% Research Projects % Yang Zhang
- key
- QUESTION: means a question that Sam may be able to help answer
- TODO: means not done yet (not necessarily that I'll follow up on these, though)
- distributed transaction manager is exciting and central to H-Store
- H-Store as a whole easy to believe in and is not a marginal project
- recovery/elasticity could make for interesting demos
- recovery: based on HARBOR
- HARBOR's approach:
- asynchronous disk checkpointing
- query snapshots for updates since failure
- query current data for final updates since start of recovery
- generally: snapshot isolation/time travel minimizes impact on availability
- obvious strategies
- network-only: recover entirely from replicas (network BW > disk BW, but interference with ongoing transaction processing)
- hybrid network and disk: similar to HARBOR, but taking snapshots is hard/expensive
- disk-only: same as ARIES
- HARBOR's approach:
- thought process
- assumptions
- high update rate
- updates distributed uniformly at random
- so all pages are quickly touched
- assuming that all updates are applied in same order on each replica; is this valid?
- stupid algo
- regularly flush page snapshots to disk (asyncly)
- use COW to take snapshots/avoid blocking
- COW lasts only for duration of flush; no copy might be nec
- if update during flush is likely, then just make eager copy
- recover by seeing which pages are touched and grab latest from replicas
- but all pages are out of date (useless)
- so you'd need to transfer entire state from other machines, a long op
- to avoid interrupting other replicas, transfer snapshots
- simultaneously stream in new updates and apply them after getting state
- regularly flush page snapshots to disk (asyncly)
- consider logging
- concerned only with redo logging (to prevent lost updates)
- volatile undo logging: we need this anyway to be able to undo xacts
- so one log for both purposes
- redo log should generally dictate length
- xacts are short, so undos don't stick around
- non-vol undo logging: for buffer frame steals that swap dirty pages to disk
- but we have no disk, and no such thing as dirty pages on replicas
- algo v1: assuming identical update ordering (see above assumption)
- LSN: log seq num
- an update is a lower-level concept than query updates, transactions, commits
- we log all updates; hence we log undo operations as well
- each page has pageLSN of latest touching update
- minLSN is the min pageLSN
- in normal operation, do regular flushing as above
- on recovery, ask others for log of all updates following minLSN
- let these be the redo updates
- simultaneously stream in new updates that have been submitted to this
- note that these updates are higher-level updates
- let these be the new updates
- let minNewLSN be the LSN of the first new update
- ensure that you've obtained redo updates up through minNewLSN - 1
- apply new updates after redo updates
- skip updates to pages older than its pageLSN (or just re-apply them if log records log idempotent ops, e.g. "after" images)
- never quiesces the system
- truncating logs
- when any one replica fails at minLSN, others better have logs starting at
or before minLSN
- if replica is dead for long time, start flushing logs to disk
- alternatively, give up on logs that grow too large, and have the recovering node discard and fetch all state (no logs involved)
- also may want to flush to disk anyway to minimize memory storage requirements
- normal operation: keep others informed of your minLSN regularly (e.g. as
you flush each page)
- each replica can then truncate up to min of all received minLSNs
- when any one replica fails at minLSN, others better have logs starting at
or before minLSN
- vs. HARBOR, which maintains no logs
- however, historical queries effectively "generate the log"
- minLSN = HWM
- time-travel + historical queries seem to be mainly useful for working with non-replicas (containing different logical partitions of objects; i.e. multiple recovery objects and recovery buddies per object)
- also, this may be faster if many tuples is inserted then deleted during the downtime (not sure if HARBOR does this, but can modify query to ignore such tuples)
- different assumptions
- HARBOR has abundant storage capacity (disk), so can afford to keep history
- overhead & complexity in snapshotting and maintaining segments
- QUESTION: did HARBOR also consider using logging? what were the main reasons for current design?
- QUESTION: why perform final updates? why not wait for the highest epoch to expire, and stream in queries from coord, then apply them after recovery, rather than introducing quiescing?
- must synchronously advance timestamps (with coord)
- assumptions
- another version of algo
- round-robin full-database snapshotting among the replicas
- enables xact logging
- round-robin full-database snapshotting among the replicas
- decision tree
- for multi-partition xacts: seq good enough?
- yes: h-store default
- no: pre-order or post-order?
- pre-order: speculation (of success vs. failure, not ordering)
- post-order: pessimistic or optimistic concurrency control?
- pessimistic: distributed locking
- optimistic: distributed read sets and write sets
- unclear which of pre-order, pessimistic, optimistic is better
- for multi-partition xacts: seq good enough?
- QUESTION: how to evaluate performance?
