- Fixed button logic properly on messageView
- Add marketing event(view, click) request validation
- Add close event when button link clicked on popup
- Update colors
- Fixed resource to resource_bundle on podspec file
- Make webpage thumnail image quality better
- Fixed some launcher window issue *Block open pushData when channelId is different from boot channel
- Fixed push click bug when app terminated
- Fixed button hidden bug when popup closed
- Fixed url encoding fail bug
- Fixed some layout bug
- Fixed popup click area properly
- Fixed chat lastmessage to include buttons
- Add Button Link in in-app-push and message
- Add boolean and date change UI on user profile type
- Remove resource bundle on podspec
- Fixed issue that inappPush face-type not working correctly
- Fixed permission logic properly
- Add misssing permission on photo and camera
- Fixed issue which avatar image was distorted
- Fixed hide function completion not working when animated option is ture
- Add existing inappNotification hide logic when showUserChat function called
- Fixed sdk push click logic because of double boot
- Add memberHash on boot.
- Add userUpdate function.
- Add unsubscribed option on boot, userUpdate, settingView.
- Fixed issue where support bot first messages containing webpage were not displayed correctly.
- Fixed support bot change issue when state is unstable
- Add resoures on podspec because of flutter asset not displaying issue
- Fixed an issue that always has a click event even if the plugin button is not visible
- Fixed supprotBot Button on lastline didn't click sometimes issue
- Fixed pad actionsheet crash issue
- Fixed token not delete issue
- Fixed push ack not send issue
- Fixed in-app-push giant emoji height bug
- Fixed wrong size when supportbot button has only emoji
- Fixed logic so that in-app push disappears when Open, OpenChat function is called
- Update Rx version because of UIWebview deprecated
- Fixed not showing launcher button on multi window envirnment(with SceneDelegate). Please check 'https://developers.channel.io/docs/ios-installation' if you use SceneDelegate.
- Add some debug log
- Changed thirdparty library from SVProgressHUD to JGProgressHUD
- Remove CRToast
- Fixed some objective-c issue
- Fixed launcher window cut off issue
- Fixed private name duplicate issue after xcode 11.4 updating
- Update some localize string
- Fixed RN language bug
- Update Alamofire version 4.9 -> 5.0
- Added Marketing feature
- Redesigned in app push notification views
- Refactored chat view
- Changed markdown to ANTLR to parse messages
- Changed file views (image, video)
- Fixed minor bugs
- Cleaned up socketio connection properly
- Restore host window to be key window after insert uiwindow
- Please check your
if you happen to use it. We updated container view frame position for launcher, so after this updates the launcher's position might not be what you intended
- Insert UIWindow only if needed (only when launcher is needed to be displayed)
- Set UIWindow size properly under status bar
- Removed UIWindow properly
- Fixed status bar style
- Fixed Welcome message that was not set properly
- Fixed attributed welcome message
- Fixed missing files
- Changed plugin button and InappNotification present on UIWindow
- Fixed Badge minus display
- Fixed wrong user chat cell height calculate
- Solved conflict with SkeletonView
- Fixed some broken emoji display
- Fixed text height calculation for welcome
- Changed user chat cell height calculation to automatic
- Changed minimum os version to 10
- Updated depandencies versions for swift 5 (Reusable, SnapKit, SwiftyJSON, ObjectMapper, NVActivityIndicatorView, PhoneNumberKit)
- Fixed becoming online bug when app is not running
- Fixed new banner logic
- Added missing video type
- Fixed iOS 13 layout (Dicarded some UIScreen.main usage due to changing default present style)
- Removed M13ProgressView
- Added deleted message cell
- Updates dependencies
- Fixed presentation style for image viewer
- Fixed dark mode issue
- Disabled darkmode temporary
- Updated dependencies version
- Fixed proj file linking problem
- Improved view transition
- Fixed SupportBot sync issue
- Fixed Lounge additional chat count
- Wrapped
into main thread
- Updated marketing version
- Fixed navigation coloring issue
- Handled swipe to dismiss for iOS 13
- Fixed iOS 13 crash issue due to private layout change access denied
- Removed image asset forced unwrapping
- Added missing nudge keep API
- Changed some user chats' state
- Hided delete message from chat
- Added line integration
- Updated InApp Push Notification view layout
- Excluded UIAlertController from topController
- Updated SDWebImage framework
- Removed FLAnimatedImage framework
- Removed CHNavBar framework
- Removed unnecessary public keyword
- Introduced lounge view
- Added
delegate method - Applied operation time in real-time
