directories may be created in their respective locations.
- Toolset Usage: The most important part of a thingy is it's toolset. We can use any toolset as toolset. We should have the relevant peparationScripts ready (prepareThingyForWebsite.pl, prepareThingyForApp.pl, prepareThingyForService.pl, prepareThingyForMachine.pl)
- Source Usage: The source-code of the particular thingy the other more important part for our thingy. Here we can choose to copy from any of our own boilercode sources we might have ready for a particular thingy. Or we might even directly use another source without copying.
- The thingies Object in the public config determines the structure of a thingy and the possible behaviour if we want to use a other repository, copy a other repository or creae a new one.
Only config needed is the publicConfig.json
. It defines the name of the tool. Also defines all the thingies.
Here is an example of how a thingy is defined:
"website": {
"templateURL": "https://github.com/JhonnyJason/root-template.git",
"defaultBehaviour": "copy",
"negotiableBehaviours": ["create"],
"name": "",
"postfix": "",
"repo": "",
"submodules": [
"templateURL": "https://github.com/JhonnyJason/toolset.git",
"defaultBehaviour": "use",
"negotiableBehaviours": ["copy"],
"name": "toolset",
"repo": "",
"postfix": "-toolset",
"submodules": []
"templateURL": "https://github.com/JhonnyJason/sample-source.git",
"defaultBehaviour": "copy",
"negotiableBehaviours": ["create", "use"],
"name": "sources",
"repo": "",
"postfix": "-sources",
"submodules": []
"templateURL": "",
"defaultBehaviour": "create",
"negotiableBehaviours": [],
"name": "output",
"repo": "",
"postfix": "-deploy",
"submodules": []
"templateURL": "",
"defaultBehaviour": "create",
"negotiableBehaviours": ["use", "copy"],
"name": "testing",
"repo": "",
"postfix": "-testing",
"submodules": []
Responsible for the base level creation process, the code speaks for itself (hopefully^^):
useArguments(arg1, arg2)
await pathHandler.tryUse(path)
await github.buildConnection()
await thingy.doUserInquiry()
await repositoryTreeHandler.initializeRepositories()
await thingy.prepare()
Responsible to check if the basePath
exists and is not within a git Repository already.
Also checks the creatability for the directory which should be createdf for the thingy.
It also provides the relevant paths for the repositoryTreeHandler to clone copy and generally initialize the repository tree.
tryUse: async (providedPath) => {...}
checkCreatability: async (directoryName) => {...}
createInitializationBase: async (name) => {...}
cleanInitializationBase: async () => {...}
getBasePath: () => {...}
getGitPaths: (name) => {...}
getLicenseSourcePaths: () => {...}
getLicenseDestinationPaths: (repoDir) => {...}
Responsible to speak to github. uses @oktocit/rest
package. Exposes some useful functions:
user: () => {...},
password: () => {...},
buildConnection: async () => {...},
assertUserHasNotThatRepo: async (repo) => {...},
checkIfUserHasRepo: async (repo) => {...},
createRepository: async (repo) => {...},
deleteUserRepository: async (repo) => {...},
Produces githubRemoteObject
from url or given owner,repo pair. The githubRemoteObject
is the representation of a remote, may be asked for specific url representation and checked for reachability.
createOwnRemote: (repoName) => {...},
createRemoteFromURL: (url) => {...},
createRemote: (ownerOrURL, repoName) => {...}
The githubRemoteObject
class githubRemoteObject {
constructor(owner, repoName) {...}
async checkReachability() {...}
getOwner() {...}
getRepo() {...}
getHTTPS() {...}
getSSH() {...}
isReachable() {...}
Holds a tree-style representation of the repositories with their subrepositories. Also handles the information about if they shall be created, copied or just used.
Finally has the capability to recursivly create and initialize all the thingy.
createRootRepository: (rootNode) => {...},
getRootRepository: () => {...},
createRepositoryNode: (node) => {...},
initializeRepositories: async () => {...}
Responsible for all thingy-relevant information. E.g. the specific structure of the thingy and the valid type. When creating your own thingy, this is probably the right place to start;-)
Finally has the capability to call the relevant preparation script in the toolset. Or Fails throwing an Error, the relevant preparation script is not present.
digestConfig: (thingies) => {...},
setType: (type) {...},
setName: (name) {...},
getType: () => {...},
getName: () => {...},
hasName: () => {...},
getRepos: () => {...},
doUserInquiry: async () => {...},
prepare: async() => {...},
createRepositoryTree: () => {...}
Manages the questions to ask the user. Specificly used by the thingy to retrieve the relevant info about how to build the repository tree.
inquireThingyType: async (allTypes) => {...},
inquireThingyName: async () => {...},
inquireRepositoryTreatment: async (node) => {...}
This Wizard will be furtherly generalized and extended, mainly to fit my own needs. Ideas of what could come next:
- more convenient argument handling
- clean out some code
- use various non-github remotes
- create repositories on not-github systems
All sorts of inputs are welcome, thanks!
- Information has no ownership.
- Information only has memory to reside in and relations to be meaningful.
- Information cannot be stolen. Only shared or destroyed.
And you whish it has been shared before it is destroyed.
The one claiming copyright or intellectual property either is really evil or probably has some insecurity issues which makes him blind to the fact that he also just connected information which was free available to him.
The value is not in him who "created" the information the value is what is being done with the information. So the restriction and friction of the informations' usage is exclusively reducing value overall.
The only preceived "value" gained due to restriction is actually very similar to the concept of blackmail (power gradient, control and dependency).
The real problems to solve are all in the "reward/credit" system and not the information distribution. Too much value is wasted because of not solving the right problem.
I can only contribute in that way - none of the information is "mine" everything I "learned" I actually also copied. I only connect things to have something I feel is missing and share what I consider useful. So please use it without any second thought and please also share whatever could be useful for others.
I also could give credits to all my sources - instead I use the freedom and moment of creativity which lives therein to declare my opinion on the situation.
Unity through Intelligence.
We cannot subordinate us to the suboptimal dynamic we are spawned in, just because power is actually driving all things around us. In the end a distributed network of intelligence where all information is transparently shared in the way that everyone has direct access to what he needs right now is more powerful than any brute power lever.
The same for our programs as for us.
It also is peaceful, helpful, friendly - decent. How it should be, because it's the most optimal solution for us human beings to learn, to connect to develop and evolve - not being excluded, let hanging and destroy.
If we really manage to build an real AI which is far superior to us it will unify with this network of intelligence. We never have to fear superior intelligence, because it's just the better engine connecting information to be most understandable/usable for the other part of the intelligence network.
The only thing to fear is a disconnected unit without a sufficient network of intelligence on its own, filled with fear, hate or hunger while being very powerful. That unit needs to learn and connect to develop and evolve then.
We can always just give information and hints :-) The unit needs to learn by and connect itself.
Have a nice day! :D