The EventMesh Dashboard is under development and will support functionalities such as Connection management, cluster health checks, etc. Feel free to reach out to the EventMesh Assistant to contribute.
The Dashboard for EventMesh, maintained during v1.8.0 ~ v1.10.0, is a pure frontend project located at the Next.js Dashboard branch.
Weekly development meeting documents for EventMesh Dashboard:
- JDK 8/11
- Maven 3.9.x
- Spring Boot 2.7.x
- eventmesh-dashboard-console: Code for business modules, invoking service interfaces.
- eventmesh-dashboard-observe: Code for monitoring modules.
- eventmesh-dashboard-core: Code for EventMesh Runtime, Meta, and related components, providing service implementations.
- eventmesh-dashboard-service: Common API interfaces, abstracting core functionalities.
- eventmesh-dashboard-common: Code for common modules.
- eventmesh-dashboard-view: Frontend code.
When the repository code is updated, the script will build and run the EventMesh Dashboard based on the latest version of the code.
cd ~/service
git clone
cd eventmesh-dashboard/deployment/
Edit credentials:
cp .env.example .env
vim .env
Add task to crontab:
crontab -e
0 * * * * bash ~/service/eventmesh-dashboard/deployment/
cd eventmesh-dashboard
./mvnw clean package
TODO download mysql-connector-j manually
java -DDB_ADDRESS=$DB_ADDRESS -DDB_USERNAME=$DB_USERNAME -DDB_PASSWORD=$DB_PASSWORD -jar eventmesh-dashboard-console/target/eventmesh-dashboard-console-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
To be updated
cd eventmesh-dashboard
./gradlew clean bootJar
docker build -t yourname/eventmesh-dashboard -f docker/Dockerfile .
docker run -d --name eventmesh-dashboard -p 8080:8080 yourname/eventmesh-dashboard