- Improved test cases
- Detached TLPhotoPicker from project (added to podspec and cartfile) - Don't forget to add this to your linked frameworks if you use Carthage)
- Cocopaods bundle resource
- Removed unecessory public classes
- Fixed missing file caused build failure
- Swift 5
- Set minimum required version from ios 9.0 to 9.1
- Replaced photo picker framework (Removed DKImagePickerController, DKCamera, CropViewController, DKGallery)
- Replaced photo viewer (Removed Lightbox, submodule Imaginary, Cache)
- Updated default launcher icon and rebranding
- Added
initPushToken: String
for react native - Renamed
- Displayed launcher on proper top controller view
- Fixed retry loader to dismiss properly
- Optimized
to handle edge cases
- Support bot will not be working below 5.3
- Updated support bot api and flows
- Added APIs retry logics
- Added RxSwiftExt framework
- Removed test related frameworks from project due to carthage build error
- Fixed actionsheet issue for ipad
- Fixed country code parsing
- Updated pushbot flow logics
- Added pushbot button and image redirection
- Added keep push bot button
- Updated event api
- Removed target evaluation logic
- Fixed int overflow issue for requestId
- Adjusted navigation margin
- Fixed onReceivePush call multiple times
- Fixed to apply locale setting properly
- Refactored chat notification view reusability
- Displayed status bar properly and fixed freezing on chat view
- Hided in-app push notification after handled redirect url
- Updated dependencies and structures to work with Carthage properly
- Added
for custom launcher
- Displayed button and input visibility properly based on channel settings
- Fixed missing localizations
- Added Push bot feature
- swift 4.2 migration
- Set closed user chat visibility to true by default
- Added unit tests for push bot evaluation
- Improved data flow consistency
- Refactored model and related methods
- Unwrapped Any type properly with reflection
- Fixed message with image cell layout
- Fixed requestId to query params
- Fixed support bot close action
- Improved string tag parsing
- Added Support bot feature
- Updated and synced localization
- Fixed to apply alert count properly
- Fixed push notification handling edge cases
- Removed and merged frameworks (Manuallayout, CGFlaotLiteral, Then, HexColors)
- Fixed actionable message when context type is other than just text
- Updated models to make compatible with react native
- Fixed in-app push notification leak
- Fixed navigation item layout for iOS 9
- react-native support with carthage
- Fixed carthage installation issue
- Fixed dependencies version
- Fixed to set locale properly
- Fixed onChangeBadge didn't get called properly
- Fixed
fields sync - Ensured all UI updates on main thread
- Fixed launcher button inconsistently appears on random position
- Fixed possible force unwrapped crash in message model
- Refactored channel properties
- Fixed unable to boot for startup
- Fixed boot params
will not show launcher automaticallyshow:
is visibility control property for launcher and it appears globally over application- Changed image viewer framework
- Displayed watermark for startup
- Updated Cartfile
- Fixed unintentionally delete cookie
- Remove warnings
- Fixed email link behavior
- ChannelPluginSetting's hideDefaultLauncher property has been deprecated
- Users now will be asked to close chat
- Web link will be opened in application instead default browser
- Updated internal APIs related to session and read
- Cleared all data properly on
- Cached country data locally
- Fixed crash caused by string forced unwrapping
- Removed install objc header option from build option
- Handled phone number in text
- Supported settings' legacy keys
- Removed AdSupport
- Fixed condition to handle link for delegate
- Updated in-app push notification design
- Refactored push and guest update logics
- Showed closed user chats by default
- Fixed blocked user UX
- Fixed settings unarchived error
- Added message translation
- Fixed GIF display on chat
- Refactored launcher view logics
- Added default launcher position config in ChannelPluginSettings
- Fixed message sync when plugin launched from push notification
- Enlarged emoji if text contains only emoji
- Added view parameter for
- Return proper value for
- Added actionable message type
- Handled long press on link
- In-app push vibration when a phone is on silent
- Improved camera feature
- Updated in-app push notification view layout
- Fixed bubble text line height calculation
- Fixed a crash when app was launched by push notification
- Fixed opening new chat logic
- Fixed a bug that messages were not sync when app became active
- Fixed message bubble UI issue
- Removed UINavigationItem+Margin due to iOS 11 bug
- Fixed NavigationItem margin properly
- Fixed emoji regex
- Added completion callback parameter in
method - Added animated parameter in
