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233 lines (172 loc) · 7.52 KB

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Maze Builder

Build textual representations of mazes quickly and easily on multiple platforms and languages. Below is an example of the string generated from the command-line interface.

|                 |                       |                 |
+-----+-----+     +     +-----+-----+     +     +     +     +
|                 |                 |     |     |     |     |
+     +-----+-----+     +-----+-----+     +     +     +-----+
|     |           |     |           |           |           |
+     +     +     +     +     +     +-----+     +-----+     +
|     |     |           |     |           |           |     |
+     +     +-----+-----+     +-----+     +-----+-----+     +
|           |           |     |           |                 |
+     +-----+     +     +-----+     +-----+     +-----+-----+
|     |           |           |     |                       |
+     +-----+-----+-----+     +     +-----+-----+-----+     +
|                       |     |     |                       |
+-----+-----+-----+     +     +     +     +-----+-----+     +
|                 |     |     |     |           |           |
+-----+-----+     +     +     +     +     +     +     +-----+
|                 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
+     +-----+-----+     +     +     +-----+     +     +     +
|                             |                 |           |


The library provides multiple export formats like Wavefront object, PNG and JPEG images, JSON, and plain text or stdout.

Enables rapid prototyping and creating example levels for games and simulations. The exports can be integrated into game engines and renderers like Unity, Godot, Blender, Unreal Engine and so forth.

Help Message

        Usages: mazebuildercli.exe [OPTION(S)]... [OUTPUT]
          Generates mazes in multiple export formats
        Example: mazebuildercli.exe -r 10 -c 10 -a binary_tree -o out.txt
          -a, --algo         dfs, sidewinder, binary_tree
          -s, --seed         seed for the mt19937 generator
          -r, --rows         rows
          -l, --levels       levels (also known as height in 3D)
          -c, --columns      columns
          -d, --distances    show distances between cells as integers
          -o, --output       [.txt], [.png|.jpg], [.obj],
                                [.json], [stdout]
          -j, --json         provide arguments in a JSON file
          -h, --help         display this help message
          -v, --version      display this program version


Run the binary_tree algorithm with long arguments:

mazebuildercli.exe --rows=25 --columns=25 --seed=42 --algorithm=binary_tree --output=bt.obj

Run the dfs algorithm with short arguments:

mazebuildercli.exe -r 25 -c 25 -s 42 -a dfs -o dfs.obj

Use the maze API in a modern C++ program:

    #include <iostream>
    #include <MazeBuilder/maze_builder.h>

    void main() {
        auto m = mazes::factory::create(configurator().rows(10).columns(10));

        auto s = mazes::stringz::stringify(m);

        std::cout << s << std::endl;

        return 0;

CMake Configuration and Testing

CMake 3.2 or greater is required. The included examples require external dependencies which can be grabbed from the Internet:

  • SDL
  • SFML
  • box2d
  • Catch2

CMake can fetch these dependencies from their respective git repo's on the Internet.

Use the following CMake options to configure this project:

CMake Option Default Description
MAZE_BUILDER_EXAMPLES OFF Build with project examples enabled.
MAZE_BUILDER_COVERAGE OFF Build with code coverage using CppCheck.
MAZE_BUILDER_TESTS OFF Build with testing using Catch2.
MAZE_BUILDER_DOCS OFF Build the docs using doxygen.
MAZE_BUILDER_MEMCHECK OFF Build with Valgrind and Memcheck support.
CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE cmake Building with a specific toolchain. Useful for Emscripten builds.


cmake -S . -B build-examples -DMAZE_BUILDER_EXAMPLES:BOOL=ON

Build it: cmake --build build-examples --config Release

By default, both a shared-object library and static library are produced. The shared and static files have different naming conventions depending on the platform:

Platform static lib shared lib
Windows mazebuildercore_static.lib mazebuildercore_shared.dll
Linux libmazebuildercore_static.a


Configure the project for testing: cmake -S . -B build-tests -DMAZE_BUILDER_TESTS:BOOL=ON

Run the tests: ctest --test-dir build-tests/tests --verbose -C Debug

Build for the Web

Configure examples for the browser using Emscripten and their toolchain file.

cmake -S . -B build-web -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE:FILEPATH=${my/emsdk/repo}/upstream/emscripten/cmake/Modules/Platform/Emscripten.cmake

JSON payloads

The follow is an example of a JSON input file:

  "rows": 2,
  "columns": 5,
  "levels": 1,
  "seed": 2,
  "algo": "dfs",
  "distances": false,
  "output": "out.json"

The out.json file might look like this:

  "rows": 2,
  "columns": 5,
  "levels": 1,
  "seed": 2,
  "algo": "dfs",
  "distances": false,
  "str": "+---+---+---+---+---+\n
          |           |       |\n
          +   +---+   +---+   +\n
          |       |           |\n


The Ruby script mazes.rb generates PNG images of mazes using algorithms and methods similar to the C++ library. It is a good place to start learning about the maze-generating algorithms. The Python script plays with the maze generation by loading PNG files and finding paths and networks.

Script dependencies:

  • gem install chunky_png
  • pip install numpy pillow networkx

Web Interface

Provided is a web interface in a voxel world that enables interactive maze generation.

Check out the this example in a live app!

The web app can be run locally with the provided script. Once the provided script is running, then open the browser to http://localhost:8000.

TODO | 6.0.1-build

  • JSON input and argument support | JSONHelper impl
  • Update docs using doxygen formats
  • Joystick and Touch suppport
  • Code coverage support with cppcheck
  • Add support and examples for SDL_GPU
  • Simplify grid_interface.h
  • Update version
  • Update tests to ensure new interface API works
  • Add "Snake" example
  • Update Voxels GUI
  • Single include #include <MazeBuilder/maze_builder.h>

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