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Sequence Live Contracts

This repository keeps a running record of deployed Sequence contracts and contains scripts to redeploy them.

This can be used to deploy the Sequence stack on a new chain.


Set Up

Clone the repo.

git clone
cd live-contracts

Install dependencies.


Update the configuration variables.

cp config.sample.json config.json
# Then manually add your settings


Run the deployment script.

yarn deploy

To deploy on a single chain, run the deployment script with the network name as a parameter.

yarn deploy <network_name>

Note <network_name> can also be a regex to deploy to multiple related chains. e.g. yarn deploy "polygon.*".

Gotcha: EIP-155

The deployment flow relies on pre-EIP-155 transactions. If your selected RPC node enforces EIP-155, deployments will fail.

Gotcha: Gas Costs

Deployments of the Universal Deployer and Singleton Factory use a generated deployer address. This address is funded with a fixed amount of ETH as per their EIP definition.

Some chains calculate gas differently and may require additional funds to be sent to the deployer address for deployment to continue. This has been noticed in Optimistic roll up chains such as Base.

The Universal Deployer and Singleton Factory contracts are deploying using a gas price of 100 gwei. We unable to deploy to networks with a gas price higher than this.

Checking Deployment

To check if the Sequence contracts have been deployed on a given network, run the deployment script connected to a wallet without any funds. A successful run indicates the contracts are already deployer on the network, as the script will fail if a deployment is required.


After installing dependencies please install the git hooks.

yarn lint:init

Run a local chain with Anvil.


Configure your environment variables for your local chain settings.

Adding a New Contract

To add a new contract, create a new contract factory in the scripts/factories directory. Include the contract's ABI, bytecode and deployment source in the factory.

Update scripts/deploy-contracts.ts to:

  • Deploy the contract using the factory
  • Add the contract address to the Output addresses and this README
  • Add contract source verification add the end of the script

Make sure to include logging in each step!

You can include configuration / initialization steps in the scripts/deploy-contracts.ts script if required.

Note: Using the SingletonDeployer is the preferred method for deploying contracts.

Retrieve Source Code

If you have already deployed the contract with another script and want to migrate here, you can retrieve the source code from the Etherscan (or other compatible APIs).

First, set the environment variables for VERIFIER_API_URL and VERIFIER_API_KEY. Then within scripts/download-source-code.ts replace the addr variable value with the address of the contract you want to retrieve.

Then run the following command:

yarn source

The source code will be downloaded to a file called output.json.


The following is a list of contracts that are deployed by this script.

Name Address
WalletFactoryV2 0xFaA5c0b14d1bED5C888Ca655B9a8A5911F78eF4A
MainModuleV2 0xfBf8f1A5E00034762D928f46d438B947f5d4065d
MainModuleUpgradableV2 0x4222dcA3974E39A8b41c411FeDDE9b09Ae14b911
GuestModuleV2 0xfea230Ee243f88BC698dD8f1aE93F8301B6cdfaE
SequenceUtilsV2 0xdbbFa3cB3B087B64F4ef5E3D20Dda2488AA244e6
TrustFactory 0x4483FaA9dEEDd6D6FaCFee9c686f1E394A1280f9
WalletFactoryV1 0xf9D09D634Fb818b05149329C1dcCFAeA53639d96
MainModuleV1 0xd01F11855bCcb95f88D7A48492F66410d4637313
MainModuleUpgradableV1 0x7EFE6cE415956c5f80C6530cC6cc81b4808F6118
GuestModuleV1 0x02390F3E6E5FD1C6786CB78FD3027C117a9955A7
SequenceUtilsV1 0xd130B43062D875a4B7aF3f8fc036Bc6e9D3E1B3E
RequireFreshSignerLibV1 0xE6B9B21C077F382333220a072e4c44280b873907
ProdGuardV2 0x761f5e29944D79d76656323F106CF2efBF5F09e9
DevGuardV2 0x1d76D1D72EC65A9B933745bd0a87cAA0FAc75Af0
ProdGuardV1 0x596aF90CecdBF9A768886E771178fd5561dD27Ab
DevGuardV1 0x2ca2380dA88528C6061ACb70aD5222fe455F25DF
DeveloperMultisig 0x007a47e6BF40C1e0ed5c01aE42fDC75879140bc4
NiftyswapFactory20 0x9196b852437D9Ed92d95715dCbdA4533ffC479E0
NiftyswapExchange20Wrapper 0x2c944F28965F9A2cd5E69bA7e7520CbbD928258a
SequenceMarketFactory 0xBDC76d15eA28beB6AF2Cc69b4EFBb4Aa4FB77689
SequenceMarket 0xfdb42A198a932C8D3B506Ffa5e855bC4b348a712
ERC20ItemsFactory 0x1063cBEe6b3Cd69B49f1B922A0D402f484b39855
ERC721ItemsFactory 0x29BCF1043Ca4B2c95aB28082143587896D39D22D
ERC1155ItemsFactory 0x7364fDEFe24385B2b3869504383c94cF083AcbD6
ERC721SaleFactory 0x4c4192D5b43B723eDbfce2434fA7b98402034513
ERC1155SaleFactory 0x5E4741DA6E71864e97b0FD2B4551F01292860AaB


The contracts have been deployed on the following chains.