- JSON format: Fixed tile order when loading a tileset using the old format
- tmxrasterizer: Added --hide-object and --show-object arguments (by Lars Luz, #3819)
- Added support for setting custom properties on the project (#2903)
- Added feedback when Terrain Brush and Terrain Fill Mode can't find a tile
- Removed Space and Ctrl+Space shortcuts from Layers view to avoid conflict with panning (#3672)
- Display the image base name for unnamed tile objects referring to single images
- Scripting: Added API for editing tile layers using terrain sets (with a-morphous, #3758)
- Scripting: Added file dialog API (with dogboydog, #3782)
- Scripting: Support erasing tiles in Tool.preview and TileMap.merge
- Scripting: Added Geometry interface with line and ellipse helpers
- Scripting: Added WangSet.effectiveTypeForColor
- Fixed crash when changing file property of custom class (#3783)
- Fixed loading of invalid color properties (#3793)
- Fixed handling of enum values with 31 flags and fixed the applied limit (#3658)
- Fixed object preview position with parallax factor on group layer (#3669)
- Fixed hover highlight rendering with active parallax factor (#3669)
- Fixed updating of object selection outlines when changing parallax factor (#3669)
- Fixed "Offset Map" action to offset all objects when choosing "Whole Map" as bounds
- Fixed several issues with drawing ellipses (#3776)
- Fixed Terrain Fill Mode for sets containing transitions to empty (#3774)
- Godot 4 plugin: Export custom tile properties as Custom Data Layers (with Kevin Harrison, #3653)
- AppImage: Updated to Sentry 0.6.5
- Qt 6: Increased the image allocation limit from 1 GB to 4 GB (#3616)
- macOS: The macOS 10.14+ build is now a Universal macOS Binary (#3707)
- Make panning with Space require pressing a mouse button as well (#3626)
- Scripting: Added read-only access to Project properties (by dogboydog, #3622)
- Scripting: Fixed behavior of Dialog.SameWidgetRows (#3607)
- Fixed object labels to adjust to application font changes
- Fixed grid rendering for odd Hex Side Length values (#3623)
- Fixed tile stamp getting messed up on staggered maps in some cases (#3431)
- JSON plugin: Fixed loading of empty tilesets created by script (#3542)
- Godot 4 plugin: Removed depth limit for
project file (#3612) - Improved Terrain Brush for Hexagonal (Staggered) maps with side length 0 (#3617)
- Removed "Add Folder to Project" button from the startup page
- Qt 6: Increased the image allocation limit from 128 MB to 1 GB (#3616)
- Qt 6 / Linux: Fixed long startup time for some icon themes
- snap: Updated from core20 to core22 (now uses Qt 5.15)
- Qbs: Added projects.Tiled.libDir option (#3613)
- Restored Tiled 1.8 file format compatibility by default (#3560)
- Added action search popup on Ctrl+Shift+P (with dogboydog, #3449)
- Added Godot 4 export plugin (#3550)
- Added file system actions also for tileset image based tilesets (#3448)
- Added custom class option to disable drawing fill for objects (with dogboydog, #3312)
- Added option to choose a custom interface font (#3589)
- Implemented rendering of major grid lines for staggered / hexagonal maps (#3583)
- Fixed new layer names to be always unique (by Logan Higinbotham, #3452)
- Fixed broken tile images after importing/exporting a tileset
- AutoMapping: Added support for output set probability (#3179)
- AutoMapping: When input regions are defined, match in order by default (#3559)
- AutoMapping: Skip locked layers when applying rules (#3544)
- AutoMapping: Fixed NoOverlappingOutput in case of multiple output indices (#3551)
- AutoMapping: Fixed automatic output regions for object output (#3473)
- AutoMapping: Fixed crash on undo when output layers have properties
- Scripting: Added Object.setColorProperty and Object.setFloatProperty (#3423)
- Scripting: Added tiled.projectFilePath
- Scripting: Added tiled.versionLessThan
- Scripting: Added TileMap.toImage (#3519)
- Scripting: Added Tool.targetLayerType (#3248)
- Scripting: Added region.contiguousRegions() (#3576)
- Scripting: Added tiled.compress and tiled.decompress (#3153)
- Scripting: Added Base64 encoding and decoding API (#3153)
- Scripting: Allow assigning null to Tile.objectGroup (by Logan Higinbotham, #3495)
- Scripting: Allow changing the items in a combo box added to a dialog
- Scripting: Fixed painting issues after changing TileLayer size (#3481)
- Scripting: Renamed Tileset.collection to Tileset.isCollection (#3543)
- Defold plugin: Allow overriding z value also when exporting to .collection (#3214)
- Qt 6: Fixed invisible tileset tabs when only a single tileset is open
- Qt 6: Fixed behavior of "Class of" selection popup
- Qt 6: Fixed tile rendering when OpenGL is enabled (#3578)
- Fixed positioning of point object name labels (by Logan Higinbotham, #3400)
- Fixed slight drift when zooming the map view in/out
- Fixed remaining lag after switching off hardware acceleration (#3584)
- Fixed point object hover highlight position (#3571)
- Fixed drawing lines with stamps having differently sized variations (#3533)
- Fixed compile against Qt 6.4
- snap: Added Wayland platform plugin and additional image format plugins
- AppImage: Updated to Sentry 0.6.0
- Updated Bulgarian, French, German, Hungarian, Russian and Swedish translations
- Allow adding maps to image collection tilesets (#3447)
- Auto-detect JSON file format when importing custom types (#3472)
- Added file system actions to the tile context menu (#3448)
- Fixed possible crash in Custom Types Editor (#3465)
- Fixed display of overridden values from a nested class
- Fixed ability to reset nested string and file properties (#3409)
- Fixed changing nested property values for multiple objects (#3344)
- Fixed resolving of class properties on export to affect all data types (#3470)
- Fixed possible duplication of Automapping Rules Tileset (#3462)
- Fixed case where object labels could become visible for hidden layer (#3442)
- Fixed updating of custom property colors when changing style
- Scripting: Added Tileset.findTile
- AutoMapping: Fixed applying of rule probability (#3425)
- Defold plugin: Assign incrementing z values and allow specifying tile_set (#3214)
- Updates to German translation (by Christian Pervoelz)
- Fixed properties-related crash when having no project loaded
- Fixed loading of custom tile image rectangles (#3405)
- Fixed loading of member values for nested classes (#3414)
- Fixed visibility of "Move Object to Layer" sub-menu (#3417)
- Fixed shadow offset for other maps in a world (#3429)
- Fixed class dropdown to update immediately when changing custom types (#3398)
- Fixed deleting an overridden property to not make it disappear (#3409)
- Scripting: Added TilesetsView.currentTilesetChanged
- JSON plugin: Fixed loading image layer "repeatx/y" properties (by Jene Litsch, #3428)
- snap: Fixed startup error due to missing libQt5Concurrent.so.5 (#3408)
- AppImage: Updated to Sentry 0.5.0
- Updated Chinese (Simplified) and Portuguese translations
- Added option to ignore transparent pixels when selecting tile objects (#1477)
- Added support for sub-images in image collection tilesets (#1008)
- Added "Class" field to all data types, referring to a custom class
- Added Tile Render Size and Fill Mode options to Tileset
- Added %worldfile variable for custom commands (by Pixel-Nori, #3352)
- Added 'New Project' action, replacing 'Save Project As' (#3279)
- Added ability to load .tiled-session files from command-line
- Merged Object Types with Property Types
- Don't scale point objects with the zoom level (#3356)
- Take into account image layer content when determining visual map size (#3386)
- Scripting: Added Dialog API for building custom UI (by tileboydog, #3384)
- Scripting: Added -e,--evaluate to run a script from command-line
- Scripting: Added Tool.toolBarActions property (#3318)
- Scripting: Added Tileset.columnCount property
- Scripting: Added ImageLayer.image property
- Scripting: Added access to selected terrain in tileset editor
- AutoMapping: Applying rules is now 10-30x faster
- AutoMapping: Explicit "regions" layers are no longer needed and have been deprecated (#1918)
- AutoMapping: "AutoMap While Drawing" no longer creates separate undo steps (#2166)
- AutoMapping: Custom tiles can now match "Empty", "Non-Empty" and "Other" tiles through a "MatchType" property (#3100)
- AutoMapping: A custom tile with "MatchType" set to "Negate" can be used instead of "inputnot" layers
- AutoMapping: Added built-in tileset with these custom rule tiles
- AutoMapping: Added a number of per-rule options which can be set using rectangle objects
- AutoMapping: Erase tiles by placing tiles with "MatchType" set to "Empty" on output layers (#3100)
- AutoMapping: Accumulate touched layers in AutoMap While Drawing (#3313)
- AutoMapping: Support map name filters in rules.txt (#3014)
- AutoMapping: Show relevant custom properties when a rules map is detected
- Optimized rendering of tinted layers by caching tinted images
- tmxrasterizer: Added options to hide certain layer types (#3343)
- Raised minimum supported Qt version from 5.6 to 5.12 (drops Windows XP support)
- Raised minimum C++ version to C++17
- Removed qmake project files (only Qbs supported now)
- macOS: Fixed layout of Custom Types Editor when using native style
- AppImage: Updated to Sentry 0.4.18
- Python plugin: Now built against Python 3.8 on Windows and Linux
- Updated Bulgarian, Czech, French and Russian translations
- Keep references between objects when copy/pasting or duplicating (#3361)
- Improved default translation used in case of multiple options
- Terrain Brush: Update preview on mouse release (#3381)
- Fixed 'Add Variation' action in Tile Stamps context menu (#3362)
- Fixed importing of removed shortcuts (#3367)
- Fixed breaking of alternative shortcuts on import or reset (#3367)
- Fixed conflict detection to handle alternative shortcuts (#3368)
- Fixed locking up UI on property type name conflict (#3380)
- Scripting: Fixed possible crash when accessing Layer.map
- Defold plugins: Added support for rotated tiles (#3369)
- Updates to German translation (by Ettore Atalan)
- Made expanded group layers persistent (#3282)
- Improved snapping behavior for scalable objects on staggered maps
- Allow setting a shortcut on the 'Edit Tileset' action
- Always select first entry while using the Open File in Project action
- Improved Add Property dialog layout in case of long type names (#3302)
- Fixed restoring of window layout when maximized (#590)
- Fixed snapping when dragging templates into a map (#3326)
- Fixed map selection rectangle in world for infinite maps (#3340)
- Fixed 'Merge Layer Down' action for infinite maps
- Fixed several small issues in the image color picker (#3348)
- Fixed missing name for undo commands that add/remove maps from world
- Fixed selection issues for tile objects with a non-zero tile offset
- Fixed hover indicator sometimes overlapping selection indicator
- Fixed removal of terrain info when removing tiles from a collection
- Scripting: Fixed region.rects when compiled against Qt 5.9 to 5.13
- Scripting: Layer.tintColor is now #ffffff when not set
- macOS: Enabled support for loading SVGs
- macOS: Show shortcuts in context menus when using Tiled Fusion style (#1978)
- AppImage: Updated to Sentry 0.4.17
- Updated Chinese (Simplified) and Portuguese (Portugal) translations
- Fixed crash when trying to create an object
- Fixed handling of deleted session file
- Improved rendering quality of the Mini-map when it's small (#1431)
- Fixed automatic tool switching after deleting layers
- Fixed rendering of arrows for object references in class members (#3306)
- Fixed image layer repeat settings not copied to duplicates (#3307)
- Fixed map bounding rectangle for infinite isometric maps
- Fixed tile selection to not get removed when deleting (#3281)
- Fixed custom types not being usable without opening a project (#3295)
- Fixed use of custom property types in global object types file (#3301)
- Fixed parallax layer positions for other maps in a world
- Fixed crash when rendering invalid polygon objects
- Fixed sticky Bucket Fill preview when hovering same tile
- Fixed automatically reloaded map becoming the active document
- Fixed "Map format '%s' not found" error
- Fixed updating of "Unload/Save World" menu enabled state
- Fixed flipping horizontally to not rotate objects by 180 degrees (#1704)
