xorg-server xf86-input-evdev xf86-video-fbdev xf86-video-modesetting xf86-video-ati
guix environment guix
cd ~/guix
./bootstrap && ./configure --localstatedir=/var --with-libgcrypt-prefix=$(guix build libgcrypt | head -1) && make -j2
One of the first thing to do if you don’t want to turn deaf when it occurs while you are wearing headphones
rmmod pcspkr
Run the Makefile with
or add this to config.scm
(services (cons* (console-keymap-service "fr")
and add this in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf
Section "InputClass"
Identifier "evdev keyboard catchall"
MatchIsKeyboard "on"
MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"
Driver "evdev"
# Keyboard layouts
Option "XkbLayout" "fr"
sudo rm /home/yenda/.config/guix/latest
sudo ln -s ~/guix /root/.config/guix/latest
sudo guix system reconfigure /etc/config.scm
sudo rm /root/.config/guix/latest
ln -s ~/guix ~/.config/guix/latest
yenda@project2501 ~ [env]$ sudo guix system reconfigure /etc/config.scm guix system: error: failed to load ‘/etc/config.scm’: /etc/config.scm:6:0: In procedure #<procedure 49c94c0 ()>: /etc/config.scm:6:0: In procedure module-lookup: Unbound variable: linux-custom
The first time:
ln -s ~/guix ~/.config/guix/latest
sudo -E guix system reconfigure /etc/config.scm
sudo -E: preserve-env
To keep the failed build in /tmp
guix build -K
The failed build directory will be in /tmp/nix-build-*
Spawn a shell
env -i $(which bash)
source environment-variables
You might need to use chown to change the owner of the folder
It is not quite the same as the build environment, since it is not in a chroot and not isolated from the network, but still often useful
Difficult start. I ended up with a
I ran ifconfig
which of course returned nothing because I forgot
ifconfig -all
This returns the list of the network interface available on the computer. Since my computer both has ethernet and wifi connection I opt for the ethernet one to avoid driver complications.
Running dhclient to configure it
dhclient enp5s0
Build of system.drv failed
guix pull
failed to download
I realized packages were not being downloaded because my network card was not activated
ifconfig enp5s0 up dhclient enp5s0
I still get the following error running guix system init : “guix substitute: warning: failed to look up host ‘hydra.gnu.org’ (name or service not known), substituter disabled” “guix system: error: build failed: unexpected EOF reading a line”.
guix pull
In ./gnu/nuilf/linux-boot.scm: 403:35 1 (#<procedure 2b272a0 at ./gnu/build/linux-boot.scm:369:3[square]>) In unknown file: 0 (scm-error misc-error #f “~A ~S” (“failed to resolv[square]” [square]) [square])
I used find / -name “hydra.gnu.org.pub” to find hydra public key
guix archive –authorize < key.pub
guix pull
guix system init configfile mnt
connect with root change user password
mkdir home/yenda cp /etc/skel.* home/yenda
passwd passwd yenda
- State “TODO” from “” [2015-07-19 Sun 06:46]
alezost xf86-video-ati
guix package -i xorg-server xf86-input-evdev xf86-video-fbdev xf86-video-modesetting xf86-video-ati
sudo X :1 vt8 -nolisten tcp -logverbose -noreset -modulepath “$HOME/.guix-profile/lib/xorg/modules”
- State “TODO” from “” [2015-07-19 Sun 06:46]
<mark_weaver> http://www.kosagi.com/w/index.php?title=Novena_Main_Page and https://www.crowdsupply.com/sutajio-kosagi/novena for the novena <mark_weaver> http://www.lowrisc.org/ <mark_weaver> http://libreboot.org/
Some programs (like emacs for instance) require you to run this command so they can see the new install font and use it:
fc-cache -f
<mark_weaver> I actually think the proper way would be to move the font cache into the profile, and then generate the font cache as part of profile generation <mark_weaver> we do something similar with the gtk-icon-cache
Try this command :
date -u
If the timezone is your local timezone, this is wrong, it means your hardware is using your timezone, and the software is applying the timezone correction a second time.
To fix this do :
guix package -i ntp
sudo ntpd -qg -c /gnu/store/path-to-ntpd-conf(; sudo hwclock --systohc
guix package -r ntp
This will install the ntp package, fix the hardware timezone, and uninstall the ntp package afterward.