This is my collection of notes on computer science, math, research, programming, and industry.
Watch your step. This place is really messy.
- LyX-based notes: contains more math-dense stuff
- AI/Machine Learning
- Algorithms
- Apps
- Architecture
- Compilers
- Complexity
- Concurrency
- DB
- Design
- Distributed Systems
- Graphics
- Hackery
- Hardware
- IR
- Languages
- Math
- Misc
- More Concurrency
- Networking
- Projects
- Puzzles
- Queue
- Security
- Software Engineering
- Systems
- Web
The wiki has a site-wide feed and per-page feeds (e.g., for the Concurrency page, use _feed/Concurrency).
I wiki-fied my notes to share them via a familiar read/write web interface. This wiki system, Gitit, is powered by Git, so I've cloned the repository on github.
There is a meta-discussion about these notes on Hacker News.
For more information about the author, see my home page, Twitter, or blog.