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TechDocs CLI

NPM Version badge

Utility command line interface for managing TechDocs sites in Backstage.


  • Supports local development/preview of a TechDocs site in a Backstage app.
  • Supports generation and publishing of a documentation site in a CI/CD workflow.
techdocs-cli --help
Usage: techdocs-cli [options] [command]

  -V, --version             output the version number
  -h, --help                display help for command

  generate|build [options]  Generate TechDocs documentation site using mkdocs.
  publish [options]         Publish generated TechDocs site to an external storage AWS S3,
                            Google GCS, etc.
  serve:mkdocs [options]    Serve a documentation project locally using mkdocs serve.
  serve [options]           Serve a documentation project locally in a Backstage app-like
  help [command]            display help for command


You can always use npx to run the latest version of techdocs-cli -

npx @techdocs/cli [command]

Or you can install it using npm -

npm install -g @techdocs/cli
techdocs-cli [command]


Preview TechDocs site locally in a Backstage like environment

techdocs-cli serve

A preview of techdocs-cli serve command

By default, Docker and techdocs-container is used to make sure all the dependencies are installed. However, Docker can be disabled with --no-docker flag.

The command starts two local servers - an MkDocs preview server on port 8000 and a Backstage app server on port 3000. The Backstage app has a custom TechDocs API implementation, which uses the MkDocs preview server as a proxy to fetch the generated documentation files and assets.

techdocs-cli serve --help
Usage: techdocs-cli serve [options]

Serve a documentation project locally in a Backstage app-like environment

  --no-docker           Do not use docker, use mkdocs executable in current user environment.
  --mkdocs-port <PORT>  Port for mkdocs server to use (default: "8000")
  -v --verbose          Enable verbose output. (default: false)

Generate TechDocs site from a documentation project

techdocs-cli generate

Alias: techdocs-cli build

The generate command uses the @backstage/techdocs-common package from Backstage for consistency. A Backstage app can also generate and publish TechDocs sites if techdocs.builder is set to 'local' in app-config.yaml. See configuration reference.

By default, this command uses Docker and techdocs-container to make sure all the dependencies are installed. But it can be disabled using --no-docker flag.

Command reference -

techdocs-cli generate --help
Usage: techdocs-cli generate|build [options]

Generate TechDocs documentation site using mkdocs.

  --source-dir <PATH>             Source directory containing mkdocs.yml and docs/ directory.
                                  (default: ".")
  --output-dir <PATH>             Output directory containing generated TechDocs site. (default:
  --no-docker                     Do not use Docker, use MkDocs executable and plugins in current
                                  user environment.
  --techdocs-ref <HOST_TYPE:URL>  The repository hosting documentation source files e.g.
                                  This value is same as the annotation
                                  of the corresponding Backstage entity.
                                  It is completely fine to skip this as it is only being used to
                                  set repo_url in mkdocs.yml if not found.
  -v --verbose                    Enable verbose output. (default: false)
  -h, --help                      display help for command

Publish generated TechDocs sites

# Example
techdocs-cli publish --publisher-type <awsS3|googleGcs|azureBlobStorage> --storage-name <bucket/container name> --entity <namespace/kind/name>

# Command reference
Usage: techdocs-cli publish [options]

Publish generated TechDocs site to an external storage AWS S3, Google GCS, etc.

  --publisher-type <TYPE>                  (Required always) awsS3 | googleGcs | azureBlobStorage
                                           - same as techdocs.publisher.type in Backstage
  --storage-name <BUCKET/CONTAINER NAME>   (Required always) In case of AWS/GCS, use the bucket
                                           name. In case of Azure, use container name. Same as
  --entity <NAMESPACE/KIND/NAME>           (Required always) Entity uid separated by / in
                                           namespace/kind/name order (case-sensitive). Example:
  --azureAccountName <AZURE ACCOUNT NAME>  (Required for Azure) specify when --publisher-type
  --azureAccountKey <AZURE ACCOUNT KEY>    Azure Storage Account key to use for authentication.
                                           If not specified, you must set AZURE_TENANT_ID,
                                           AZURE_CLIENT_ID & AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET as environment
  --directory <PATH>                       Path of the directory containing generated files to
                                           publish (default: "./site/")
  -h, --help                               display help for command

After generating a TechDocs site using techdocs-cli generate, use the publish command to upload the static generated files on a cloud storage (AWS/GCS) bucket or (Azure) container which your Backstage app can read from.