- Updated Guest property to immutable
- Fixed edge cases in message formating
- Added Guest as parameter in boot completion block
- Fixed default launcher button visibility
- Renamed Guest to Profile
- Changed locale field type from String to Enum
- Changed userId location from Profile to ChannelPluginSettings
- Added ProfileBot feature
- Updated default launcher visibility condition
- Fixed unexpected behavior when homepage and/or phoneNumber is missing in ProfileView
- Fixed scrollView behavior when input field is selected
- Resolved carthage dependencies conflicts
- SocketIO version to 13.x
- Removed UIColor-hex-swift and added HexColors
- Fixed right button that was not able to click after chat was completed
- Registered push token properly
- Removed colon escape from message
- Fixed to boot / shutdown properly
- Renamed default event name
- Added default event
- Renamed framework and class name from CHPlugin to ChannelIO
- Removed ChannelPlugin public properties
(these properties moved intoChannelPluginSettings
) - Removed
method and addedboot:
- Renamed
- Renamed
- Renamed
respectively - Renamed
respectively - Renamed
- Renamed
parameter names toeventName
- Renamed
- Renamed
- Introduced
class for ChannelIO configuration - Added locale option in
- Added locale option view in profile view
- Introduced message formatting (i.e. *something* for italic and **more** for bold)
- Upload video is available
- Refactored message cell structures
- Renamed
- Updated Channel model
- Updated
to show new chat if chat id is nil - Allowed trial channel to pass checkin validation
- Improved error logs
- Removed CHPhotoBrowser specific version from dependency
- In-app push notification customization available.
- Added
methods and a class that contains necessary properties to display push view - Refactor some of chat logics
- Fixed retain cycle
- Displayed bot avatar and name on in-app push notification
- Show Launcher properly
- Fixed incorrect timestamp
- Synced launcher visibility based on channel settings
- Removed SwiftDate framework
- Added watermark
- Fixed launcher button layout for iPhone X
- Redesigned UserChat UI/UX
- Fixed minor bugs
- Fixed file upload logic (GIF)
- Updated new message view
- Fixed country code json format
- Fixed potential memory leak
- Added live typing indicator
- Raised min os version to 9.0
- Fixed scopes for objective-c
- Fixed symbol error for iOS 8
- Added willShow/willHideChatList delegate methods
- SwiftyJSON 4.0 migration
- Rolled back to deployment target 8.0
- Dwifft to CHDwifft (forceRemoveAnimation)
- iPhone X layout supports
- Fixed animation issue
- Detached all in-project dependecies
- Swift 4 migration
- Refactored code style
- Added API Error convention
- Added
delegate method
- Increased deployment target to 9.0
- Fixed channel open properly after duplicated checkin
- Fixed minor bugs
- PhoneNumberKit to 2.0 (Swift 4.0)
- Fixed minor bugs
- Downgraded PhoneNumberKit to 1.4 (compatibility issue)
- iOS 11 migration
- Changed name
- enabled
- Renamed some properties and methods
- Introduced new method
to send event to channel
- Fixed minor bugs
- Fixed message height calculation
- Updated socket io v2
- Added StarstreamSocketIO framework to support socket v2
- If incoming push is same chat as current chat, It won't push new chat but update
- Removed unused 'isVisible' property
- Fixed html unescaped for welcome message
- Fixed link color
- Fixed off by one error for new message label
- Fixed badge count issues when launched app with push notification
- Fixed name/phone number dialog layout and localizations
- Fixed background layout for phone number picker view
- Fixed font size for in-app chat notification
- Updated UIState in redux correctly
- Reversed photo indexes
- Fixed duplicate
- Added in-app push notification sound
- Added sound option
- Saved closed user chat option state
- Fixed minor bugs
- Fixed deleted user chats handling
- Fixed avatar background color issue
- Added sound for in app push notification
- Added clear button in user info editing field
- Updated new chat banner UI
- Fixed layout bugs
- Veil can now update name/phone number
- Introduced review process after finish conversation
- Fixed UI / layout issues
- Validated when show(:) method is called
- Displayed new messages in user chat view properly
- Fixed credential errors when app become active
- Adjusted redux states
- Fixed user default key conflict
- Fixed launcher display bug
- Redesinged profile view (top left of chat list)
- Added Error toast
- Changed launcher icon
- Optimized socket connectivity
- Updated badge count properly when app become active from background
- Fixed session sync when app launched by clicking push notification
- Migrated to Swift 3.1
- WebSocket connect/disconnect when app state changes
- Fixed minor bugs
- Improved socket connectivity
- first beta release