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My Shell Prompt!

NOTE: If you want to use this theme, modify it to your liking but my advice is to use UTF codes that consist of only one part like this \ue641, avoid using codes that have two parts like this \udb85\udc43. Based on my experience all the icons / characters from the UTF code that I use look fine and there is nothing strange, but when working in the Android Studio terminal it will be messy and it will happen as if final_space = false even though in the json configuration the value is true and if you use too much it will be very messy and don't worry I have fixed all these themes.

All Themes

my terminal Using colors from Solarized Osaka

This is my Terminal theme that runs on Arch Linux OS. Yes Terminal, this is my residence, where all my activities are done here in operating Arch Linux, therefore I need a terminal that makes me comfortable to use it and below are some Tech Stack that I use to support my productivity. previously I used the Powerlevel10k theme and then I added another new theme with a costum theme using Oh My Posh and this is the last theme I used and maybe in the future I will make a new costume theme and update it in this repository.

Tech Stack :

  • *Required Nerd Font, I use JetBrainsMono Nerd Font and MesloLG Nerd Font
  • ST, A simple terminal emulator for X which sucks less
  • zsh, Oh My Zsh is a delightful, open source, community-driven framework for managing your Zsh configuration
  • Oh My Posh, A prompt theme engine for any shell
  • LSDeluxe, ls terminal output with colors and icons and more
  • Shell-Color-Script, A collection of terminal color scripts
  • Novim, The best command line editor for me,
  • NvChad, Blazing fast Neovim config providing solid defaults and a beautiful UI
  • Ranger - Ranger is a console file manager with VI key bindings.
  • Terminal GPT (tgpt), Is a cross-platform command-line interface (CLI) tool that allows you to use AI chatbot in your Terminal without requiring API keys

© 2024 04burhanuddin


ZSH + oh my posh






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