The LDAP server manages a large amount of data, but it cannot monitor the changes of these data.
What is the use of monitoring data?
- monitor the enabled/disabled of an account to handle subsequent account initialization/cleanup work.
- Monitor the user's login operation, used to initialize some system data.
- ...
func main() {
monitor := ldapmonitor.NewMonitor(ldapmonitor.LDAPMonitorConfig{
Url: "ldap://...",
ManagerDN: "",
ManagerPassword: "",
BaseDN: "",
RefreshPeriodInSecond: 10,
IgnoreLDAPFileds: []string{"logonCount"},
monitor.AddListener("firstListener", func(data ldapmonitor.LDAPChangeEntry) {
fmt.Printf("[%s] accountName: %s, filed: %s, changeType: %s, before: %s, after: %s\n",
getTime(), data.AccountName, data.Filed, ldapmonitor.DataChangeTypeMap[int(data.ChangeType)],
data.ChangeBefore, data.ChangeAfter)
for {
time.Sleep(time.Hour * 10)
func getTime() string {
return time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")
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