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Frequently Asked Questions

wwitman edited this page Oct 23, 2015 · 2 revisions


  • Does Zetta run on the device, the cloud server or both?

    • Zetta software servers runs on the device if it has the capacity, or on a nearby 'hub' (like a Raspberry Pi, BeagleBone, Intel Edison) and in the cloud.
  • Is it the same code in the cloud and on the device? Is it peer to peer?

    • Yes. The Zetta servers are the same wherever they run.
  • What if the device doesn't have processing and memory capacity to run Zetta? Like an Arduino?

    • A typical pattern is a hub and spoke model where the spokes are constrained devices and the hub has more horsepower. Zetta will run on the local 'hub' like a Raspberry PI near the Arduino spoke.
  • Does the board require Node.js?

    • No only the 'hub' requires Node.js.
  • Does Zetta have C code?

    • Zetta is pure JavaScript on Node.js.
  • How do spoke talk to the hub?

    • There are Zetta drivers that mediate between protocols. So a Zetta 'driver' could talk serial between the hub and the device and mediate that serial protocol into a web api. The hub can speak anything. There are Node.js modules published to NPM for many protocols. The NPM modules become the heart of the Zetta device drivers.
  • How does Zetta on a hub, like a BeagleBone, talk to Zetta in the cloud, like Heroku?

    • If the hub has an internet address then the will communicate via simple HTTP APIs and WebSockets. If the hub is behind an intermediary like a router then the z2z protocol is used. z2z uses standards like HTTP, WebSockets and SPDY to allow devices to communicate.
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