Clean boilerplate for graphql services, wasm/yew frontend, handlebars frontend.
Using tide, rhai, async-graphql, surf, graphql-client, yew, handlebars, jsonwebtoken, and mongodb.
See also:
- - Simple WIP blog & upcoming upgrades.
- - Multi-language CMS based on the Rust web stacks.
Demo site:
Graphql Services
- User register
- Salt and hash a password with PBKDF2 - 使用 PBKDF2 对密码进行加密(salt)和散列(hash)运算
- Sign in
- JSON web token authentication - JWT 鉴权整合
- Change password
- Profile Update
- User: query & mutation
- Project: query & mutation
Web Application
- Client request, bring & parse GraphQL data
- Render data to template engine
- Define custom helper with Rhai scripting language
- Rust - 中文资料集萃
- Tide - 中文文档
- rhai - Embedded Scripting for Rust
- async-graphql - 中文文档
- mongodb & mongo-rust-driver
- Surf
- yew
- graphql_client
- handlebars-rust
- jsonwebtoken
- cookie-rs
MongoDB data(include structure & documents) file is /data/budshome.sql
If you need mongodb cloud count, email to me or wechat(微信): yupen-com, please.
Please read:
- Backend: graphql servies server
- Frontend-yew: web application server
- Frontend-handlebars: web application server
You are welcome in contributing to this project.