- Fixed displacement when flipping horizontally on isometric maps (#2660)
- Fixed offset of tile collision shapes on isometric maps (#3138)
- Mark world as modified when map size changes (#3020)
- Prevent unsaved maps from being added to a world (#3317)
- Hide "Move Objects to Layer" menu when there's only one object layer
- Scripting: Avoid possible crash due to garbage collection (#3290)
- Scripting: Fixed missing null check in Tileset.loadFromImage and Tile.setImage
- Scripting: Initialize tile layer size also when added as part of a group layer (#3291)
- AutoMapping: Applying rules without "inputnot" layers is now much faster
- AutoMapping: Optimized calculation of each rule's input/output region
- AutoMapping: Fixed compatibility with "RegionsInput" / "RegionsOutput" layers
- AutoMapping: Fixed ability to AutoMap using project rules in unsaved maps
- CSV plugin: Improved error message and replace reserved characters (#3309)
- terraingenerator: Fixed crash when source terrain doesn't have an image (#3299)
- macOS: Fixed main window expanding with many open files (#1047)
- JSON plugin: Wrap arrays at the map width or chunk width
- Qt 6: Fixed captured or erased area when dragging backwards
- Updated Finnish translation (by Tuomas Lähteenmäki)
- Fixed deactivating of tools when no layer is selected (avoids crash)
- Fixed monospace font option in multi-line text editor on macOS and Windows (#3007)
- Fixed ability to reset custom 'color' and 'object' properties (#3270)
- Fixed updating of layer positions when changing parallax factor of a group (#3175)
- Scripting: Fixed crash when assigning null to the MapObject.tile property
- Scripting: Fixed adding of tilesets when adding layers to a loaded map (#3268)
- JSON format: Fixed layer locked status not getting saved (#2877)
- macOS: Fixed duplicate overwrite confirmation when using Export As (#3152)
- FreeBSD: Fixed compile due to missing include (by Dmitry Marakasov, #3271)
- Fixed pasted objects not getting selected if a tile layer was also copied
- Fixed possible crash when trying to determine whether OpenGL is used
- Fixed possible crash when using the Insert Tile tool
- Fixed possible crash in tile stamp preview
- AutoMapping: Fixed crash when an input layer does not exist (#3269)
- Scripting: Automatically add tilesets to the map where needed (#3268)
- snap: Updated from core18 to core20 (now uses Qt 5.12)
- AppImage: Updated to Sentry 0.4.15
- Added support for custom enum properties (with svipal, #2941)
- Added support for custom class properties (#489)
- Added parallax origin property to the map (with krukai, #3209)
- Added Repeat X/Y properties to Image Layers (with krukai, #3205)
- Added an action for selecting all layers (Ctrl+Alt+A) (#3081)
- Added actions to select or add tilesets to Project view context menu
- Added cut/copy/paste actions to Tile Animation Editor
- Improved undo behavior by merging sequential edits to the same property (#3103)
- Improved multi-layer painting behavior (#3094)
- Separated the X and Y components of the major grid option (#3208)
- Added automatic fading out of the grid when zooming out a lot
- AutoMapping: Made it find layers within groups (#1771)
- AutoMapping:
layer can now be used alongsideregion_input/output
layers - AutoMapping: Recognize "//" layer name prefix for ignoring layers (#3262)
- AutoMapping: Allow setting a rule map as project rules file (#3221)
- Tweaked focus behavior in the Template Editor
- Changed the default Terrain Brush shortcut back to T
- Reset tile animations when disabling playback and when exporting as image
- Don't require saving maps upon creation (#1902)
- Apply transformation actions to the preview while placing tiles (#3091)
- Allow using object context menu in object creation tools
- Reduced the step size for the parallax factor property
- Improved the logic for automatically switching tools (#2807)
- Ignore selection changes when marking a file as modified (#3194)
- Use the tileset background color in the collision editor (with Benja Appel, #3163)
- Show the read error when using --export-map/tileset
- Avoid deselecting all layers when clicking empty area in Layers view (#2806)
- Scripting: Added File API
- Scripting: Added support for loading JavaScript
modules (#3261) - Scripting: Added tiled.applicationDirPath property
- Scripting: Added tiled.extensionsPath property (#3139)
- Scripting: Added missing Layer.tintColor property
- Scripting: Added missing ObjectGroup.drawOrder property (#3147)
- Scripting: Added TileMap.removeObjects (#3149)
- Scripting: Added TileMap.regionEdited signal
- Scripting: Added TileMap.layers and GroupLayer.layers properties, for convenience
- Scripting: Added region.rects property and region.contains(x,y)
- Scripting: Treat custom format extensions as case-insensitive (#3141)
- Scripting: Allow tools to stay active when tiles or a terrain type are selected (#3201)
- Scripting: Extended the terrain related API (#2663)
- Scripting: tiled.activeAsset can be assigned asset created in script (#3160)
- Scripting: Fixed possible crash after creating tilesets from script (#3229)
- Scripting: Fixed possible crash in TileMap.autoMap
- Scripting: Fixed dialog window titles to show on macOS (#2910)
- Scripting: Fixed tileset or tile references for maps loaded from script
- Scripting: Avoid crash when script reload happens during popup (#2991)
- Fixed the logic for handling group layer parallax factors (with LilithSilver, #3125)
- Fixed keyboard modifiers getting stuck for Terrain Brush (#2678)
- Fixed debug messages showing in the Console and Issues views
- Fixed enabled state of File > Export action for tilesets (#3177)
- Fixed Snap to Grid for hexagonal maps
- Fixed AutoMapping rules file to update after changing project properties (#3176)
- Fixed 'Detect Bounding Box' action missing in Keyboard settings
- Fixed toggling "Clear View" on & off shifting the map
- Fixed command-line output not showing on Windows (#2688)
- Fixed "Select object on map" when no object layer is selected (#3207)
- Fixed adjusting of tile types when tileset width changed (by Albert Vaca Cintora, #3237)
- Fixed missing Qt translations for Linux AppImage
- Fixed minimap viewport position when layers are offset (#3211)
- Fixed "Highlight Current Layer" getting confused (#3223)
- Fixed Terrain Set type property to be disabled when appropriate (avoids crash)
- Fixed saving broken references to files loaded using "ext:" prefix (#3185)
- Fixed performance issue in Project view related to file icons
- Fixed dynamic wrapping when adding tiles to a collection (#3076)
- Fixed potential crash when changing a WangSet from script
- Tiled Manual is now available in French
- JSON plugin: Added "tmj", "tsj" and "tj" as accepted file extensions
- YY plugin: Don't use safe writing of files
- YY plugin: Write out custom "object" properties as instance name (instead of the ID)
- YY plugin: Determine sprite names by looking for meta files (by krukai, #3213)
- CSV plugin: Improved handling of infinite maps
- RpMap plugin: Fixed hardcoded exported tile size (#3184)
- libtiled-java: Introduced TilesetCache interface (by Samuel Manflame, #3117)
- Added Ukrainian translation to Windows installer (#3132)
- AppImage: Updated to Sentry 0.4.14
- Updated Bulgarian, Chinese (Simplified), French, Korean, Portuguese (Brasil), Portuguese (Portugal), Russian, Swedish and Turkish translations
- Avoid automatically replacing external tilesets with "similar" ones
- Fixed copying and capturing stamps on staggered maps (with Alexander Dorogov, #2874)
- Fixed possible crash in Tile Animation Editor
- Fixed data loss when saving maps with tilesets that failed to load (#3106)
- Fixed creating multi-layer tile stamp from selection (#2899)
- Scripting: Automatically reset object ID when adding to avoid duplicate IDs
- Linux: Possible workaround for crash in clipboard manager
- AppImage: Updated to Sentry 0.4.12
- Updated Italian translation
- Don't save export target and format to exported files
- Fixed crashes resulting from the Tile Animation Editor
- Fixed possible crash when pasting multi-layer stamp (#3097)
- Fixed possible crash when restoring expanded layers in Objects view
- Fixed parallax factor getting lost when layer is cloned (#3077)
- Fixed an issue with synchronizing selected tiles to current stamp (#3095)
- Commands: Fixed possible crash in Edit Commands window
- Commands: Automatically quote the command executable
- Commands: Improved starting directory for executable file chooser
- Commands: Fixed the 'Clear' button to reset the shortcut
- AppImage: Updated to Sentry 0.4.11
- Updated French translation
- Added basic "major grid" option with stronger lines (with Ilya Arkhanhelsky, #3032)
- Added ability to rearrange tiles in a tileset (with José Miguel Sánchez García, #2983)
- Added option to choose background fade color (with SchmidtWC, #3031)
- Added portable mode, enabled when a "tiled.ini" is detected alongside the Tiled executable (#2945)
- Disable project extensions by default, for security reasons (#3058)
- Render selection preview and hovered item highlight above labels (#3036)
- Changed the donation reminder to be non-modal
- docs: Generate scripting API documentation using TypeDoc (with Erik Schilling (#2965) and MrMasterplan (#3040, #3041, #3045))
- QMake/Qbs: Added a way to disable DBus support (with Dmitry Marakasov, #3039)
- Scripting: Fixed 'mouseLeft' callback for scripted tools (#3050)
- Scripting: Fixed loading of icons with explicit "ext:" prefix (#3048)
- Scripting: Made TileMap coordinate conversion functions always work (#3054)
- tBIN plugin: Convert 'color', 'object' and 'file' properties on save
- Python plugin: Added Layer.offset and Layer.setOffset (with sverx, #3073)
- Python plugin: Linux AppImage now supports Python 3.6 instead of 3.5
- Windows: Add a default "Open in text editor" command based on notepad.exe
- Fixed possible crash in Properties view when switching files
- Fixed watching/unwatching of folders when adding/removing from project (#3035)
- Fixed determining desired file format by extension on export
- Fixed compilation issue with GCC 10 (#3037)
- Updated Bulgarian, Portuguese (Portugal), Russian and Turkish translations
- Added object selection preview
- Added toggle to select enclosed rather than touched objects (#3023)
- Added Sentry crash handler to Linux AppImage (disabled by default)
- Added %tileid variable for custom commands on tilesets (#3026)
- Added option to lock the position of views and tool bars
- Added toggle to show/hide other maps in the same world (#2859)
- Added a helpful text to Terrain Sets view when it is empty (#3015)
- Allow opening projects from the File menu (#3000)
- Made the terrains list in the Terrain Sets view not collapsible (#3015)
- Automatically select the first terrain when selecting a Terrain Set (#3015)
- When duplicating objects, place the duplicates next to the originals (#2998)
- Tweaked selection outlines to be a little fatter and adjust to DPI
- Write --export-formats output to stdout instead of stderr (#3002)
- Allow hiding objects in the Tile Collision Editor
- Scripting: Added missing Tileset.transparentColor property
- Fixed 'Detach templates' export option to add tilesets when needed
- Fixed Terrain Brush behavior on map edges
- Fixed Terrain Brush behavior for sets transitioning to nothing
- Fixed loss of edit focus when hovering tileset while assigning terrain (#3015)
- Fixed shortcuts for flipping or rotating the current terrain pattern
- Fixed switching to Terrain Brush when clicked terrain is already selected (#3015)
- Fixed state of "dynamic wrapping" toggle button on startup
- Fixed parallax layer positioning when reordering layers (#3009)
- Windows: Fixed Swedish translation missing from installer
- Windows: Re-enabled code signing by SignPath (was missing for Tiled 1.5)
- snap: Added 'removable-media' plug, for accessing USB drives
- snap: "Open Containing Folder" action now also selects the file
- JSON plugin: Write out "version" property as string (#3033)
- YY plugin: Fixed plugin loading issue for qmake builds
- libtiled-java: Optimized for multithreaded usage (by Samuel Manflame, #3004)
- Updated Bulgarian, French, Portuguese (Portugal), Swedish and Turkish translations
- Added Thai translation (by Thanachart Monpassorn, currently at 54%)
- Unified Wang and Terrain tools (backwards incompatible change!)
