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0xM3x's Dotfiles

Welcome to my dotfiles repository! This repo contains the configuration files and scripts that power my minimalist Linux desktop setup. If you’re a fan of efficient workflows, tiling window managers, and a beautiful terminal-based environment, you’ll feel right at home.

🖼️ Screenshot

Setup Screenshot

✨ What's Included

  • Neovim Configuration: Fully customized configuration in lua for a fast and modern coding experience.
  • Zsh Configuration: Includes configuration with custom aliases, plugins, and themes.
  • Starship Config: A blazing-fast, minimal prompt powered by Starship.
  • Custom Dmenu Build: My personalized build of Dmenu with patches for improved usability.
  • Custom Slstatus Build: Status bar configuration tailored for my setup.
  • Custom Slock Build: A secure and minimalist screen locker.
  • Scripts: Handy custom scripts stored in the bin/ directory.
  • .xinitrc File: Defines my session startup process, launching my window manager and essential utilities.

⚒️ Requirements

To use this dotfiles setup, ensure the following packages are installed on your system:

  • libx11 - X11 client-side library
  • libxft - FreeType-based font drawing library for X
  • libxinerama - Xinerama extension for multi-monitor support
  • pamixer - CLI tool for controlling PulseAudio volume
  • xorg-xbacklight - Control screen brightness
  • npm,nodejs and yarn - JavaScript runtime and package managers for plugin management
  • nvim - Neovim, a modern and extensible Vim-based editor

Install these packages using your distribution's package manager. For example:

On Arch Linux:

sudo pacman -S libx11 libxft libxinerama npm nodejs yarn pamixer xorg-xbacklight neovim

On Debian/Ubuntu:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install libx11-dev libxft-dev libxinerama-dev npm nodejs yarn pamixer xbacklight neovim

On Void Linux:

sudo xbps-install -S libX11-devel libXft-devel libXinerama-devel npm nodejs yarn pamixer xbacklight neovim

🚀 Installation

1️⃣ Clone This Repository

git clone
cd dotfiles

2️⃣ Install GNU Stow

GNU Stow is a symlink manager that makes managing dotfiles across different directories a breeze. To install:

  • On Debian/Ubuntu:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install stow
  • On Arch Linux:

sudo pacman -S stow
  • On Fedora:

sudo dnf install stow
  • On Void Linux:

sudo xbps-install -S stow

3️⃣ Symlink the Dotfiles

Use stow to create symlinks for the configurations you want to use. For example:

stow nvim      # Symlink Neovim configs
stow zsh       # Symlink Zsh configs
stow starship  # Symlink Starship config
stow xinitrc   # Symlink .xinitrc file
stow bin       # Symlink custom scripts

4️⃣ Clone DWM and ST Repositories

To complete the setup, clone my custom builds of dwm and st:

git clone
git clone

Build and install them:

cd dwm && sudo make clean install
cd st && sudo make clean install

📂 Directory Structure

Here’s a quick overview of the directory structure:

├── .config/
|        ├── nvim/ # Neovim configuration 
|        ├── zsh/ # Zsh configuration 
|        └── starship/ # Starship prompt configuration 
├── .local/
|        ├── src/ 
|        |    ├── dmenu/ # Custom dmenu build 
|        |    ├── slstatus/ # Custom slstatus build 
|        |    └── slock/ # Custom slock build 
|        |
|        └── bin/ # Custom scripts 
|             ├── aud # A script for slstatus that shows the current audio volume as a percentage using pamixer.
|             ├── bri # A simple script for slstatus that displays the current screen brightness as a percentage.
|             └── powerLock # A lightweight dmenu script for managing system power operations. 
└── xinitrc/ # .xinitrc file

⚡ Features

  • Lightweight and Minimalist: Designed for speed and simplicity.
  • Highly Customizable: Make it your own with just a few tweaks.
  • Perfect for Devs: Includes tools and configurations tailored for developers.

🧩 Recommended Tools

  • Neovim - A modern Vim-based editor.
  • Zoxide - A smarter cd command.
  • Starship - Minimal, blazing-fast shell prompt.
  • Exa - A modern replacement for ls with better defaults and colors.

🤝 Contributing

Feel free to fork this repository and make it your own! If you have suggestions or improvements, don’t hesitate to open an issue or pull request.

📜 License

This repository is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.

Happy hacking! 🚀