- it's possible the recovering node may never catch up if transactions are being processed at maximum (resource-saturating) throughput
- possibility: how much slower is the system's peak throughput
- TODO look at
- Paxos made live: snapshots in section 5.5, which may be useful to think about the interface between the replication system and the database
- other thoughts
- Sam thinks this is the most concrete idea so far
- elasticity: seamlessly add/remove nodes into the system while minimizing impact on availability
- may be closely related to recovery
- how much churn?
- Google-style incremental growth and frequent recovery
- pay-as-you-go services encourage dynamically resizing (perhaps substantially) throughout the day
- other thoughts
- elasticity slightly more exciting than recovery
H-Store distributed transaction manager: transaction consistency among replicas XXX ADDRESS TODOS
high-level picture
- distributed xact mgr
- Coordinator (perhaps a library on each client, like JDBC) interacts with
DB Master Executor
- Coord sends xact blobs to ME
- ME inspects xact, identifies partitions to Coord
- Coord dispatches queries to partitions
- within each partition, master waits to hear from majority of nodes (incl. self)
- Coord sends results to the ME; ME processes them
- single-partition xacts commit immediately while in the partition
- Coord failures don't matter; partition exclusively holds the state of the xact
- multi-partition xacts require Commit Log servers
- ME notifies Coord of commit/abort
- Coord records results to the cluster of Commit Log servers
- these are to deal with Coord failure (only relevant in the case of multi-partition xacts, since single-partition xacts commit immediately)
- actual xact state is recorded here among the servers (also using consensus/master-slave hybrid)
- partitions use hybrid strategy
- use paxos consensus to decide on master lease
- master-slave replication
- recovery and elasticity deeply intertwined with distributed xact mgr
- open question: wide-area replication vs. relaxed consistency in the event
of site failures
- how much does wide-area replication actually hurt throughput?
- open question: symmetric vs. asymmetric sites?
- to conserve resources/reduce cost of availability
- ship logs to dest nodes; they only store, no computations required
- what about chain-replication?
- Coordinator (perhaps a library on each client, like JDBC) interacts with
DB Master Executor
- one problem with elasticity: re-balancing
- distributed xact mgr
primary/backup replication aka master/slave replication
- operation
- primary server receives all requests and broadcasts them to backup replicas
- after master receives acks from majority of replicas, ack client
- properties
- master orders all requests, solving the ordering problem
- handling master failures is harder
- if network partitions or behaves arbitrarily, need to either use consensus or totally ordered broadcast
- operation
consensus (Paxos)
- tolerates only
$\lfloor {\frac{n-1}{2}} \rfloor$ failures - so, on partition, only one partition can continue operation
- strong consistency and partition tolerance, but sacrifices availability
- tolerates only
hybrid primary/backup with consensus
- use paxos to decide who gets the master lease
- advantage: within a primary/backup group, more failures can be tolerated
- disadvantage: master must stay alive, or need to re-lease
- used by GFS and BigTable
totally ordered broadcast
- deliver msgs to a group of processes in the same order
- shown to be equiv. to consensus, if strong consistency is required
- with weaker semantics, other solutions possible
- there exists an algo that allows group to continue functioning even in case of partition
- leads to fork consistency, where each partition works on its own copy of the data
- merging forked copies is hard, slow
- how to handle conflicting transactions?
distributing transactions
- single partition, read-only: any replica; attach last xact ID
- single partition, read-write: all replicas
- one-shot, no aborts: TODO cannot parse: "order components of xact relative to overlapping multiple partition xacts"
- general transactions
- if aborts are possible, use traditional concurrency control; slows down all xacts in that partition
- 2PC required to agree on committed/aborted state of each xact
- batching may reduce time spent in this mode
centralized global coord: TODO don't grok
viewstamped replication: TODO
Eddie Kohler and Robert Morris want to create a data store that is simpler (and hopefully more usable) than a conventional DBMS.
- hot area: Dynamo, HP SOSP 2008, etc.
- "ACID unnecessary"...but what semantics do you want?
- probably a key-value store with get()/put() interface, a la BerkeleyDB
- one concrete idea: a simple log storage system
- every so often, collect/compress/sort/optimize into a nicer data structure
- log is the only place where recent updates are stored
- also don't worry about durability
- other thoughts
- very amorphous
- not terribly excited about disk
- TODO: related work, think about a more concrete premise
Object Database
- something in the context of H-Store?
- QUESTION: what exactly are the performance issues with ORMs?
- other thoughts
- I like hacking on my stupid personal object database system
How to make OLTP and OLAP co-exist?
- original problem: Pawan had problems running OLAP queries on web app DB
- solution: use a DBMS with weaker consistency (e.g. snapshot isolation). duh
- HARBOR applies this principle, in a sense
Build a multicore OLAP system (i.e. relational Phoenix)
- Phoenix ignores I/O
- you can try to attach enough disks until you saturate the CPU, but...