- Added support for a per-layer parallax scrolling factor (#2951)
- Added export to GameMaker Studio 2.3 (#1642)
- Added option to change object selection behavior (#2865)
- Added Monospace option to the multi-line text editor
- Added option to auto-scroll on middle click
- Added smooth scrolling option for arrow keys
- Added a 'Convert to Polygon' action for rectangle objects
- Added support for drawing with a blob tileset
- Added 'Duplicate Terrain Set' action
- Added Terrain Set type (Corner, Edge or Mixed)
- Added support for rotating and flipping Terrain tiles (by Christof Petig, #2912)
- Added support for exporting to RPTools MapTool RpMap files (by Christof Petig, #2926)
- Added Ctrl+Shift to toggle Snap to Fine Grid (by sverx, #2895)
- Eraser: Added Shift to erase on all layers (by Michael Aganier, #2897)
- Automatically add .world extension to new World files
- Shape Fill Tool now displays the size of the current shape (#2808)
- Tile Collision Editor: Added action to add an auto-detected bounding box collision rectangle (by Robin Macharg, #1960)
- Tile Collision Editor: Added context menu action to copy selected collision objects to all other selected tiles (by Robin Macharg, #1960)
- Tilesets view: Added "Edit Tileset" action to tab context menu
- Tilesets view: Added "Add External Tileset" action to tilesets menu
- Scripting: Added initial API for creating and modifying Terrain Sets
- Scripting: Added API for working with images (#2787)
- Scripting: Added API for launching other processes (#2783)
- Scripting: Added MapView.center property
- Scripting: Added missing Layer.id and Layer.parentLayer properties
- Scripting: Enable extending most context menus
- Scripting: Fixed reset of file formats on script reload (#2911)
- Scripting: Fixed missing GroupLayer and ImageLayer constructors
- Scripting: Added default icon for scripted actions
- Enabled high-DPI scaling on Linux and changed rounding policy
- Remember last file dialog locations in the session instead of globally
- Fixed loading extension path from project config (by Peter Ruibal, #2956)
- Fixed performance issues when using a lot of custom properties
- Fixed storing template instance size when overriding the tile (#2889)
- Fixed removal of object reference arrow when deleting target object (#2944)
- Fixed updating of object references when layer visibility changes
- Fixed map positioning issues in the World Tool (#2970)
- Fixed handling of Shift modifiers in Bucket and Shape Fill tools (#2883)
- Fixed scrolling speed in Tileset view when holding Ctrl
- Fixed issue causing export.target to get written out as "."
- Fixed "Repeat last export on save" when using Save All (#2969)
- Fixed interaction shape for rectangle objects to be more precise (#2999)
- Fixed "AutoMap While Drawing" not applying when using Cut/Delete
- Fixed path in AutoMap error message when rules file doesn't exist
- Lua plugin: Don't embed external tilesets, unless enabled as export option (#2120)
- Python plugin: Added missing values to MapObject.Shape enum (#2898)
- Python plugin: Fixed linking issue when compiling against Python 3.8
- CSV plugin: Include flipping flags in exported tile IDs
- GMX plugin: Take tile object alignment into account
- Linux: "Open Containing Folder" action now also selects the file
- libtiled-java: Many updates (by Henri Viitanen, #2207)
- Ported Tiled to Qt 6 (releases still use 5.15 for now)
- Updated Bulgarian, Chinese (Simplified), Czech, Finnish, French, Portuguese, Portuguese (Portugal), Russian, Swedish and Turkish translations
- Fixed running Tiled on macOS Big Sur (#2845)
- Improved error message when adding external tileset
- Fixed opening of files in already open instance of Tiled
- Fixed crash in Edit Commands dialog (#2914)
- Fixed Object Alignment not getting set when reloading a tileset
- Tile Collision Editor: Fixed invisible tile for isometric oriented tileset (#2892)
- Ignore attempts to replace a tileset with itself
- qmake: Support linking to system Zstd on all UNIX-like systems
- Reverted the default layer data format back to CSV (was changed to Zstd by accident in 1.4.0)
- Added ability to draw lines using click+drag (in addition to click and click) when holding Shift
- Improved positioning when adding maps to world via context menu
- Disable instead of hide the "Save As Template" action when using embedded tilesets
- Made Ctrl turn off snapping if Snap to Fine Grid is enabled (#2061)
- Set minimum value of tile width and height to 1
- Fixed Select Same Tile tool behavior for empty tiles
- Fixed clickability of the dot in point objects
- Fixed adjusting of terrain images when tileset width changes
- Worlds: Fixed potential data loss when opening .world file
- tmxrasterizer: Added --show-layer option (by Matthias Varnholt, #2858)
- tmxrasterizer: Added parameter to advance animations (by Sean Ballew, #2868)
- Scripting: Initialize tile layer size to map size upon add (#2879)
- Windows installer: Made creation of the desktop shortcut optional
- Windows installer: Made the launching of Tiled optional
- Updated Qt to 5.12.9 on all platforms except Windows XP and snap releases
- snap: Fixed issues with storing the default session (#2852)
- snap: Enabled support for Zstandard (#2850)
- When opening a .world file, load the world and open its first map
- When opening an object template, show it in the Template Editor
- Fixed crash on trying to export using the command-line (#2842)
- Fixed crash when deleting multiple objects with manual drawing order (#2844)
- Fixed potential crash when removing a tileset
- Fixed potential scaling happening for maps used as tilesets (#2843)
- Fixed positioning of map view when switching between maps in a world
- Fixed file dialog start location
- Scripting: Fixed issues with absolute file paths on Windows (#2841)
- Lua plugin: Fixed syntax used for object properties (#2839)
- Added support for projects (#1665)
- Added object reference property type (with Steve Le Roy Harris and Phlosioneer, #707)
- Added world editing tool for adding/removing and moving around maps in a world (with Nils Kübler, #2208)
- Added a quick "Open file in Project" (Ctrl+P) action
- Added new Object Alignment property to Tileset (with Phlosioneer, #91)
- Added layer tint color (by Gnumaru, #2687)
- Added support for using maps as images (with Phlosioneer, #2708)
- Added 'Open with System Editor' action for custom file properties (#2172)
- Added option to render object names when exporting as image (#2216)
- Added 'Replace Tileset' action to Tilesets view
- Added shortcut to tooltips for all registered actions
- Added automatic reloading of object templates (by Phlosioneer, #2699)
- Added 'Clear Console' button and context menu action (#2220)
- Added 'Reopen Closed File' (Ctrl+Shift+T) action
- Added status bar button to toggle the Console view
- Added a border around the tile selection highlight
- Switch current tileset tab if all selected tiles are from the same tileset (by Mitch Curtis, #2792)
- Made tileset dynamic wrapping toggle persistent
- Properties view: Added action for adding a property to context menu (#2796)
- Optimized loading of CSV tile layer data (by Phlosioneer, #2701)
- Improved map positioning when toggling 'Clear View'
- Remember the preferred format used for saving
- Normalize rotation values when rotating objects (#2775)
- Removed the Maps view (replaced by Project view)
- Removed file system hierarchy from Templates view (replaced by Project view)
- Fixed potential crash when triggering AutoMap (#2766)
- Fixed the status bar placement to be always at the bottom of the window
- Fixed potential issue with automatic reloading of files (#1904)
- Fixed issue where image layer images cannot be loaded from Qt resource files (by obeezzy, #2711)
- GmxPlugin: Added support for layer tint color
- Scripting: Assign global variables to console script evaluations (by Phlosioneer, #2724)
- Scripting: Added coordinate conversion to TileMap
- Scripting: Added support for custom "file" properties
- Scripting: Added checks for nullptr arguments (by Phlosioneer, #2736)
- Scripting: Added some missing tileset related properties
- Scripting: Added FileInfo API with various file path operations (with David Konsumer, #2822)
- Scripting: Provide access to registered file formats (by Phlosioneer, #2716)
- Scripting: Enabled scripted formats to be used on the command-line
- Scripting: Added functions to access inherited properties (by Bill Clark, #2813)
- Scripting: Introduced __filename global value (with konsumer)
- Scripting: Fixed ObjectGroup.insertObjectAt to use the index
- docs: Clarify "can contain" documentation and error handling (by Phlosioneer, #2702)
- docs: Document all optional attributes, update some docs (by Phlosioneer, #2705)
- docs: Alphabetize scripting API reference (by Phlosioneer, #2720)
- docs: Added missing BinaryFile constructor docs (by Phlosioneer, #2732)
- docs: Enabled Algolia powered search
- libtiled-java: Big update to support newer TMX attributes (by Mike Thomas, #1925)
- libtiled-java: Fixed writing of the tile type (by Phlosioneer, #2704)
- libtiled-java: Enable loading of maps from jar files (by Adam Hornáček, #2829)
- Updated Bulgarian, Chinese (Simplified), Czech, Finnish, French, Norwegian Bokmål, Portuguese (Portugal) and Turkish translations
- Fixed initialization and restoring of map view (#2779)
- Fixed skewed tile terrain/Wang overlays for non-square tiles (#1943)
- Fixed link color on dark theme
- Fixed small issue when right-clicking embedded tileset tab
- Fixed Wang Sets toggle to also appear in the Tileset menu
- Scripting: Fixed issue when closing/comitting BinaryFile (#2801)
- Scripting: Fixed "Safe writing of files" when writing with TextFile
- Updated Qt to 5.12.8 on all platforms except Windows XP and snap releases
- Small translation updates to Bulgarian, French and Portuguese
- Fixed automatic reload issues when editing object types (regression in 1.3.1, #2768)
- Scripting: Added methods to get tileset's image size (backported from 1.4, #2733)
- Scripting: Fixed map.tilesets when 'Embed tilesets' is enabled
- Fixed the "Fix Tileset" button in the Template Editor
- macOS: Disabled unified tool bar to avoid repainting issues (#2667)
- macOS and Linux: Updated Qt from 5.12.6 to 5.12.7
- Fixed loading of compression level
- Fixed default value for Hex Side Length property
- Fixed hiding of status bar text for some tools
- Fixed removing of object labels when removing a group layer
- GmxPlugin: Fixed compatibility with GameMaker 1.4.9999
- Scripting: Made TextFile.commit and BinaryFile.commit close as well
- Scripting: Fixed crashes when modifying certain new objects
- Scripting: Fixed potential crash in Asset.macro/undo/redo/isModified
- Scripting: Fixed potential crash when accessing Tool.preview
- Scripting: Fixed loading of images from extensions folder
- Scripting: Reload extensions also when files are added/removed
- Updated Bulgarian translation (by Любомир Василев)
- Fixed initialization of selected layers (#2719)
- Fixed stamp action shortcuts not being configurable (#2684)
- Fixed the tileset view to respect the 'wheel zooms by default' preference
