This is a simple script for the Composer to remove unnecessary files (documentation/examples/tests etc.) from included vendor packages. Therefore it's a script it can be easily used as part of a deploy script.
In my projects it saves about 20-30% of vendor size.
It uses predefined whitelist (rules.json
) to remove files. So the risk of not working on included packages is reduced.
Script is based on rules from barryvdh's package .
Feel free to submit pull requests with new rules or features.
Add to composer:
composer require 0xch/composer-vendor-cleanup
Then add to your composer.json
"scripts": {
"cleanVendor": [
(optional) Copy rules.json
to custom dir and modify for your case and pass filename as argument to composer.
Once installed just run command (defined in Installation step):
composer cleanVendor #use default rules config file
composer cleanVendor customRules.json #use custom rules config file
It will go via all installed packages which are on the whitelist and remove unnecessary files.
You can use this command to display possible unnecessary files which can be deleted by adding to your custom rules config file.
du -hd 5 vendor/ | sort -h | grep -Pi "/(tests?|examples?|samples?)$"