Base set:
- 1x and 4x road waypoint graphics.
- Better 4x rail and monorail alignment on tiles.
- 4x zoom tunnels.
- 4x zoom bridges.
- 4x zoom block, path and pre-signals.
- Prototype/first 4x zoom road and rail station graphics.
- 4x zoom logo.
- Improved 4x temperate tree detail.
- Traditional and simplified Chinese translations.
- Various bugfixes, including:
- Fixed 1526 house miscoded as a ground sprite.
- Fixed miscoded multiplayer icons.
- Fixed large sprite font alignment.
- Minor sprite and GUI element alignment tweaks.
- Fixed one way road alignment errors.
- Fixed farm fence alignment.
- Fixed incorrect SW dead end tram track sprite.
- Fixed incorrect transparent blue for copper ore wagon.
- Fixed lighthouse and transmitter alignment in object NewGRF.
Base set:
- All GUI icons at 1x and 2x zoom, with some at 4x.
- Improved cursors, all at 1x and 2x zoom.
- Additional cursor styles.
- Build sprite font from TTFs, for full sprite font at 2x and 4x zoom.
- TTD-style custom monospaced sprite font, from TTF.
- Extended sprite font range to also cover Cyrillic and Greek alphabets.
- Prototype/first 4x rail vehicle sprites.
- Various additional bug fixes, including:
- Fix bridge colour, recolour and leg glitches.
- Fix/tweak town tree graphics.
- Fix Various rock and slope shading glitches.
- New standalone objects NewGRF, with fields, forests, rocks and building objects.
- Fix tree NewGRF to also replace cacti and palm trees.
Base set:
- 4x zoom trees for normal climates, including improved growth/death stages.
- 4x zoom tree/plantation industries.
- 4x zoom improved pixel art detailing of terrain.
- Improved maglev level crossings.
- Various bug fixes.
- New standalone trees NewGRF.
Known issues:
- If you're using a nightly, make sure you're using one from later than 29/10/2023, otherwise all climates will end up looking like temperate!
Base set:
- Baseset parameters, for baseset parameter support when OpenTTD 14.0 arrives.
- Removed pixel jitter in animated industries, and similar tweaks.
- Expanded 2x scale GUI scaling support.
- Prototype pixel art 4x zoom trees for Arctic.
- Various bug fixes.
Settings NewGRF:
- Preparation for depreciation when OpenTTD 14.0 arrives.
- New rail stations and waypoints NewGRF, just waypoints for now.
- Fixes for standalone behaviour of the landscape NewGRF.
Known issues:
- If you're using a nightly, make sure you're using one from later than 29/10/2023, otherwise all climates will end up looking like temperate!
Minor bugfix release.
Base set:
- Switch to integer version numbering for internal use, decimal not supported by OpenTTD for version comparisons.
- Minor bug fixes.
Base set:
- Bug fixes from v0.1, including a few game-breaking missing (white box) sprites.
- Initial support for 2x GUI scaling (including in 'Classic' variant).
Settings NewGRF:
- Parameter control of grass (terrain tile), foundation and tree style per climate. Almost fully mix-and-match.
- New standalone landscape NewGRF.
- Multithreading for much faster 32bpp to 8bpp sprite conversion.
Base set:
- First OpenGFX-independent baseset.
- 8bpp 1x zoom 'Classic' variant.
- 32bpp 4x zoom 'High Def' variant. 'Classic' is a complete baseset. 'High Def' 32bpp and 4x zoom sprites are not universally complete, and uses 8bpp 1x zoom fallbacks.
Settings NewGRF:
- Sets parameters which the extra grf in the baseset reads.
- Configure presence/absence of gridlines, logo style, cursor styles.