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0abc, a modification of “0 A.D. Empires Ascendant”, version 0.0.22 “Alpha XXII: Venustas”

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0 A.D. is Actually Before Christ

0abc, a modification of “0 A.D. Empires Ascendant”, version 0.0.22 “Alpha XXII: Venustas”


  • Download the zip or git clone this repository (
  • Place it in your /0ad/mods/ folder:
    • GNU/Linux (e.g. Fedora) typically: ~/.local/share/0ad/mods/
    • Macintosh/Apple OS X typically: ~/Library/Application\Support/0ad/mods/
    • Microsoft Windows typically: ~\Documents\My Games\0ad\mods\
  • Launch 0 A.D., click “Tools & Options” and “Mod Selection”
  • Select 0abc, click “Enable” and “Save Configuration”
  • Add, remove, or move up or down any other mods, click “Save Configuration” and “Start Mods”
  • Click “Learn To Play” and “Structure Tree” to see the mod(s) implemented.
  • For more detailed information, please have a look at 0abc-readme.pdf

Brief overview

  • Dozens of hours of work, thousands of new files, numerous tweaks and minor changes, most of which will probably go unnoticed
  • To make the game slower paced and encourage keeping your units alive, all unit training times and all technology research times are aproximately doubled
  • A new resource: silver (see below)
  • Warships, mercenaries, champions, and several structures consume resources (see below)
  • Heroes and ships require 0 population
  • Women can no longer build, but can gather resources
    • citizen soldiers and slaves can both build and gather resources
    • mercenary soldiers can build, but can no longer gather resources
    • champion soldiers can neither build nor gather resources
  • All soldiers cost at least some metal to encourage feminization
  • All soldiers have their attack rate normalized to 1 second
  • All soldiers (citizen, mercenary, and champion) can advance in rank:
    • instead of basic/advanced/elite, units start at rank 0 and can promote a dozen times, up to rank 12;
    • each rank grants +5% health, attack damage, and capture strength
  • Camelry, chariotry, and elephantry are now distinct classes, separate from cavalry; as a consequence, they no longer benefit from cavalry technologies
  • Cavalry, camels, and worker elephants can no longer be trained at the civic centre or crannog
    • women can be trained at houses by default (no longer require a technology to be unlocked)
  • Loot resources are standardized to be equal to 20% of total costs for structures; units no longer grant loot
    • 0: fishing boat, merchant ship, support units, and most structures
    • 10% of maximum health: army camps, centres, fortresses, outposts, towers
    • 20% of maximum health: warships
    • 50% of maximum health: siege weapons
    • 100% of maximum health: heroes
    • 30 (base) + 3 per level: dogs
    • 60 (base) + 5 per level: infantry
    • 90 (base) + 8 per level: camelry
    • 120 (base) + 10 per level: cavalry
    • 240 (base) + 20 per level: bigae
    • 300 (base) + 25 per level: quadrigae
    • 360 (base) + 30 per level: elephantry
    • champions have +200% base loot experience
  • Economic buildings and walls can be constructed in neutral territory
  • All walls and towers are stronger and more expensive;
    • palisades and outposts are available in village phase,
    • outposts can be upgraded individually to sentry towers in town phase,
    • turf walls and sentry towers are available in town phase,
    • sentry towers can be upgraded individually to stone defence towers in city phase,
    • stone walls and stone towers are available in city phase;
  • Phase advances no longer increase citizen soldier health nor metal gather rate
  • A third level of infantry and cavalry armoury researches is available; blacksmith can be constructed in village phase
  • Walls, storehouses, markets, fields, farmsteads, and corrals can be constructed in neutral territory (new), as can centres, crannogs, docks, harbours, shipyards, and outposts (unchanged)
  • All units are bribable (espionage: temporarily reveal their vision range)
  • Conquest critical are:
    • all units except fauna, women, fishing boats, healers, merchant ships, slaves, and traders
    • all military structures, centres, crannogs, fortresses, palaces, and wonders
  • Trade gain now depends on x+x^1.5 (instead of x^2), with x the distance between markets