- today it's all about horizontal scaling with commodity hardware
- cabinets with disk arrays are dead because they're disproportionately more expensive, harder to replace, etc.
- also, high-profile success stories (Google, etc.) advocate scaling out with commodity
- one way to spin this project: "we reduce your entire data warehouse onto
a single chip (well, system)!"
- one question is whether people will buy this, or stick to their cheap commodity guns
- QUESTION: exactly how much more TCO are disk array systems, really?
- what are the stats? what's the I/O bandwidth limit? how many disks?
- maxhd: "the fastest modern desktop hard drives transfer data at a maximum of about 120 MB/s"
- dbcol: "Despite capacities and transfer rates increasing by factors or 10,000 and 100 respectively, typical drive ETB has actually decreased by a factor of 100."
- tilera: "Up to 50 Gbps of I/O bandwidth"
- 50,000Mbps / 120Mbps = 416 disks, so more than enough I/O bandwidth
- this is a minimum; with anything less than perfectly sequential access, must attach even more
- QUESTION: is OLAP ultimately bound by disk capacity or disk bandwidth?
- i.e., do people add more (smaller) disks/systems to decrease their query times? or is the number of disks/systems entirely dictated by capacity?
- TODO: what have people done already in multiprocessor/multicore OLAP?
- certainly, big DBMS vendors must already have multiprocessor operators in their products, no? then need to have a different story
- today it's all about horizontal scaling with commodity hardware
- what about using distributed main memory as storage?
- esp. with the arrival of 10gigE, much faster than disks
- 50 GB/s IO bandwidth, so 50GB/(10Gb/8)=40 10gigE network cards
- TILE64 already have dual XAUI
- but: OLAP generally deals with large data warehouses, so making memory the capacity bottleneck is not cost-effective (I assume warehouses are large)
- esp. with the arrival of 10gigE, much faster than disks
- other issues
- research nugget? many of the tricks we've been discussing tend to be highly hardware specific
- saturating the I/O bandwidth still doesn't mean anything; CPUs can still sit idle, which means no scalability
- who knows what the architecture of tomorrow really will be? the stats quoted above (e.g., bandwidth) can vary substantially from architecture to architecture
- people seem less excited about OLAP in general (parallel processing is somehow slightly sexier, esp. if it requires high availability, a la Map-Reduce)
- this should really just be a C-Store sub-project, which would make this a marginal project
Speculatively execute transactions in multiple orders
- premise so far
- can't always partition transactions cleanly among tiles; this is for when working with shared memory
- this is aimed at improving the performance of workloads that involve multiple
concurrent transactions where there's blocking due to pess. concurrency
- so this won't do for strictly OLTP workloads
- queries are too short and selective
- so no H-Store
- context must be either mixed OLTP/OLAP or strict OLAP
- strict OLAP: multiple large datasets probably makes things harder
- so this won't do for strictly OLTP workloads
- TODO: need to figure out a more concrete premise
- it sounds from the premise above that we were thinking of H-Store, but its OLTP queries are short
- so a conventional RDBMS? C-Store?
- reservations
- where would this be usable? need to cluster data enough such that they are not in the same tile but in the same host...
- speculation comes at a cost (undo or redo, pick one); doubtful whether gains offset costs
- (related to above point) wasteful: people will want to do other things on their multicore systems
- marginal project
Speculative prediction
- no idea here
- no idea about domains/applications either
- maybe a related question is what the analogous general programming model look like
Start with social networks as a trust network to avoid getting caught by the *AA. XXX FINISH
- general guiding principles
- want to find a lot of files
- onion routing is slow; expected(min(xs)) is a decreasing function of |xs|
- swarming is fast; this is another reason to want to maximize the number of files present
- users publish pubkey to profile to restrict the scope of file searches
- is searching hard? indexing seems hard...
- supernode selection in an expander graph such that every span-$r$ subgraph contains at least one supernode
- meet halfway by also doing partial dissemination, particularly of rare files
- plausible denialibility: clique swarms
- TODO: see also intel research's work on random walks in social networks
- TODO: related/background work search!
- harder than concurrent programming models, which itself is far from solved
- focus on expression problem and/or program synthesis?
- related work
- process calculi
- orchestration languages: orc
- address issues like cancellation
- awesome and underrated: P2
- the pragmatic: mace, erlang, etc.
- stream processing: Dryad, MapReduce, Borealis, maybe WaveScript
- unknown: MPD, Acute
- parallel PL:
- X10
- Chapel
- Fortress
- Titanium
- Ease, Carnap
- marginally: Mozart (aspects, mobile agents)
- http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=800174.809772