- Fixed insertion position when using drag-n-drop to rearrange layers
- Fixed displayed layer data format in Properties
- Fixed repeating of export when map is saved by a custom command (#2709)
- Fixed issue when multiple worlds are loaded that use pattern matching
- Issues view can now be hidden by clicking the status bar counters
- macOS: Fixed black toolbar when enabling OpenGL rendering (#1839)
- Windows: Fixed context menus activating first item on release (#2693)
- Windows installer: Include the 'defoldcollection' plugin (#2677)
- libtiled: Avoid inheriting Properties from QVariantMap (#2679)
- docs: Added some notes to Python and JavaScript pages (#2725)
- Updated Qt from 5.12.5 to 5.12.6
- Updated Finnish translation (by Tuomas Lähteenmäki and odamite)
- Updated part of Italian translation (by Katia Piazza)
- Added reloading of object types when changed externally (by Jacob Coughenour, #2674)
- Added a status bar to the startup screen
- Made the shortcuts for the tools configurable (#2666)
- Made Undo/Redo shortcuts configurable (#2669)
- Fixed importing of keyboard settings (.kms files) (#2671)
- Fixed small window showing up on startup for a split second
- Windows: Fixed the shipped version of OpenSSL (fixes new version notification)
- Tiled Quick: Don't compile/install by default (#2673)
- Added support for extending Tiled with JavaScript (#949)
- Added error and warning counts to the status bar
- Added Issues view where you can see warnings and errors and interact with them
- Added configuration of keyboard shortcuts (#215)
- Added status bar notification on new releases (replacing Sparkle and WinSparkle)
- Added option to show tile collision shapes on the map (#799)
- Added switching current layer with Ctrl + Right Click in map view
- Added search filter to the Objects view (#1467)
- Added icons to objects in the Objects view
- Added dynamic wrapping mode to the tileset view (#1241)
- Added a *.world file filter when opening a world file
- Added support for .world files in tmxrasterizer (by Samuel Magnan, #2067)
- Added synchronization of selected layers and tileset when switching between maps in a world (by JustinZhengBC, #2087)
- Added actions to show/hide and lock/unlock the selected layers
- Added toggle button for "Highlight Current Layer" action
- Added custom output chunk size option to map properties (by Markus, #2130)
- Added support for Zstandard compression and configurable compression level (with BRULE Herman and Michael de Lang, #1888)
- Added option to minimize output on export (#944)
- Added export to Defold .collection files (by CodeSpartan, #2084)
- Added a warning when custom file properties point to non-existing files (#2080)
- Added shortcuts for next/previous tileset (#1238)
- Added saving of the last export target and format in the map/tileset file (#1610)
- Added option to repeat the last export on save (#1610)
- Added Fit Map in View action (by Mateo de Mayo, #2206)
- Tile Collision Editor: Added objects list view
- Changed the Type property from a text box to an editable combo box (#823)
- Changed animation preview to follow zoom factor for tiles (by Ruslan Gainutdinov, #2050)
- Changed the shortcut for AutoMap from A to Ctrl+M
- AutoMapping: Added "OverflowBorder" and "WrapBorder" options (by João Baptista de Paula e Silva, #2141)
- AutoMapping: Allow any supported map format to be used for rule maps
- Python plugin: Added support for loading external tileset files (by Ruin0x11, #2085)
- Python plugin: Added Tile.type() and MapObject.effectiveType() (by Ruin0x11, #2124)
- Python plugin: Added Object.propertyType() (by Ruin0x11, #2125)
- Python plugin: Added Tileset.sharedPointer() function (#2191)
- tmxrasterizer: Load plugins to support additional map formats (by Nathan Tolbert, #2152)
- tmxrasterizer: Added rendering of object layers (by oncer, #2187)
- Fixed missing native styles when compiled against Qt 5.10 or later (#1977)
- Fixed file change notifications no longer triggering when file was replaced (by Nathan Tolbert, #2158)
- Fixed layer IDs getting re-assigned when resizing the map (#2160)
- Fixed performance issues when switching to a new map in a world with many maps (by Simon Parzer, #2159)
- Fixed restoring of expanded group layers in Objects view
- Fixed tileset view to keep position at mouse stable when zooming (#2039)
- libtiled-java: Added support for image layers and flipped tiles (by Sergey Savchuk, #2006)
- libtiled-java: Optimized map reader and fixed path separator issues (by Pavel Bondoronok, #2006)
- Updated builds on all platforms to Qt 5.12 (except snap release)
- Raised minimum supported Qt version from 5.5 to 5.6
- Raised minimum supported macOS version from 10.7 to 10.12
- Removed option to include a DTD in the saved files
- Removed the automappingconverter tool
- snap: Updated from Ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04 (core18, Qt 5.9)
- Updated Chinese, Portuguese (Portugal), Turkish and Ukrainian translations
- Fixed exporting to a file name containing multiple dots (#2149)
- Fixed possible crash in AutoMapper (#2157)
- Fixed crash when unloading certain plugins
- Fixed duplicated entries in Objects view after grouping layers
- Fixed adjacent maps within a world not being properly clickable
- Fixed empty maps within a world not being clickable
- Fixed handling of negative multiplierX/Y in a world file
- Fixed view boundaries to take into account layer offsets (#2090)
- Fixed map size when switching infinite off (#2051)
- Fixed the image cache to check file modification time (#2081)
- Fixed updating a few things when changing tileset drawing offset
- Fixed position of tile object outline on isometric maps
- Fixed saving of tile stamps when using the Shape Fill Tool
- tBIN plugin: Fixed loading of some tilesets on Linux
- tBIN plugin: Fixed possible crash when images can't be found (#2106)
- Python plugin: Disable this plugin by default, to avoid crashes on startup (#2091)
- JSON plugin: Fixed writing of position for objects without ID
- Added Swedish translation (by Anton R)
- Fixed cut/copy in Tile Collision Editor (#2075)
- Fixed crash when trying to add Wang colors without a selected Wang set (#2083)
- tBIN plugin: Fixed hang when locating missing tileset image (#2068)
- CSV plugin: Fixed exporting of grouped tile layers
- Added 'json1' plugin that exports to the old JSON format (#2058)
- Enable the adding of point objects in Tile Collision Editor (#2043)
- Reload AutoMapping rules when they have changed on disk (by Justin Zheng, #1997)
- Fixed remembering of last used export filter
- Fixed label color to update when object layer color is changed (by Justin Zheng, #1976)
- Fixed stamp and fill tools to adjust when tile probability is changed (by Justin Zheng, #1996)
- Fixed misbehavior when trying to open non-existing files
- Fixed mini-map bounds when layer offsets are used in combination with group layers
- Fixed Templates view missing from the Views menu (#2054)
- Fixed Copy Path / Open Folder actions for embedded tilesets (#2059)
- Python plugin: Made the API more complete (#1867)
- Updated Chinese, German, Korean, Norwegian Bokmål, Portuguese (Portugal) and Ukrainian translations
- Fixed JSON templates not being visible in Templates view (#2009)
- Fixed Maps view to show all readable map formats
- Fixed crash when deleting a command using the context menu (by Robert Lewicki, #2014)
- Fixed crash after a world file failed to load
- Fixed Select None action to be enabled when there is any selection
- Fixed disappearing of tile types on export/import of a tileset (#2023)
- Fixed tool shortcuts when using Spanish translation
- Fixed saving of the "Justify" alignment option for text objects (#2026)
- Changed Cut, Copy and Delete actions to apply based on selected layer types
- Windows: Updated builds to Qt 5.9.7
- Updated Russian translation (by Rafael Osipov, #2017)
- Added multi-layer selection, including multi-layer tile layer editing
- Added support for multi-map worlds (#1669)
- Added ability to extend existing polylines (with Ketan Gupta, #1683)
- Added option to highlight the hovered object (#1190)
- Added news from website to the status bar (#1898)
- Added option to show object labels for hovered objects
- Added option to embed tilesets on export (#1850)
- Added option to detach templates on export (#1850)
- Added option to resolve object types and properties on export (#1850)
- Added Escape for switching to the Select Objects tool and for clearing the selection
- Added Escape to cancel the current action in all object layer tools
- Added double-click on polygon objects to switch to Edit Polygons tool
- Added interaction with segments for polygons, for selection and dragging
- Added double-clicking a polygon segment for inserting a new point at that location
- Added action to lock/unlock all other layers (by kralle333, #1883)
- Added --export-tileset command line argument (by Josh Bramlett, #1872)
- Added unique persistent layer IDs (#1892)
- Added 'version' and 'tiledversion' to external tileset files
- Added full paths to Recent Files menu as tool tips (by Gauthier Billot, #1992)
- Create Object Tools: Show preview already on hover (#537)
- Objects view: Only center view on object on press or activation
- Objects view: When clicking a layer, make it the current one (by kralle333, #1931)
- Unified the Create Polygon and Create Polyline tools
- JSON plugin: Made the JSON format easier to parse (by saeedakhter, #1868)
- Tile Collision Editor: Allowed using object templates
- Templates view: Don't allow hiding the template object
- Python plugin: Updated to Python 3 (by Samuli Tuomola)
- Python plugin: Fixed startup messages not appearing in debug console
- Python plugin: Fixed file change watching for main script files
- Lua plugin: Include properties from templates (#1901)
- Lua plugin: Include tileset column count in export (by Matt Drollette, #1969)
- tBIN plugin: Don't ignore objects that aren't perfectly aligned (#1985)
- tBIN plugin: Fixed "Unsupported property type" error for newly added float properties
- Automapping: Report error when no output layers are found
- AutoMapping: Changed matching outside of map boundaries and added 'MatchOutsideMap' option
- Linux: Modernized the appstream file (by Patrick Griffis)
- libtiled: Allow qrc-based tileset images (#1947)
- libtiled-java: Fixed loading maps with multiple external tilesets
- Optimized deletion of many objects (#1972)
- Make Ctrl+Q work for quitting also on Windows (#1998)
- Fixed randomizing of terrain, Wang tiles and stamp variations (#1949)
- Fixed tilesets getting added to maps when they shouldn't be (#2002)
- Fixed issue with default font size in combination with custom family (#1994)
- Fixed the tile grid to render below labels, handles and selection indicators
- Fixed confirming overwrite when exporting a tileset
- Fixed reading of infinite maps that don't use chunked layer data
- Updated Bulgarian, Dutch, French, German, Norwegian Bokmål, Portuguese (Portugal) and Turkish translations
- Fixed Terrain Brush issue on staggered isometric maps (#1951)
- Fixed objects to stay selected when moving them between layers
