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This project is a tool for lazy hackers. It has been done to automate some tasks with a tool easy to use with a web interface.

Components of this project

OSINT tool

One of the component of this tool is a tool to make osint easyer. You can automate and schedule multiple OSINT tasks like:

  • Google search
  • PGP key search
  • DNS lookup
  • Crawl websites
  • Certificate Transparency logs search
  • Shodan search

The web interface show the results in a way to make analysis, correlations, and exports of the datas as easy as possible.


If you want to gather information about a domain name called for example. You can set up 2 tasks:

  • A DNS lookup on the domain
  • a Certificate Transparency search on

Once those 2 tasks are created, you can run them imediatly. Or to follow changes on the infrastructure of thoses domains, you can create a job that will launch thoses 2 tasks every day.

When you need to look at the gathered data, you can view results of each task in the Results cathegory, or view all the data gathered in the Item cathegory. In the Item cathegory, you can filter interesting data by type, date, or query. Then you can launch other task from a data in Item, for example a shodan search on a domain obtained by DNS lookup.

You can filter to keep interesting data, and then you can export it in csv or pdf to share it to people or use the data in other tools.

Search in local datasets tools

This component is to make the search in local dataset easy and fast. This tool use the sift program to run a fast search in text files ( sift is a tool that search much faster than grep.


If you have collected leaked databases in text format, you can put them in a folder in /usr/share/datasets/ folder.

Then just add a file called info.json in the folder of your added dataset, in this file keep metadata in json format about your dataset. ( you can see an example in example-db )

Then, in the interface you can refresh the datasets, it will show you the dataset you just added. In the Search cathegory you can then search for a query and select in what dataset you want your search to be done.

As soon as the search end, the result will be available in the Result cathegory, with the metadata associated with the dataset where you found a result, letting you know for example what is the cipher algorithm for the hash found for example.


The installation has been tested in Debian sid (march 2019)


Install python3 version > 3.6 and pip

sudo apt install python3 python3-pip

Install redis-server, redis is used as a message broker for communicating between the daemon of the tools and the interface

sudo apt install redis-server

Install chromium-driver, it will be used by the advanced crawler tool to do browser simulation.

sudo apt install chromium-driver

Clone the project:

git clone

Move in the project folder

cd hackertoolbox

Install using pip

To install this project with pip you need to do it as root. With the following command:

sudo pip3 install --no-binary :all: .

The options --no-binary :all: are mandatory for the installation to avoid a bug in wheel when using absolute path during installation

Initialize project

To start using this project you need to initialize the database, and install all services and configuration files needed. Run this command as root to do it:

sudo hackertoolboxctl init


You can manage hackertoolbox by using the command hackertoolboxctl as root For exemple, to start all the component of hackertoolbox do:

sudo hackertoolboxctl start

To stop the web interface do:

sudo hackertoolboxctl stop -e interface

Do hackertoolboxctl -h to see the help of the command and all the options you can use.


OSINT tool

Tasks: tasks_list

Create DNS lookup task: create_dns_task

Create Certificate Transparency task: create_ct_task

Create OSINT scheduled job: create_job

OSINT Tasks results list view: list_osint_results

DNS lookup result: dns_result_detail

Tasks data gathered items view: items_osint

Search in local datasets

Datasets view: datasets

Create search in local datasets: search_in_dataset

Result of search: result_datasets


This file is part of Hackertoolbox.

Hackertoolbox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

Hackertoolbox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Hackertoolbox.  If not, see <>.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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