Soldier types

  • Infantry can attack anything, can capture, can build, can gather
  • War dogs can not attack elephants, ships, siege engines, or structures; can not capture, build, or gather
  • Cavalry can attack and capture; can not build or gather
  • Camelry can attack and capture; can not build or gather
  • Chariotry can not attack structures; can capture; can not build or gather
  • Elephantry can attack and capture; can not build or gather

Selection markers

  • Catafalques and heroes are indicated by a star
  • Champions are indicated by an arrow
  • Economic units (women, slaves, support elephants, land traders, merchant ships, and fishing boats) are indicated by a rhombus
  • Healers are indicated by a cross
  • Other units are indicated by a circle


  • Each phase increases centre building time, health, experience, territory influence radius by +20%, and resource trickle rate by +1 silver per 7 seconds
    • Centres cost by default 300 food and wood; 25 m and 50 m auras enabled
    • Village phase increases centre cost by 300 wood; 75 m aura enabled
    • Town phase increases centre cost by 300 stone; 100 m aura enabled
    • City phase increases centre cost by 300 metal; 125 m aura enabled
    • Metropolis phase increases centre cost by 300 silver; 150 m aura enabled


Silver is the new resource number one; it can not be gathered directly, but can be acquired by:

  • selling resources
  • traders (gain is currently any combination of silver and other resources)
  • resource trickle rates (see below)
  • looting structures:
    • libraries grant 100 silver
    • lighthouses grant 60 silver
    • markets grant 30 silver
    • monuments and pillars grant 20 silver
    • palaces grant 150 silver
    • temples grant 40 silver
    • theatres grant 150 silver
    • wonders grant 400 silver

And it can currently be used for:

  • buying other resources (barter, market)
  • a few miscellaneous technologies:
    • international treaty: 250 silver (instead of 100 metal)
    • shared vision: 250 silver (instead of 100 food, 100 metal)
    • shared dropsites: 500 silver (instead of 200 food, 200 wood, 100 metal, 100 stone); also, three traders requirement is removed
    • unlock spies: 1000 silver (instead of 500 food, 500 wood, 300 metal, 300 stone)
    • counterespionage: 2000 silver (instead of 400 food, 400 metal)
  • espionage: bribing cost is changed to 250 silver (instead of 500 metal); 500 silver with counterespionage (instead of 750 metal)
  • training:
    • slaves cost 25 food and 25 silver each (instead of 50 food and 50 metal)
    • healers cost 25 food and 50 silver each (instead of 250 food only)
    • infantry mercenaries cost 60 silver each (instead of other resources)
    • camelry mercenaries cost 75 silver each (instead of other resources)
    • cavalry mercenaries cost 90 silver each (instead of other resources)
    • biga mercenaries cost 180 silver each (instead of other resources)
    • quadriga mercenaries cost 240 silver each (instead of other resources)
    • elephantry mercenaries cost 300 silver each (instead of other resources)
  • upkeep (see below)

Upkeep and taxation (resource trickle rates)

  • Income:
    • catafalques: 1 silver per 2 seconds
    • centres (village phase): 1 silver per 7 seconds
    • centres (town phase): 2 silver per 7 seconds
    • centres (city phase): 3 silver per 7 seconds
    • centres (metropolis phase): 4 silver per 7 seconds
    • palaces: 1 silver per second
    • wonders: 2 silver per second
  • Structure upkeep:
    • fortresses −1.0 silver per 7 seconds
    • harbours −1.0 food and −1.0 silver per 7 seconds
    • libraries −2.0 silver per 7 seconds
    • lighthouse −1.0 wood per 7 seconds
    • military structures −1.0 food per 7 seconds
  • Unit upkeep:
    • dogs: −0.01 food per 1 second
    • infantry, women, healers, slaves: −0.02 food per 1 second
    • traders: −0.03 food per 1 second
    • camelry: −0.04 food per 1 second
    • cavalry: −0.05 food per 1 second
    • bigae: −0.10 food per 1 second
    • quadrigae: −0.15 food per 1 second
    • elephantry: −0.20 food per 1 second
  • Warship upkeep:
    • small bargue: −2.0 silver per 30 seconds
    • small galley: −3.0 silver per 30 seconds
    • medium bargue: −4.0 silver per 30 seconds
    • unireme: −6.0 silver per 30 seconds
    • large bargue: −8.0 silver per 30 seconds
    • bireme: −12.0 silver per 30 seconds
    • huge bargue: −16.0 silver per 30 seconds
    • trireme: −18.0 silver per 30 seconds
    • quadrireme: −24.0 silver per 30 seconds
    • quinquereme: −30.0 silver per 30 seconds
    • sexireme: −36.0 silver per 30 seconds
    • septireme: −42.0 silver per 30 seconds
    • octoreme: −48.0 silver per 30 seconds
    • novireme: −54.0 silver per 30 seconds
    • decereme: −60.0 silver per 30 seconds

