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Manual Installation Instructions

Step 0: Do Not Run PySOGS as root

Do not run pysogs as root. Some inexperienced system administrators think it is easier to just run everything as root, without realizing that it is a significant security issue. Just don't do it.

Instead, use an existing regular user or, even better, create a new regular user just for SOGS.

Step 1: Clone the PySOGS repo

git clone -b stable pysogs
cd pysogs

This clones the stable branch rather than the default dev branch. If you are comfortable with filing bug reports if problems come up and want to run the development version change stable to dev, but keep in mind that things on the dev branch may sometimes be untested and broken.

Step 2: Install dependencies

PySOGS has a handful of required Python modules and programs. There are multiple ways to install these, but the easiest on a recent Ubuntu/Debian system is to install them for the system version of Python using:

sudo curl -so /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/oxen.gpg
echo "deb $(lsb_release -sc) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oxen.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3-{oxenmq,oxenc,pyonionreq,coloredlogs,uwsgidecorators,flask,cryptography,nacl,pil,protobuf,openssl,qrencode,better-profanity,sqlalchemy,sqlalchemy-utils} uwsgi-plugin-python3

If you want to use a postgresql database backend then you will also need the python3-psycopg2 package. If unsure then stick with the default (sqlite3) database.

Step 3: Adjust configuration


Copy the sogs.ini.sample to sogs.ini:

cp sogs.ini.sample sogs.ini

and edit it to change settings as desired. At a minimum you must uncomment and set the base_url setting to your SOGS URL; this can be a domain name or a public ip address. Using a domain name is recommended over a bare IP as it can later be moved to a new host or new ISP, while while a bare IP cannot.

For example:

base_url =


SOGS requires uwsgi to manage processes; sample configurations are available in the contrib/ directory. For a simple setup listening directly on a public IP/port you can use the standalone sample configuration:

cp contrib/uwsgi-sogs-standalone.ini uwsgi-sogs.ini

Edit uwsgi-sogs.ini, change relevant config settings including chdir, uid, gid. Other settings such as http port can also be altered if required.


Do not change the mount, enable-threads, or mule configuration lines.

Step 4: Run SOGS

Once configured you can temporarily run PySOGS by running the following command while inside the git repository base directory:

uwsgi uwsgi-sogs.ini

For a more permanent installation, however, you'll want to set up and enable a system service; you can use the service file from the debian packaging as a starting point.

Step 5: Adding rooms, admins

In order to do anything useful you will want to add a room and admins to your SOGS installation (unless upgrading: see below).

To interact with the SOGS database you want to run python3 -msogs --help from the session-pysogs directory which will give you a description of the available commands to control your SOGS installation.

See SOGS Administration for details, but note that where that document indicates using the sogs command you should instead use python3 -msogs from the session-pysogs directory.

Step 6: Check web viewer functionality

Navigating to your SOGS URL should display a web viewer of your open group, including any configured rooms. Navigating to the listed rooms will give you the full SOGS URL (and QR code) that is used to have a Session client connect to the open group.



To upgrade simple stop your sogs service, git pull to update to the latest git repository code, and start sogs again. It's recommended that you also install regular OS updates.

Upgrading from SOGS 0.1.x

To upgrade from a 0.1.x version of (Rust) SOGS you will need to do two things:

  • Copy database.db, x25519_private_key.pem, files, and rooms from the old sogs data directory into the session-pysogs project directory.
  • Manually convert your keys from the old openssl format, using:
python3 -msogs.key_convert -i x25519_private_key.pem -o key_x25519

The first time you start sogs after doing this it will see that it has no rooms but that database.db exists and will perform a full import. Note that you should leave the files directory in place after this import: existing, imported uploads are left in their existing locations until they expire. The other old data files are not used after a successful import.

Backing up

It is recommended that you make automatic, regular backups of your PySOGS data files. In particular you want to regularly back up sogs.db (which contains all the rooms and posts) and the uploads directory (which contains uploaded files and room images). You also want to make a one-time backup of key_x25519 (your SOGS private key needed to process SOGS requests).