The value for --entity must be the Backstage entity which the generated TechDocs site belongs to. You can find the values in your Entity's catalog-info.yaml file. If namespace is missing in the catalog-info.yaml, use default. The directory structure used in the storage bucket is namespace/kind/name/<files>.

Note that the values are case-sensitive. An example for --entity is default/Component/<entityName>.


You need to make sure that your environment is able to authenticate with GCP/AWS. techdocs-cli uses the official Node.js clients provided by AWS (v2), Google Cloud and Azure. You can authenticate using environment variables and/or by other means (~/.aws/credentials, ~/.config/gcloud etc.)

Refer to the Authentication section of the following documentation depending upon your cloud storage provider -

techdocs-cli publish --help
Usage: techdocs-cli publish [options]

Publish generated TechDocs site to an external storage AWS S3, Google GCS, etc.

  --publisher-type <TYPE>                 (Required) awsS3 | googleGcs - same as
                                          techdocs.publisher.type in Backstage app-config.yaml
  --storage-name <BUCKET/CONTAINER NAME>  (Required) In case of AWS/GCS, use the bucket name.
                                          Same as techdocs.publisher.[TYPE].bucketName
  --entity <NAMESPACE/KIND/NAME>          (Required) Entity uid separated by / in
                                          namespace/kind/name order (case-sensitive). Example:
  --directory <PATH>                      Path of the directory containing generated files to
                                          publish (default: "./site/")
  -h, --help                              display help for command


You are welcome to contribute to TechDocs CLI to improve it and support new features!

Set up locally

Clone this repository, install dependencies and build a local version of the CLI.

git clone

cd techdocs-cli/

yarn install

yarn run build

The build commands first bundles a small Backstage app located inside packages/embedded-techdocs and stores at packages/techdocs-cli/dist. It then builds the packages/techdocs-cli which uses the Backstage app bundle for the serve command. The techdocs-cli local binary is located at packages/techdocs-cli/bin/techdocs-cli. You can add an alias to the binary or add it in your PATH

# File: ~/.zshrc or ~/.zprofile or ~/.bashrc or similar

export PATH=/path/to/repo/packages/techdocs-cli/bin:$PATH

And then by running techdocs-cli, you can use latest code for development.

Note that any changes to packages/embedded-techdocs will require a new yarn run build for it to be reflected in techdocs-cli. However, all the changes in packages/techdocs-cli are immediate.

Use an example docs project

We have created an example documentation project and it's shipped with techdocs-container repository, for the purpose of local development. But you are free to create your own local test site. All it takes is a docs/ and mkdocs.yml in a directory.

git clone

cd techdocs-container/mock-docs

# To get a view of your docs in Backstage, use:
techdocs-cli serve

# To view the raw mkdocs site (without Backstage), use:
techdocs-cli serve:mkdocs

Deploying a new version

Deploying the Node package to NPM happens automatically when a PR is merged into the main branch with a GitHub Actions workflow. The package is published at @techdocs/cli on NPM. Just bump the version number in the packages/techdocs-cli/package.json file and create a pull request. It will be deployed when the PR is merged.

Note that the Backstage app and plugins versions are fixed in the packages/embedded-techdocs mono-repo. So @backstage/plugin-techdocs version may need upgrading from time to time if significant APIs are changed.

Few words on the setup of the project

The techdocs-cli package currently has a bit of a weird setup. It consists of two monorepos. The first one is the top level monorepo, where each package is listed in the packages directory. The second monorepo is a backstage app monorepo which can be found in packages/embedded-techdocs.

When we build techdocs-cli (using in the root) we first run yarn run build in packages/embedded-techdocs resulting in a bundle containing the entire backstage application. When we build packages/techdocs-cli using yarn run build, the embedded-techdocs bundle will be copied over to the packages/techdocs-cli/dist.

The resulting CLI can be found inside packages/techdocs-cli/bin. Use this for local development (by adding an alias in your local shell environment).

Happy hacking!