- tidy up ruby style
- fix issue with cloned interface detection for multi-digit interface names
Fixes to usage of raw_values for interfaces on FreeBSD.
This release contains adjustments to dependencies and new files to support pushing released versions to the forge.
This release contains fixes to cloned_interfaces to ensure proper detection of those interfaces that need to be created at boot.
This release contains improvements to FreeBSD support to include lagg(4) support through the trunk classes, and fixes addressing issues on the vlan interfaces for FreeBSD.
This release contains contains backwards incompatible parameter name and data type changes. Also here, is native Puppet 4 support, dropping Puppet 3 support, and lots of plumbing changes to make configuration validation a bit cleaner.
- Drop Puppet 3.x support, leveraging native Puppet 4.x type validation
- Validation change, VLAN IDs are now integers.
- Validation change, address parameters are arrays.
- The old 'values' param has been renamed to 'raw_values' to make it clear that the items will be written unmodified.
- Library code has been much improved, centralizing the configuration validation between the BSDs to allow for easier addition of interface types, or future configuration changes. The PuppetX::BSD::PuppetInterface parent class is now used to create a new interface type and provide the necessary validation. This reduces the interface type specific code considerably.
- 'network_key' has been renamed to 'wpa_key' on wifi interfaces
- Add support for managing interface MTU
- Fix an issue where MTU is not properly read from the output of ifconfig
This release contains updates for testing including platform test matrix.
- drop testing on old Puppet 3.x versions, keeping only 3.8.7
- improve manifest test coverage
This release contains a change in dependency for sysctl. The two modules should co-exist without issue, but the new dependency must be present.
- drop duritong/sysctl in favor of herculesteam-augeasproviders_sysctl
This release contains a backwards incompatible dependency change. Please see the metadata for the new dependency list.
- drop shell_config in favor of augeas_providers
- begin changelog