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Releases: yeoman/generator


16 Dec 21:41
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Bug fixes

  • Fix reliance on process.cwd(), we're now correctly always basing ourselves on env.cwd
  • Fix NamedBase deprecation warning being log everytime you imported yeoman-generator


15 Dec 07:00
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New features

  • Async tasks can now return a Promise instead of calling this.async()
  • generator#registerTransformStream() can now take an array of transform streams
  • Extracted require('yeoman-generator').test to a new package (require('yeoman-test') in the hope on reducing the size of the dependencies on the end users)

Integration improvement

  • When the user select abort in a conflict prompt, we're now throwing an AbortedError rather than calling process.exit()


Remember, these only log deprecation warnings in the console and are not yet removed. Follow the instructions on these warnings to update your code.

  • generators.NamedBase is deprecated
  • require('yeoman-generator').test is deprecated (as explained higher)
  • require('yeoman-generator').assert is deprecated in favor of directly using require('yeoman-assert')
  • require('yeoman-generator').generators is deprecated (you can do the same with require('yeoman-generator'))


22 Oct 12:26
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22 Oct 11:12
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Update dependencies.



21 Aug 07:11
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Fix bug: When a modified file conflicted in the context of composed generators and a user chose to "skip" the file, any following composed generator would re-ask the same question. Now each file is correctly processed once.


15 Jul 19:00
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  • Fix issue where falsy prompt values wouldn't be stored.
  • Fix issue with spawnCommandSync() and node 0.10


17 May 08:07
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Make sure --skip-install option is shown in the --help menu.


17 May 07:30
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New features

  1. generator#spawnCommandSync() now allows you to run a command synchronously.
  2. New template engine!!

New template engine

mem-fs-editor (generator#fs.copyTpl()) and the older generator#template()) is now using ejs as the default template engine.

What does that mean for you? Lots of great things! But don't be scared, the syntax is very similar to the old lodash.template().

New features:

  • Line slurping. Closing template tag with -%> will remove the new line. No more hacking with new lines for good output.
  • <%% will output a literal <% (useful if you're templating template files you don't want to process)
  • Support for partial with the include method (<%- include('user/show', {user: user}); %>). The partial path is relative to the template file itself.

What changed? Basically the template settings are not the same anymore. So if you relied on those settings, you'll need to update them to match ejs options.


  • Paths you pass to this.copy and this.template are no longer evaluated as templates (no more this.template('dir/<%= filename %>.js'))


19 Apr 07:43
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Fix bug with this.extract() where the method would create an empty tarball.


06 Apr 07:31
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  • Fix issue with RunContext#withOptions() where name wouldn't be normalized to both camel and kebab case. We now convert names to both style to provide a more reliable behavior.