title | sidebar_position |
Platforms |
3 |
This section shows the platforms where Headlamp has been tested (in-cluster) or is to be tested, and useful observations about it. If you have tested Headlamp on a different flavor or Kubernetes, please file a PR or issue to add your remarks to the list.
The "works" column refers to the overall Kubernetes-related functionality when running on the respective platform; it may have 3 different values:
- ✔️ : Has been tried and works well to the extent of what has been tested
- ❌ : Has been tried and didn't work or had issues that prevented a regular use of it
- ❔: Hasn't been tried/reported yet
Platform | Works | Comments |
Amazon EKS | ✔️ | - As reported here. |
DigitalOcean Kubernetes | ❔ | - Have you tried Headlamp on this platform? Please report your experience. |
Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) | ❔ | - Have you tried Headlamp on this platform? Please report your experience. |
K3s | ✔️ | - Simple to install / expose with the regular in-cluster instructions. |
Kind | ✔️ | - Simple to install / expose with the regular in-cluster instructions. |
Microsoft AKS | ✔️ | - Working fine in-cluster and with the desktop application. |
Minikube | ✔️ | - For exposing with an ingress, enable ingresses with minikube addons enable ingress : - There are docs about the development with Minikube. |
Vultr Kubernetes Engine | ✔️ | - Simple to install / expose with the regular in-cluster instructions. |
Red Hat OpenShift | ✔️ | - Simple to install / expose with the regular in-cluster instructions. |
K0s | ✔️ | - Simple to install / expose with the regular in-cluster instructions. |
We mostly test with 'modern browsers' defined as the latest version and two older versions. But we try to make Headlamp work with web standards, so it's quite likely other standards-conforming browsers will also work.
Platform | Works | Comments |
Edge | ✔️ | |
Safari | ✔️ | |
Firefox | ✔️ | |
Chrome | ✔️ | |
Internet Explorer 11 | ❌ |
We test on MacOS, various flavours of Linux, and Windows. Headlamp runs in the browser, but also as an App.
Platform | Works | Comments |
Windows 10, 11 (including in WSL2) | ✔️ | |
MacOS (arm, x86) | ✔️ | |
Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04, 22.10 | ✔️ | |
Fedora | ✔️ | |
Flatpak | ✔️ | See running external tools from Headlamp if you need to use az , aws , gcloud , etc. in your kubeconfig |
See these two links up to date lists of plugins which integrate with out cloud native projects:
Here is a list of CNCF project integrations at time of writing:
Project |
Backstage |
Flux |
Inspektor Gadget |
Kompose |
KubeScape |
KubeVirt |
OpenCost |
Prometheus |
Trivy |