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Implementation of example web application in python with relational database. By Len Feremans, Sandy Moens and Joey De Pauw, assistants at the University of Antwerp (Belgium) within the Adrem data lab research group.

What is this repository for?

Tutorial for Programming Project Database students, or persons interested in creating a web application in python.

We depend on the following technologies:


Quick start

The implementation is written in Python.

1. Postgres database and Python interface

sudo apt install postgresql python-psycopg2

2. Create the database

First configure the database with postgres user:

sudo su postgres

Then create a role 'app' that will create the database and be used by the application:


You need to 'trust' the role to be able to login. Add the following line to /etc/postgresql/9.6/main/pg_hba.conf (you need root access, version may vary). It needs to be the first rule (above local all all peer).

# TYPE  DATABASE        USER            ADDRESS                 METHOD

# app
local   dbtutor         app                                     trust

and restart the service. Then initialize the database:

sudo systemctl restart postgresql

psql dbtutor -U app -f sql/schema.sql

3. Download Dependencies

virtualenv -p python3 env
source env/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

4. Run development server

cd NewsApp

Then visit http://localhost:8080

5. Run unit tests:

cd NewsApp





Create GCP instance

Follow these steps to create a GCP compute instance.

1. Access your GCP project and give every team member access

Provide a email address via the assignment on Blackboard. This account will be added to a GCP project that you can find via the console:

Before continuing, add your team members to this project as well through the IAM & Admin > IAM menu.

2. Create a Compute instance (VM)

These screenshots explain how to create a VM instance from the menu Compute Engine > VM Instances. Feel free to change any settings, this is only a suggestion, but make sure your instance doesn't use significantly more budget than the given example.

create vm0

The steps below indicate the changed settings. Screenshots are added to clarify.

  • Change Region to europe-west1 (Belgium), zone doesn't matter much.
  • Set machine type to e2-medium. This should more than suffice for the project.
  • Set Boot disk size to 50Gb

create vm1

  • Allow HTTP and HTTPS traffic
  • Open the Management, security, disks, networking, sole tenancy menu.

create vm2

  • Under Networking, edit the default network interface.

create vm3

  • Set a static external IP for the server.
  • After the setup, the domain name (with 'X' replaced by your team number) will be coupled to your server by the teaching assistant.

create vm4

3. (Optional) Set static IP address and add Firewall rule

If you forgot to set the static IP address, you can still edit this after the instance is created. Additionally, a firewall rule to allow traffic on specific ports can be added (if you forgot to check http/https traffic earlier or want to add access the debug server).

In the settings of your instance, under network iterfaces, click View details.

create vm

This brings you to the network configuration page.

create vm

3.1 Set static IP address

From the network configuration, you can set the external IP address to static:

create vm

3.2 Add Firewall rule for debug server

From the network configuration, you can create a new firewall rule if you want to run the debug server on port 5000:


4. Add SSH keys

In the VM settings, you can add SSH keys for each team member.

Copy the contents of your public SSH key, for example ~/.ssh/, to the VM instance.

If you don't have a key yet, this is how you can create one:

(Optional) Use ssh-keygen to generate a private and public ssh key-pair. This is used to securely login to the remote server. Follow the instructions of this command. After this, a public and private key file will be created respectively ~/.ssh/ and ~/.ssh/id_rsa.

5. Test your connection

You should now be able to connect to the server with ssh [username]@[external ip].

Optionally you can add the following lines to ~/.ssh/config:

Host ppdb
   Hostname [external ip]
   User [username]

Then you can connect simply with ssh ppdb

Run on GCP using nginx and gunicorn

These steps demonstrate how to run this application with nginx. They are to be executed in addition to the setup in quick start. Instead of running the built in Flask debug server, we use an industrial grade webserver and reverse proxy server: nginx.

1. Install dependencies

sudo apt install nginx

2. Create user to run application

sudo useradd -m -s /bin/bash app
sudo su - app

3. Clone the application in /home/app

git clone

4. Follow Quick start to setup the project

5. Test if wsgi entrypoint works

Instead of using the Flask debug server, we use gunicorn to serve the application.

cd src/NewsApp
gunicorn --bind run:app

6. Enable the webservice

As an account with sudo acces (not app), copy the file service/webapp.service to /etc/systemd/system/ and enable the service:

sudo ln -s /home/app/NewsApp/service/webapp.service /etc/systemd/system/

sudo systemctl enable webapp
sudo systemctl start webapp

A file src/News-App/webapp.sock should be created.

7. Setup nginx

Link or copy the nginx server block configuration file to the right nginx folders:

sudo ln -s /home/app/NewsApp/nginx/webapp /etc/nginx/sites-available/
sudo ln -s /home/app/NewsApp/nginx/webapp /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/

The contents of this file can be changed for your setup. For example change the IP address to your external IP and add the correct DNS name (team[x]

server {
    listen 80;

    location / {
        include proxy_params;
        proxy_pass http://unix:/home/app/News-App/NewsApp/webapp.sock;

Test the configuration with sudo nginx -t.

8. Restart the server

Restart the server with sudo systemctl restart nginx. Your application should be available on port 80.