This multiplication and division unit is in compliance with RISC-V standard M-extension, which can be integrated with any existing RISC-V processor.
Two operands, function3, and a valid signal are fetched from the target processor and fed to the MDU. The function3 signal which is named as i_mdu_op
, it decides that which operation MDU has to perform on the arrival of a valid signal as shown in the table below.
Instruction | i_mdu_op |
MUL | 000 |
MULH | 001 |
MULHSU | 010 |
MULHU | 011 |
DIV | 100 |
DIVU | 101 |
REM | 110 |
REMU | 111 |
MDU uses FuseSoC, which is a famous package manager and build abstraction tool for FPGA/ASIC development.
If the target core supports FuseSoC then you can easily add mdu as a dependency in .core
file and making changes in RTL.
SERV is the world smallest bit-serial RISC-V core. It is famous because of its size and lumbering pace. The changes made for this integration can be tracked in PR #60.
SERV uses FuseSoC so it makes our work easier, you can run the SERV with MDU by simply following the steps below.
Create a directory to keep all the different parts of the project together. We will refer to this directory as $WORKSPACE
from now on. All commands will be run from this directory unless otherwise stated.
Install FuseSoC
pip install fusesoc
Add SERV as a separate library into the workspace
fusesoc library add serv
Now add MDU
fusesoc library add mdu
If Verilator is installed, we can use that as a linter to check the SERV source code
fusesoc run --target=lint serv
If everything worked, the output should look like
INFO: Preparing ::serv:1.1.0
INFO: Setting up project
INFO: Building simulation model
INFO: Running
Now it's time to run SERV with MDU
fusesoc run --target=verilator_tb --flag=mdu servant
Note: All the FuseSoC commands should run from $WORKSPACE
The integration of MDU with SERV was the part of Google Summer of Code 2021 project under the banner of FOSSI Foundation, it is completed by Zeeshan Rafique under the mentorship of Olof Kindgren. Special thanks to Olof Kindgren for helping me throughout the project.