Population size

  • 0: heroes, war dogs, ships
  • 1: infantry, support units, scorpions
  • 2: cavalry, camels, bolt shooters
  • 3: worker elephants, stone throwers
  • 4: bigae (two-horsed chariots), battering rams
  • 6: quadrigae (four-horsed chariots), war elephants, siege towers

Bonus attacks (counters and penalties)

  • War dogs: 0.75× vs Camelry, Cavalry, Chariotry
  • Infantry crossbowmen: 1.5× vs Cavalry Archers, 0.5× vs Elephantry
  • Infantry archers: 1.5× vs Cavalry Archers, 0.5× vs Elephantry
  • Infantry longbowmen: 1.5× vs Cavalry Archers, 0.5× vs Elephantry
  • Infantry slingers: 1.5× vs Infantry Archers, 0.125× vs Siege Weapons, Structures
  • Infantry javelinists: –
  • Infantry axe throwers: –
  • Infantry axemen: 1.5× vs Elephantry
  • Infantry macemen: 0.125× vs Structures
  • Infantry sabremen: –
  • Infantry swordsmen: –
  • Infantry longswordsmen: –
  • Infantry halberdiers: –
  • Infantry spearmen: –
  • Infantry hoplites: –
  • Infantry pikemen: –
  • Camel archers: 1.5× vs Support units, 0.5× vs Elephantry
  • Camel javelinists: 1.25× vs Cavalry
  • Camel spearmen: 1.5× vs Cavalry, 0.5× vs Elephantry
  • Cavalry crossbowmen: 1.25× vs Cavalry, 0.5× vs Elephantry, 0.125× vs Structures
  • Cavalry archers: 1.5× vs Cavalry Axe-, Sabre-, and Swordsmen, 0.5× vs Elephantry
  • Cavalry javelinists: 1.5× vs Chariotry
  • Cavalry axemen: 0.75× vs Camelry, Chariotry, 0.5× vs Elephantry
  • Cavalry sabremen: 0.75× vs Camelry, Chariotry, 0.5× vs Elephantry
  • Cavalry swordsmen: 0.75× vs Camelry, Chariotry, 0.5× vs Elephantry
  • Cavalry spearmen: 0.75× vs Camelry, Chariotry, 0.5× vs Elephantry
  • Cavalry lancers: 0.75× vs Camelry, Chariotry, 0.5× vs Elephantry
  • Archer biga chariots: 0.5× vs Elephantry
  • Javelin biga chariots: 0.5× vs Elephantry
  • Scythed quadriga chariots: 0.5× vs Elephantry
  • Archer war elephants: 0.5× vs Elephantry
  • Melee war elephants: 0.125× vs Structures
  • Scorpion: –
  • Bolt shooter: 1.5× vs Elephantry
  • Stone thrower: 2.0× vs Ships
  • Battering ram: 2.0× vs Structures
  • Siege tower: –

Structure distances

  • 20 m from economic buildings: corrals, docks, farmsteads, fields, markets, storehouses
  • 30 m from military buildings: barracks, blacksmiths, camel stables, cavalry stables, chariot stables, elephant stables, embassies, military halls, siege workshops
  • 40 m from temples: temples
  • 60 m from towers: outpost, sentry tower, defence tower
  • 75 m from fortresses: army camps, fortresses
  • 150 m from centres: centres, crannogs