- Fixed small tab bar rendering issue on high DPI displays
- Fixed rendering of arrows on scroll bar buttons
- Fixed object labels to adjust properly to the font DPI
- Fixed resize handle locations for multiple zero-sized objects
- Fixed handling of arrow keys on focused layer combo box (#1973)
- Tile Collision Editor: Fixed handling of tile offset (#1955)
- Tile Collision Editor: Fixed potential crash on Undo (#1965)
- Python plugin: Added some missing API to the Cell class
- Windows and Linux: Downgraded builds to Qt 5.9 (fixes #1928)
- macOS: Fixed library loading issues for tmxrasterizer and terraingenerator
- macOS: Downgraded to Qt 5.6 (fixes resizing of undocked views and reduces minimum macOS version to 10.7)
- Updates to German, Hungarian, Norwegian Bokmål, Polish, Portuguese (Portugal), Russian and Ukrainian translations
- Fixed erasing mode of the Terrain Brush
- Fixed crash after editing a template
- Fixed rendering of eye/lock icons in Layers view
- Fixed object index when undoing Move Object to Layer action (#1932)
- Fixed shortcuts for flipping and rotating objects (#1926)
- Fixed dynamic retranslation of tools and tool actions
- Fixed possible crash when undoing/redoing Wang color changes
- Fixed handling of sub-properties in Object Type Editor (#1936)
- Fixed crash when deleting an object right before dragging it (#1933)
- Adjust Wang tile data when tileset column count changes (#1851)
- Improved fill behavior in case of selection on infinite map (#1921)
- Removed ability to hide tile collision objects (#1929)
- Remove tile collision layer along with the last object (#1230)
- JSON plugin: Made the reader more strict about object types (#1922)
- JSON plugin: Added support for Wang sets
- Fixed exporting of external tilesets to JSON or TSX formats
- Fixed problem with embedding or exporting tilesets with Wang sets
- Fixed tiles placed by the terrain tool being considered different (#1913)
- Fixed text alignment values appearing at random in Properties view (#1767)
- macOS: Fixed eye/lock icon display in Layers view
- Re-enabled Space for toggling layer visibility
- Migrate properties set on tile collision layer to the tile (#1912)
- Don't reset stamp brush state when pressing Alt
- Automapping: Apply rules to selected area when there is one
- Windows and Linux: Updated builds to Qt 5.10.1
- Linux: Indicate Tiled can open multiple files at once in desktop file
- Lowered the minimum supported version of Qt to 5.5
- Fixed crash when removing a tileset referenced by multiple objects
- Fixed crash on paste when it introduced more than one new tileset
- Fixed Invert Selection for non-infinite maps
- Fixed Select All to not select objects on locked layers
- Fixed logic determining the tilesets used by a tile layer
- Fixed copy/paste changing object order (#1896)
- Fixed tileset getting loaded twice when used by the map and a template
- Fixed repainting issues on undo/redo for new maps (#1887)
- JSON plugin: Fixed loading of infinite maps using CSV tile layer format (#1878)
- Linux: Updated AppImage to Qt 5.9.4
- Updated Hungarian, Japanese, Norwegian Bokmål, Portuguese and Ukrainian translations
- Fixed possible crash while editing polygons
- Fixed hang when loading map file with empty compressed layer data
- Fixed selection of tile stamp to work on mouse click
- Fixed tools not being up to date on modifier keys after activation
- Fixed "Offset Map" action for infinite maps (#1866)
- Templates view: Keep template centered when resizing view
- Tile Collision Editor: Keep tile centered when resizing view
- Tile Collision Editor: Display tool info text in status bar
- JSON plugin: Fixed reading of infinite maps (#1858)
- libtiled-java: Fixed some bugs (by Henry Wang, #1840)
- libtiled-java: Fixed tile offset value not being considered (by digitalhoax, #1863)
- Fixed crash on load for template instances of non-tile objects
- Windows Installer: Include the Qt SVG image plugin
- Added support for infinite maps (by Ketan Gupta, #260)
- Added support for Wang tiles and related tools (by Benjamin Trotter)
- Added support for reusable object templates (by Mohamed Thabet)
- Added working directory setting for custom commands (by Ketan Gupta, #1580)
- Added output of custom commands in Debug Console (by Ketan Gupta, #1552)
- Added autocrop action based on tile layers (by Ketan Gupta, #642)
- Added tool bar with tool-specific actions and settings (by Ketan Gupta, #1084)
- Added shape fill tool for filling rectangles or circles (by Benjamin Trotter, #1272)
- Added option to lock/unlock a layer (by Ketan Gupta, #734)
- Added .xml as possible file extension for TMX files
- Added keyboard shortcut for Save All (by Thomas ten Cate)
- Added actions to remove a segment from polygon or to split a polyline (by Ketan Gupta, #1685)
- Added icon for animation editor in the tileset editor (by Ketan Gupta, #1706)
- Added display of flip bits for hovered tile in status bar (#1707)
- Added ability to capture tiles while using fill tools (#790)
- Added option to have mouse wheel zoom by default (#1472)
- Added tab closing actions to context menu, and close by middle-click (by Justin Jacobs, #1720)
- Added ability to reorder terrain types (by Justin Jacobs, #1603)
- Added a point object for marking locations (by Antoine Gersant, #1325)
- Added 'New Tileset' button when no tileset is opened (by Rhenaud Dubois, #1789)
- Added 'Open File' button when no file opened (by Rhenaud Dubois, #1818)
- Added support for custom input formats and TMX output to the --export-map command-line option
- Added island RPG example based on Beach tileset by finalbossblues
- Added file-related context menu actions to tileset tabs
- Added action to reset to default window layout (by Keshav Sharma, #1794)
- Added support for exporting tilesets, including to Lua format (by Conrad Mercer, #1213)
- Keep object types sorted alphabetically (by Antoine Gersant, #1679)
- Improved polygon node handles and drag behavior
- Fixed %executablepath variable for executables found in PATH (#1648)
- Fixed Delete key to delete selected polygon nodes when appropriate (by Ketan Gupta, #1555)
- Fixed Terrain Brush going wild in some scenarios (#1632)
- Fixed the "Embed in Map" checkbox to be persistent (#1664)
- Fixed crash when saving two new maps using the same file name (#1734)
- Fixed issues caused by paths not being cleaned (#1713)
- Fixed suggested file name for tilesets to match the tileset name (by killerasus, #1783)
- Fixed selection rectangle's shadow offset when zooming (by Antoine Gersant, #1796)
- Fixed save dialog to reopen after heeding the file extension warning (by Antoine Gersant, #1782)
- Fixed potential crash when zooming out too much (#1824)
- Fixed potential crash after deleting object or group layers
- Fixed Object Selection tool clearing selection on double-click
- Enabled building with Qbs on macOS, including the Python plugin (by Jake Petroules)
- Automapping: Don't fail if an input/inputnot layer isn't found
- Automapping: Added a "StrictEmpty" flag to input layers
- GMX plugin: Added support for defining views with objects (by William Taylor, #1621)
- GMX plugin: Added support for setting scale and origin for instances (#1427)
- GMX plugin: Added support for setting the creation code for instances and the map
- GMX plugin: Start counting default tile layer depth from 1000000 (#1814)
- tBIN plugin: Added read/write support for the tBIN map format (by Chase Warrington, #1560)
- libtiled-java: Generate classes from XSD, some fixes and build with Maven (by Mike Thomas, #1637)
- libtiled-java: Added support for manipulating non-consecutive tile IDs in a tileset (by Stéphane Seng)
- Python plugin: Adjusted example scripts to API changes (by spiiin, #1769)
- Flare plugin: Various changes (by Justin Jacobs, #1781)
- TMW plugin: Removed since it is no longer needed
- Updated Dutch, Bulgarian, English, French, German, Korean, Norwegian Bokmål, Spanish and Turkish translations
- Fixed crash on reload map (#1659, #1694)
- Fixed possible crash on undo/redo in collision editor (#1695)
- Fixed tile replacement to add tileset when needed (by Mohamed Thabet, #1641)
- Fixed the display of the image source property for tilesets
- Fixed shortcut for 'Copy tile coordinates' (Alt+C) in Portuguese translation (by olueiro)
- JSON plugin: Fixed reading of tileset column count
- JSON plugin: Fixed reading of custom properties on tile collision object group
- Added read-only tile and terrain properties in map editor (#1615)
- Fixed Terrains view to display all tilesets with terrain
- Fixed hang when trying to fill with a pasted stamp (#1617, #1624)
- Fixed crash when editing collision when tile image wasn't loaded
- Fixed rendering of tile objects when the image couldn't be loaded
- Fixed rendering of tile object outlines for resized objects
- Fixed labels shown on objects hidden via a group layer
- Fixed updating of label positions when moving a group layer
- GMX plugin: Fixed tile type inheritance for tile objects
- Restored Ctrl+N shortcut on "New Map" action
- Made the zoom level used in Tilesets view persistent
- Fixed mixed up polygon and polyline icons (by Ketan Gupta, #1588)
- Fixed reset of font size when using font dialog (#1596)
- Fixed several issues with the Properties dock (#1583, #1611)
- Fixed centering on object on layer with offset (#1600)
- Fixed handling of symbolic links in Recent Files menu and Maps view (#1589)
- Fixed labels for objects in grouped object layers
- Reverted the file format version back to "1.0" and added "tiledversion" attribute
- Lua plugin: Fixed group layers being exported with "imagelayer" type (#1595)
- Added Korean translation (by miru2533 and SshipSunBee, #1604)
- Updated Russian and Chinese translations
- Added support for editing external tilesets (#242)
- Added a text object with configurable font and wrapping (#1429)
- Added layer grouping (#1038)
- Added Tile.type and inherit tile object properties from the tile (#436, #1248)
- Added a start page
- Added selection of underlying objects with Alt modifier (by Yuriy, #1491)
- Added an option to disable safe writing of files (#1402, #1404)
- Added invert selection action (by Leon Moctezuma, #1423)
- Added support for isometric terrain overlays and tile collision objects (#419, #757)
- Added 180-degree mirroring mode to terrain brush with Alt modifier
- Added short and consistent map format names to use with --export-map (by Marce Coll, #1382)
- Added Swap Tiles action (by Alexander Münch, #866)
- Added tileset background color property (#227)
- Added 60 degree tile rotation support for hexagonal maps (by Victor Nicolaichuk, #1447)
- Added a check for duplicates when adding tiles (by Simião, #1227)
- Added option to run commands from menu as well as edit them (by Ketan Gupta, #943)
- Added custom shortcuts for commands (by Ketan Gupta, #1456)
- Added optional ID and Position columns to objects view (by i-ka, #1462)
- Added an executable picker for custom commands (by Ketan Gupta, #942)
- Added marching ants effect on selected objects (by Mohamed Thabet, #1489)
- Added all open tilesets to the Tilesets view
- Added auto-show/hide all views (Clear View) action (by erem2k, #563)
