DDoS Script (DDoS Panel) with Multiple Bypass
( Cloudflare UAM,CAPTCHA,BFM,NOSEC / DDoS Guard / Google Shield / V Shield / Amazon / etc.. )
Don't attack any websites you don't own it
This was created for educational purposes
All responsibilities and disadvantages of using this program is for the user.
( Cloudflare UAM,CAPTCHA,BFM,NOSEC / DDoS Guard / Google Shield / V Shield / Amazon / etc.. )
Don't attack any websites you don't own it
This was created for educational purposes
All responsibilities and disadvantages of using this program is for the user.
[Layer 7]
- cfb | Bypass CF attack
- pxcfb | Bypass CF attack with proxy
- cfreq | Bypass CF UAM, CAPTCHA, BFM, etc,, with request
- cfsoc | Bypass CF UAM, CAPTCHA, BFM, etc,, with socket
- pxsky | Bypass Google Project Shield, Vshield, DDoS Guard Free, CF NoSec With Proxy
- sky | Sky method without proxy
- http2 | HTTP 2.0 Request Attack
= pxhttp2 | HTTP 2.0 Request Attack With Proxy
- spoof | Spoof Attasck
- pxspoof | Spoof Attack with Proxy
- get | Get Request Attack
- post | Post Request Attack
- head | Head Request Attack
- soc | Socket Attack
- pxraw | Proxy Request Attack
- pxsoc | Proxy Socket Attack
[Layer 4]
-udp | UDP Attack
-tcp | TCP Attack
- Dns | Classic DNS Lookup
- Geoip | Geo IP Address Lookup
- Subnet | Subnet IP Address Lookup
You must use Python 3.9 or higher
git clone https://github.com/HyukIsBack/KARMA-DDoS.git
Install Python3 modules
- pip3 install -r requirements.txt or pip install -r requirements.txt
Install Chrome (or update it lastest version)
- wget https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
- apt-get install ./google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
- python3 setup.py
Use DDoS Panel : python3 main.py
Use command line : python3 main.py <method> <target> <thread> <time>
└──────────> python3 main.py cfb https://example.com 100 30