You can overwrite the existing icons and colors mapping by copying the yaml files from
alias cll='colorls -l' alias cl='colorls -lA --sd' alias clsf='colorls --sf'
Please have a look at the list of supported color names. You may also use a color hex code as long as it is quoted within the YAML file and prefaced with a # symbol.
Let's say that you're using the dark color scheme and would like to change the color of untracked file (??) in the --git-status flag to yellow. Copy the defaut dark_colors.yaml and change it.
Check if the ~/.config/colorls directory exists. If it doesn't exist, create it using the following command:
mkdir -p ~/.config/colorls
And then
export PATH=$PATH:/home/srhills/.local/share/gem/ruby/3.0.0/bin
In the ~/.config/colorls/dark_colors.yaml file, change the color set for untracked from darkorange to yellow, and save the change.
untracked: yellow
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Want to update to the latest version of colorls?
gem update colorls
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Want to uninstall and revert back to the old style? No issues (sob). Please feel free to open an issue regarding how we can enhance colorls.
gem uninstall colorls