- Added minimap in the resizing dialog (by Yuriy, #1516)
- Added drag-n-drop support in Layers view (#178)
- Added support for storing object type definitions in JSON format (#1313)
- Added cut/copy/paste actions for custom properties (#515)
- Allow changing the tile of tile objects (by Mohamed Thabet, #409)
- Allow selecting a folder to fix multiple broken links at once
- Added support for dragging external tilesets into the Tilesets dock
- Added support for dragging images into image collection tilesets
- Write out Tiled version in TMX/JSON "version" attribute (#1416)
- Remember last view on map also for closed files (#905)
- Remember tileset zoom level in the tileset editor (by Artem Sharganov, #408)
- Change current layer depending on selected objects (by Glavak, #1424)
- Improved support for using Tiled on HiDpi screens
- Improved the behavior of the tile selection tool
- Made Ctrl+D duplicate objects instead of deleting them
- Use an eye icon instead of a checkbox for layer visibility (by Ketan Gupta, #1127)
- JSON tileset: Save width/height of individual tile images
- Linux: Added MIME type for tileset files
- Fixed hexagonal rotation of tile stamps (by Bdtrotte, #1476)
- Fixed handling of broken tile references, which now render as a red marker
- Fixed manual reloading of images for image collection tilesets
- Fixed Offset Layers tool to wait until mouse is moved
- Fixed current stamp to always update when a tile is clicked
- Fixed handling of pinch gestures (#1305)
- Fixed flipping a group of objects to work like expected (by Vitek1425, #1475)
- Fixed stamp brush to work better on staggered maps (by Bdtrotte)
- Fixed objects offsetting while resizing (by Acuion, #1518)
- Fixed fill tool for hexagonal maps (#883)
- Fixed potential crash in Terrain Brush
- Windows: Fixed menus when using OpenGL in full screen mode (#1576)
- Windows: Added Sticker Knight and Python example scripts to installer (#819)
- Windows: Fixed bringing existing Tiled window to foreground (#1256)
- AutoMapping: Fixed object groups always getting added
- AutoMapping: Improved map boundary handling (by Stefan Beller, #1224)
- AutoMapping: Apply custom properties set on output layers
- terraingenerator: Made the amount of columns configurable
- terraingenerator: Copy tile properties from the source tilesets
- Added Ukrainian translation (by Olexandr Nesterenko)
- Added Hungarian translation (by Balázs Úr)
- Added Finnish translation (by ekeimaja)
- Updated Bulgarian, Dutch, French, German, Russian, Spanish and Turkish translations
- Fixed crash when deleting multiple selected objects
- Fixed crash when moving multiple selected objects to another object layer
- Fixed updating of values displayed in Objects and Layers views
- GMX plugin: Added support for image collection tilesets
- Object Types Editor: Improved behavior when adding new types
- Linux: Fixed shipping of image format plugins in AppImage releases
- Fixed terrain brush for isometric staggered maps (by Clyde)
- Fixed crash when resizing map causes objects to get removed
- Fixed crash when duplicating an object layer
- Fixed position of image layer after Resize or Offset Map
- Fixed the quality of the minimap on HiDpi displays
- Fixed Alt-drag behavior to not override resize handles
- When adding a new layer, insert it above the current one
- GMX plugin: Fixed positioning for non-tile objects and support scaling
- GMX plugin: Export tile objects without a type as tiles
- GMX plugin: Support horizontal and vertical flipping
- Windows: Fixed encoding problems with command-line output
- Windows: Fixed the architecture of shipped MSVC DLLs
- Updated Chinese translation (by Clyde)
- Added Layer via Copy/Cut actions
- Added support for Paste in Place action for tile layers
- Added context menu to change custom property type (by Dmitry Hrabrov)
- Added support for higher precision for custom floating point properties
- Added %mappath variable to commands (by Jack Roper)
- Added snapping to pixels (by Mamed Ibrahimov)
- Added right-click to clear the tile selection
- Added a context menu action to reset the size of tile objects
- Added exporter for Game Maker Studio room files (by Jones Blunt)
- Added Move Up/Down buttons to Objects view (by iskolbin)
- Added pixel coordinates to status bar for object tools (by iskolbin)
- Added Sticker Knight platformer example (by Ponywolf)
- tmxrasterizer: Added --size argument and support local file URLs
- tmxrasterizer: Use smooth pixmap transform by default
- Linux: Register tmxrasterizer as thumbnail generator for TMX files
- Allow scrolling past map edges with mouse wheel
- Enabled HiDpi scaling and improved the quality of some icons
- Reversed the order of the objects in the Objects view
- JSON plugin: Added Node.js support to the JavaScript export
- Updated TMX schema definition (by assofohdz)
- Fixed unfinished objects getting saved
- Fixed OpenGL rendering mode when application is scaled (HiDpi screens)
- Fixed Remove and Rename actions for predefined properties
- Windows: Fixed console output
- libtiled-java: Use Maven, deploy to OSSRH and code updates (by Mike Thomas)
- libtiled-java: Added a basic isometric renderer (by Mike Thomas)
- Updated Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese, Czech, Dutch, Hebrew, Norwegian Bokmål and Spanish translations
- Fixed bug with editing type and name for multiple objects
- Fixed ability to change the image of a tile in an image collection tileset
- Fixed wrong layer name getting edited when switching maps
- Fixed possible crash when missing tileset images and using tile animations
- Compiled against Qt 5.6.2 on macOS to avoid crashes with Qt 5.7
- Fixed wrong alpha value when opening the color picker dialog
- Fixed saving of object group color alpha value
- Fixed tile id adjustment for newly added tilesets
- Fixed "Object Properties" entry in the context menu to be always enabled (by Erik Schilling)
- Fixed out-of-sync tile selection during layer offset change (by nykm)
- Fixed hidden objects becoming visible when offsetting the map (by ranjak)
- Fixed problems with using predefined file properties
- Lua plugin: Fixed type of animation frame properties
- OS X: Use standard shortcut for toggling full screen
- OS X: Fixed compile when pkg-config is present
- Windows: Include the Defold plugin
- Windows: Added support for DDS, TGA, WBMP and WEBP image formats
- Linux: Added 64-bit AppImage (with help from Simon Peter)
- Chinese translation updates (by endlesstravel and buckle2000)
- French translation updated (by Yohann Ferreira)
- Added a platform-independent theme, which can be dark (#786)
- Added Paste in Place action for objects (#1257)
- Added custom property type 'color' (#1275)
- Added custom property type 'file' (#1278)
- Added option for removing invisible objects in resize dialog (#1032, by Mamed Ibrahimov)
- Added support for editing multi-line string properties (#205)
- Added %layername and %objectid to available command variables
- Added support for scrolling in tileset view with middle mouse button (#1050, with Will Luongo)
- Added a rectangle erase mode to the eraser (#1297)
- Added export to Defold .tilemap files (by Nikita Razdobreev)
- Added simple full screen mode
- Added "Copy File Path" and "Open Containing Folder" actions to tab context menu
- Added warning when saving with the wrong file extension
- Added color picker for setting transparent color of a tileset (#1173, by Ava Brumfield)
- Various object selection tool improvements
- Allow creating rectangle/ellipse objects in any direction (#1300)
- Enabled nested views and grouped dragging for stacked views (#1291)
- Fixed updating object drag cursor when exiting resize handles (#1277)
- Fixed tile animations to stay in sync when changing them (#1288)
- Fixed preservation of tile meta-data when tileset width is changed (#1315)
- Updated Bulgarian, Dutch, German, Norwegian Bokmål, Russian, Spanish and Turkish translations
- JSON plugin: Fixed loading of custom properties on terrains
- Lua plugin: Fixed missing export of object layer drawing order
- Fixed tile index adjustment when tileset image changes width
- Fixed --export-map [format] option
- Fixed shortcuts for some tools when language is set to Dutch
- Fixed a painting related bug affecting the top edge after AutoMapping
- Fixed issues when compiling against Qt 5.6 on OS X and Windows
- Fixed crash on maximizing with Maps view open on Windows (Qt 5.6.1)
- Fixed focus issue while typing predefined object types (Qt 5.6)
- Fixed silent fail when saving to restricted location on Windows (Qt 5.6)
- Fixed auto-updater not enabled for Windows release
- Fixed saving of object IDs assigned to tile collision shapes
- Fixed crash when pressing Backspace with Custom Properties section selected
- Fixed crash on exit when leaving the Tile Collision Editor open
- Added Norwegian Bokmål translation (by Peter André Johansen)
- Updated Turkish translation
- Added checking for updates, based on Sparkle and WinSparkle
- Added default property definitions to object types (with Michael Bickel)
- Added types to custom properties: string, float, int, boolean (with CaptainFrog)
- Added Properties view to the Tile Collision Editor (by Seanba)
- Added a reset button for color properties
- Added eraser mode to Terrain Brush and fixed some small issues
- Reuse existing Tiled instance when opening maps from the file manager (with Will Luongo)
- Allow setting tile probability for multiple tiles (by Henrik Heino)
- New MSI based installer for Windows
- Optimized selection of many objects
- libtiled-java: Fixed loading of maps with CSV layer data that are not square (by Zachary Jia)
- Fixed potential crash when having Terrain Brush selected and switching maps
- Updated Dutch, French, German, Japanese, Russian and Spanish translations
- Added Turkish translation (by Nuri Uzunoğlu)
- Fixed hiding of object labels when deleting an object layer
- Fixed updating of object label colors when changing object types
- TMX: Added image size attributes to image layer images
- Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation
- Fixed adding/removing object name labels when set to always visible
- Fixed a problem with 'Execute in Terminal' on OS X
- Fixed mouse coordinate conversion for hexagonal renderer
- Fixed image layer offset handling
- Update Czech translation
- Allow loading maps with broken external references
- Allow plugins to be enabled/disabled
- Allow changing tileset image parameters
- Allow changing the images of tiles in a collection tileset
- Allow changing external tileset references
- Allow panning over the edges of the map
- Added Terrain Generator tool
- Added column count property to image collection tilesets
- Added a combo box for changing the current layer to the status bar
- Moved the AutoMapping while drawing toggle into the menu
- Removing tiles from collection tilesets no longer changes tile IDs
- Unified layer offset handling
- Default tile layer data format changed to CSV
- Deprecated pure XML and Gzip-compressed tile layer data formats
- Fixed random tile picker for tiles with zero probability (by Henrik Heino)
- Fixed saving of alpha value of the map background color