Global auras

  • Wonders each grant −10% unit training time
    • with “glorious expansion” researched: +10% maximum population limit
    • with “glorious expansion” researched: structures +10% territory influence radius
  • Theatres each grant +2% worker gather rates
  • Libraries each grant −10% structure construction time and −20% technology research time

Civilization bonuses

  • Celtic (Britons, Gauls):
    • blacksmith technologies cost −20% resources and time;
    • civic, economic, military, and resource structures have −20% health, capture points, and build time; temples cost 0 stone but +250 wood;
    • economic structures grant +2 population bonus, military structures +4, temples +6;
    • walls have −20% health, capture points, build time, and stone and wood costs;
    • naked fanatics (champion spearmen) have +15% attack damage and +30% walk speed, but also −4 armour levels.
  • Greek (Athenians, Macedonians, Spartans):
    • civic structures have +20% health and capture points.
  • North African (Carthaginians, Ptolemies):
    • war elephants have −20% metal and wood costs and −10% training time, but also −10% attack damage and −20% maximum health.
  • Tribal (Britons, Gauls, Iberians):
    • centres have −20% resource cost, build time, population bonus, garrison capacity, capture points, health, loot, experience, and territory influence radius.
  • Athenians:
    • storehouse technologies cost −10% resources and time;
    • warships have +10% walk speed.
  • Britons:
    • infantry swordsmen have +10% walk speed;
    • sentry towers cost no stone and have −25% construction time and −10% health.
  • Carthaginians:
    • market technologies cost −25% resources and time;
    • markets have −50% resource costs and construction time;
    • ships have +20 m vision range;
    • naval traders have +10% gain;
    • city walls have +20% health, capture points, build time, and stone and wood costs.
  • Gauls:
    • infantry spearmen have +10% melee attack damage.
  • Iberians:
    • infantry javelinists have +10% ranged attack damage.
  • Macedonians:
    • cavalry lancers have +10% melee attack damage;
    • siege weapons have −20% construction time;
    • battering rams have +20% wood cost, +20% maximum health, +2.0 garrison capacity, but also −10% movement speed.
  • Mauryas:
    • no longer have +10% maximum population limit;
    • soldiers −10% training time;
    • city walls have −20% health, capture points, and build time, cost no stone, but +200% wood;
    • battering rams have +10% wood cost and +10% maximum health, but also −5% movement speed.
  • Persians:
    • no longer have +10% maximum population limit;
    • structures +10% territory influence radius;
    • military structures −0.05 batch time multiplier;
    • land traders have +10% gain;
    • battering rams have +50% wood cost, +50% maximum health, +4.0 garrison capacity, but also −20% movement speed.
  • Ptolemies:
    • houses, corrals, farmsteads, and storehouses cost no resources but have +100% build time;
    • blacksmiths, docks, markets, and military structures cost −50% wood but have +60% building time;
    • healers have +3 healing range;
    • battering rams have +20% wood cost, +20% maximum health, +2.0 garrison capacity, but also −10% movement speed;
    • temple technologies cost −30% resources and time.
  • Romans:
    • barracks technologies cost −25% resources and time;
    • infantry swordsmen have +10% melee attack damage;
    • battering rams have +30% wood cost, +30% maximum health, +2.0 garrison capacity, but also −15% movement speed;
    • stone throwers have +20% crush damage, but also cost +50.0 stone.
  • Seleucids:
    • centres have −25% building time (former team bonus);
    • battering rams have +20% wood cost, +20% maximum health, +2.0 garrison capacity, but also −10% movement speed.
  • Spartans:
    • no longer have −10% maximum population limit;
    • women have +30% melee attack damage;
    • melee and ranged cavalry have a −10% attack damage penalty;
    • hoplites have +10% walk speed.

For more detailed information, please have a look at 0abc-readme.pdf


0abc, a modification of “0 A.D. Empires Ascendant”, version 0.0.22 “Alpha XXII: Venustas”







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