- Fixed crash in tmxrasterizer and tmxviewer
- Fixed tmxrasterizer not reporting write errors
- Fixed isometric rendering bug with odd tile heights (by Ryan Schmitt)
- Updated Bulgarian, Dutch, French, German, Japanese, Russian and Spanish translations
- Added Polish translation (by Tomasz Kubiak)
- Fixed layer offsets missing in the Lua export
- Fixed JSON tileset format missing in 'Add External Tileset' action
- Fixed language selection entries for Portuguese
- Fixed an issue with copy/pasting when using image collection tilesets
- Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation
- Added missing 'renderorder' property to the Lua export
- Fixed editing of properties of tiles captured from the map
- Added support for custom external tileset formats (JSON format added)
- Added support for shifting layers by some distance in pixels
- Added back object name labels in a much improved form
- Added tile stamp variation support to the fill tool
- Synchronize tileset selection when capturing tiles from the map
- Change tile in collision and animation editors based on selected tile object
- Keep the active brush when switching maps
- Python plugins can now add export-only map formats
- Fixed updating of current tile when changing map
- Fixed animated tile overlay to look less odd in some cases
- Fixed Save As dialog popping up when saving fails
- Fixed tilesets view collapsing when switching maps on OS X
- Updated Russian, Spanish, Czech, French, Japanese, German, Dutch and Bulgarian translations
- Added Bulgarian translation (by Lyubomir Vasilev)
- Updated Spanish, French and Dutch translations
- Added persistent Tile Stamps with support for variations (#969)
- Added Select Same Tile tool (by Mamed Ibrahimov)
- Added option to disable opening of last files on startup (by Mamed Ibrahimov)
- Added tilecount property to TMX, JSON and Lua map formats (#806)
- Added tileset properties to Properties view, as read-only (by Mamed Ibrahimov)
- Added Save All action (by Mamed Ibrahimov)
- Added translation of command line messages (by Mamed Ibrahimov)
- Added menu item linking to online documentation
- Object selection outlines are now drawn on top of everything
- Select new objects after they have been created
- Made the starting point for polylines and polygons visible
- Use the tile probability property also in random mode
- Ungrouped position and size properties (#892)
- CSV plugin: Extended to export all tile layers (by Alejandro Cámara)
- Lua and JSON plugins: Added support for layer data compression
- Fixed crash when changing flipping flag for multiple objects (by Mamed Ibrahimov)
- Fixed Ctrl+T causing a crash when no maps are open
- Fixed availability of 'Execute in Terminal' command on Linux with Qt 5
- Fixed drag object mouse cursor to appear only when it should
- Fixed selected file format when doing Save As with a non-TMX map
- Fixed problems with infinate scaling factors when resizing objects
- Require at least Qt 5.1.0
- Require compiler support for C++11
- Updated Russian, German, Czech and Italian translations
- Fixed updating of map view when rotating objects with Z key
- Fixed updating of map view when joining, splitting or deleting polygon nodes
- Fixed a crash when reading an invalid TMX file
- Fixed live automapping updates when moving the mouse fast
- Made Backspace work for deleting collision objects and animation frames
- Fixed updating of map view when moving objects with arrow keys
- Fixed compatibility issue with tile objects affecting the JSON format
- Fixed updating of map view when changing objects from properties view
- Fixed updating of Properties view while objects are moved/resized
- Fixed terrain information getting lost when reading JSON maps
- Added support for resizing any object as well as multiselection (with mauve)
- Added Control modifier for preserving aspect ratio while resizing
- Added Shift modifier for resizing with origin in the middle
- Added Alt modifier for suppressing selection changes when starting to drag
- Added a Magic Wand selection tool (by Henry Jia)
- Added tile probability attribute to tile properties view
- Added a Donate button to the About dialog
- Added a Patreon dialog to the Help menu
- Added an --export-formats command line option
- Remember the directory used for external tilesets (by Henry Jia)
- Don't set a window icon on Mac OS X
- Changed the way tile probability is applied (now it's relative)
- Fixed a crash in the terrain brush
- Fixed object selection behavior when Shift is held while clicking on nothing
- Fixed grid snapping being applied for staggered maps even when not enabled
- Fixed infinite memory allocation loop on invalid tile size in TMX file
- Fixed file icon associated with TMX files on Windows
- Fixed automapping of tile objects (by Seanba)
- Fixed 'Export as Image' to handle out of memory errors
- Fixed TMX files to be written in native line endings
- Fixed .desktop file missing %f argument for passing files (by Ying-Chun Liu)
- Fixed cursor position resetting when editing object type
- Added Arabic (Algeria) translation (by Damene Abdelkader)
- Updated, Czech, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish translations
- Added support for hexagonal maps (offset coordinates)
- Added 'Export' action to repeat the last export
- Added a shortcut for the Reload action (Ctrl+R)
- Added ability to rename custom properties (by arn00d)
- Added unique IDs to objects (by Mark van Rij)
- Added a CSV export plugin
- Added visual feedback when properties differ between multiple selected objects (by Parker Miller)
- Added command-line export (by Brandon Dillon)
- Allow dynamically changing the map orientation and grid size
- Suppress the standard main window context menu in the collision editor
- Lua plugin: Write out tile terrain information
- Lua plugin: Include Tiled version in exported file
- Flare plugin: Fixed ability to open maps with absolute paths
- Fixed grid rendering for staggered maps
- Fully support building and running Tiled with Qbs
- Updated Czech, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese and Spanish translations
- Fixed hit area for polygon nodes when editing polygons while zoomed in or out
- Fixed another possible crash in the orthogonal renderer
- Fixed Select All action to work for object layers
- Fixed map pixel size preview for staggered maps
- Fixed repainting issues when tiles extend beyond their layer boundaries
- Fixed repainting issues when using tiles smaller than the grid size
- Display errors non-modal when applying automatic automapping rules
- Flare plugin: Fixed coordinate format for import and export (by Justin Jacobs)
- Lua plugin: Write out Image layer position
- Small updates to the Italian translation (by Omnomnobot)
- Fixed a crash that could happen when using the terrain tool
- Fixed missing background color information from Lua export
- Allow using up to 3 or 4 GB RAM on 32 or 64 bit Windows systems respectively
- Added object rotation (sponsored by Ben Wales)
- Added support for explicit object ordering (sponsored by Ben Wales)
- Added new Properties window with a rewritten properties editor
- Added support for writing plugins in Python (by Samuli Tuomola)
- Added image collection tilesets (sponsored by Jamie Rocks)
- Added map file watching and automatic reloading (sponsored by FlatRedBall.com)
- Added support for moving objects with arrow keys (sponsored by Ben Wales)
- Added a 'snap to fine grid' option (by Xenodora)
- Added support for JavaScript (JSONP) load/save (by Dobes Vandermeer)
- Added more zoom levels (by Joel Leclerc)
- Added shortcuts for finishing and canceling object creation
- Added a tile collision editor for defining collision shapes on tiles
- Added a tile animation editor and play defined animations
- Allow changing properties of multiple objects/tiles simultanously (by Parker Miller)
- Added tile rendering-order map property (by Lennert Raesch)
- Added support for changing the object line width
- Added support for CSV-encoded layers to libtiled-java (by Alexei Bratuhin)
- Added support for ellipse and polygon objects to libtiled-java (by Hendrik Brummermann)
- Added terrain properties to JSON export (by Dennis Hostetler)
- Added support for moving image layers in the Properties window (by Michael Aquilina)
- Added option to include background image when saving as image (by Sean Humeniuk)
- Added options to control layer visibility to tmxrasterizer (by Nathan Tolbert)
- Added display of tile ID in status bar (by Champi080)
- Added support for objects on staggered isometric maps (by Remco Kuijper)
- Added support for staggered maps to tmxviewer and tmxrasterizer
- Added a tool for moving the image of an image layer (by Mattia Basaglia)
- Added button to the tileset dock as shortcut to add a tileset (by Erik Schilling)
- Allow changing order of open document tabs (by Sean Humeniuk)
- Changed object position and size units from tiles to pixels (by mauve)
- Allow adding multiple tilesets at once (by mauve)
- Make highlighted grid cells outside map red (by Sean Humeniuk)
- Allow changing the drawing offset of a tileset
- Fixed hang on Mac OS X when drawing certain ellipse objects
- Fixed removal of polygon/polyline objects when resizing a map
- Fixed writing of tile offset in the Lua export
- Fixed updating of image layer when changing its image
- Fixed start drag distance check when editing polygons and moving objects
- Fixed console output of tmxrasterizer on Windows
- Raise the Layers dock for editing a new layer's name
- Avoid saving truncated files when compiled against Qt 5.1 or higher (by Erik Schilling)
- Made Tiled registering *.tmx as MIME-type (by Erik Schilling)
- Added Traditional Chinese translation (by Yehnan Chiang)
- Updated Czech, Dutch, French, German, Russian and Spanish translations
- Added saving of map background to JSON format (by Petr Viktorin)
- Added saving of terrain information to JSON format (by Petr Viktorin)
- Object Selection tool now always start selecting objects when holding Shift
- Increased maximum for tileset margin and spacing to 9999
- Some updates to libtiled-java (by Oskar Wiksten)
- Install the automappingconverter application (relevant on Linux)
- Avoid using Windows 95 style (was used on some Linux desktop environments)
- Removed layer name checks from the Flare export plugin (by Stefan Beller)
- Double-clicking an object now opens the Object Properties dialog
- Fixed Object Properties dialog not remembering its size
- Fixed object drawing order for image saving and mini-map
- Fixed some plurals in English translation
- Fixed line widths when zooming in Qt 5
- Fixed updating of image layer when its opacity or image is changed
- Fixed display of grid in tileset view on certain zoom levels
- Fixed save in wrong format after opening a map with plugin (by Mike Hendricks)
- Fixed closing Tiled being very slow with many maps
- Fixed saving of image layer properties in the Lua format
- Fixed escaping of special characters in the Lua format
- Fixed handling of relative paths for image layers in the JSON plugin
- Added objects dock and per-object visibility toggle (by Tim Baker)
- Added maps dock (by Tim Baker)
- Added terrain tool for automatic terrain transitions (by Manu Evans)
- Added a minimap (by Christoph Schnackenberg)
- Added a staggered isometric map renderer, still without object layer support
- Added basic image layer support (by Gregory Nickonov and Alexander Kuhrt)
- Added display of current layer to the status bar (by Tim Baker)
- Added editable combo box for changing the zoom level (by Tim Baker)
- Added support for multiple input layers to automapping (by Stefan Beller)
- Added option to apply automapping rules while editing (by Stefan Beller)
- Added a converter to update old automapping rules (by Stefan Beller)
- Added support for objects layers to automapping (by Stefan Beller)
- Added support for random mode to the fill tool (by Stefan Beller)
- Added Replica Island plugin (by Eric Kidd)
- Added option to change the grid color (by Stefan Beller)
- Added support for ellipse objects (by devnewton and Christoph Schnackenberg)
- Added name labels for objects on isometric maps (by Andrew Motrenko)
- Added map property for changing the background color (by Emmanuel Barroga)
- Added shortcut to manually reload tilesets (Ctrl-T) (by Michael Williams)
- Added toggle for showing tile object outlines
- Added support for pinch zooming (by Pierre-David Bélanger)
- Added initial (non-GUI) support for individual and/or embedded tile images (by Petr Viktorin)
- Added reading support to Flare plugin (by Stefan Beller)
- Added a TMX rasterizer command line tool (by Vincent Petithory)
- Added man pages and desktop file (by Erik Schilling)
- Made the size and position of most dialogs persistent
- Respect the original layer data format of a loaded map (by Ben Longbons)
- Marked Tiled as high-resolution capable on Mac OS X
- Improved handling of external tilesets in Lua export
- Reverted tilesets view back to tabs, but with menu button (by Stefan Beller)
- Allowed plugins to support multiple file name filters (by Samuli Tuomola)
- Allow saving in any format that can also be read (by Stefan Beller)
- Fixed eraser skipping tiles when moving fast
- Fixed bug in Flare plugin (by Clint Bellanger)
- Fixed compile against Qt 5 (by Kenney Phillis)
- Fixed resolving of symbolic links while loading map
- Fixed a crash that could happen after trying to load a faulty map
- Updated Portuguese, Dutch, German, Spanish, Russian, French, Japanese, Chinese, Brazilian Portuguese, Hebrew and Czech translations
- Added MacOS X Lion full screen support
- Fixed crash that could happen when painting with a pasted stamp
- Fixed zoom sensitivity for finer-resolution mouse wheels
- Fixed issues when using quickstamps in combination with the fill tool
- Fixed stamp tool not to miss tiles when drawing fast
- Fixed automapping to work with external tilesets
- Fixed crash in automapping when dealing with broken rule files
- Fixed object type getting erased on pressing Enter
- Changed the license of libtiled-java from LGPL to BSD
- Updated Italian and Hebrew translations
- Added support for polygon and polyline objects
- Added support for tile rotation
- Added support for defining the color of custom object types
- Added a Delete action to delete selected tiles or objects
- Added random mode to the stamp brush
- Added Flare export plugin
- Added JSON plugin that supports both reading and writing
- Added ability to rename tilesets
- Added a mode in which the current layer is highlighted
- Added support for specifying a tile drawing offset
- Added a shortcut to copy the current tile position to clipboard (Alt+C)
- Added a command line option to disable OpenGL
- Allow custom properties on tilesets
- Many automapping improvements
- Improved tileset dock to handle a large amount of tilesets better
- Made the 'Show Grid' option in the tileset view persistent
- Raised the tile size limit in the New Tileset dialog from 999 to 9999
- Correctly handle changes in the width of a tileset image
- Worked around a long standing crash bug
- Added Russian translation
- Updated the German, Japanese, Spanish, Chinese, Czech, Dutch, French and Brazilian Portuguese translations
- Select stamp tool when selecting tiles in tileset view
- Enable anti-aliasing for OpenGL mode
- Small improvement to the Lua export plugin (incompatible!)
- Fixed a bug in the Create Object tool
- Fixed reading of maps without tilesets but with a tile layer
- Fixed position of tile objects to center on the mouse on insertion
- Updated the Czech translation
- Added support for horizontal and vertical flipping of tiles
- Added copy/paste support for objects
- Added merge layer down action
- Added Show or Hide all Other Layers action
- Added actions to select the previous/next layer
- Added Crop to Selection action
- Added a Lua export plugin
- Added Droidcraft plugin to read and export the map files
- Added option to turn off grid in the tileset view
- Added hand scrolling while holding the spacebar
- Made the object context menu available in all object tools
- Display tile coordinates also when using object tools
- Various improvements to running external commands
- Automapping stability and memory consumption improvements
- Objects that fall outside of the map on resize are now removed
- Fixed problems with watching tilesets multiple times
- Fixed several issues related to restoring previously opened files
- Updated Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese, German, Spanish, Japanese, Hebrew, Portuguese, Dutch and French translations
- Fixed object layers losing their color when resizing the map
- Fixed the tabs in the Tilesets dock to use scroll buttons on MacOS X
- Fixed window title to update when saving a map with a different name
- Added ability to open multiple files at once
- Added Ctrl+PageUp/PageDown shortcuts to switch documents
- Added an example to show how automatic mapping works
- Fixed bugs, crashes and leaks in the automatic mapping feature
- Fixed starting point for circles to be the click position
- Fixed a memory leak when using lines or circles
- Fixed layer opacity to be taken into account when saving as image
- Fixed endless loop when tile size is set to 0
- Fixed crash when passing an empty string as command line parameter
- Fixed problems with the tileset view after switching documents
- Fixed tile objects to be removed when their tileset is removed
- Added support for opening multiple maps in one session
- Added support for placing tiles as objects
- Added automatic mapping feature, allowing placing of tiles based on rules
- Added ability to save/restore up to 9 stamps with Ctrl+
- Added an object selection tool, allowing moving/deleting multiple objects
- Added ability to run external commands
- Added support for drawing lines and ellipses with the stamp brush
- Added icons to distinguish tile layers from object layers
- Added "Move To Layer" submenu to the context menu of objects
- Added option to use hardware rendering based on OpenGL
- Added a T-Engine4 map export plugin
- Added a simple TMX viewer application (BSD licensed)
- Added a New Layer dropdown menu to the layers dock
- Added a checkbox that enables snap to grid permanently
- Added an initial version of libtiled-java (LGPL licensed)
- Added Chinese and Hebrew translations
- Allowed dragging an image onto Tiled to add a tileset
- Center the map when it is smaller than the map view
- Remember the selected layer across restarts
- Changed the default layer data format to use zlib rather than gzip
- Store the tileset image width and height in the map file
- Compile fixes related to linking zlib
- Fixed the current stamp to get updated when switching tilesets
- Fixed the maximum sizes of the resize map dialog
- Fixed build issues when an older version of libtiled is installed
- Fixed saving of property when clicking OK while editing on MacOS X
- Allow Backspace to delete properties to make it easier on a MacBook
- Associate tmx files with Tiled on MacOS X
- Changed the license of libtiled from GPL to BSD
- Updated Czech, Spanish, German, Brazilian Portuguese, Dutch and French translations
- Fixed saving of objects when tile width is different from tile height
- Updated Czech translation
- Added support for import and export plugins
- Added support for external tilesets
- Added undo for adding tilesets and ability to remove tilesets
- Added error handling to the New Tileset dialog
- Added ability to change tileset order by dragging them around
- Added option to draw the tile grid when saving as image
- Added a context menu and tool buttons to the layer dock
- Added Latvian translation
- Added an install target to the Makefile
- Open local files when they are dropped onto Tiled
- Allow changing position and size of objects in the Object Properties dialog
- Fixed rendering issues with tiles wider than the tile width of the map
- Fixed eraser and fill tool working on invisible layers
- Fixed a crash when using some tools when no map is loaded
- Fixed compile errors related to detecting static builds
- Fixed the Save dialog not suggesting any particular file extension
- Updated Japanese, Dutch, German, Brazilian Portuguese, French, Portuguese and Spanish translations
- Added support for saving tile layer data as CSV
- Added shift modifier to bucket fill tool for filling the selection
- Added Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese, French, Italian and Czech translations
- Made values used in the New Map and New Tileset dialogs persistent
- Fixed drawing selection highlight where brush is not painting
- Fixed an incompatibility with Tiled Java in 'trans' attribute
- Added support for isometric maps
- Added automatic reloading of tileset images when they change
- Added Offset Map action that can shift a set of layers by a certain amount
- Added a fill tool
- Added ability to duplicate map objects
- Added support for choosing the tile layer data format used when saving
- Added mouse wheel zooming support to the tileset view
- Added an object display color attribute to object groups
- Added ability to edit tile properties through a context menu
- Made writing out a DTD reference optional and disabled it by default
- Made translations functional
- Updated Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish and German translations
- Enabled undo command compression for stamp brush and eraser
- Fixed reading of maps with non-binary-encoded layer data
- Fixed a compile issue on Mac OS X related to QXmlStreamWriter
- Fixed a crash when loading a map while holding Ctrl
- Confirm overwrite on the right moment for 'Save as Image' dialog
- Added a tile selection tool
- Added support for cut, copy and paste
- Added current cursor position to the status bar
- Added keyboard shortcuts to switch tools
- Added scrolling the map view with middle mouse button
- Snap objects to the grid when Ctrl is pressed
- Added support for zooming the map view
- Added an eraser tool that allows you to erase tiles
- Added ability to save a map as an image
- Added support for masking tileset images based on a certain color
- Added a slider to change the opacity of the current layer
- Fixed the minimum row and column size in the tileset view
- Fixed stamp creation when not dragging topleft to bottomright