You can create your verification environment for pg_plan_advsr by using the following seven procedures.
git clone
mkdir imdb
tar xvzf imdb.tgz -C ./imdb
psql -f ./join-order-benchmark/schema.sql
Modify directrories in the following sql file to fit your environment
vi ./load_csv.sql or sed -i -e "s/path_to\/imdb/ocz\/pg104\/imdb/g" ./load_csv.sql
Load csv files and create indexes. You can have a tea or coffee during the following commands because it takes a time.
psql -f ./load_csv.sql psql -f ./join-order-benchmark/fkindexes.sql
psql -f ./analyze_table.sql
- See parameters: 6 Install in
This script execute 31c_test.sql 16 times using psql to get an efficient plan as a example. You can use other queries from the directory "./join-order-benchmark/" and the modfy the shell script.
You can check "plan and execution time changes" of the query by using following queries:
select pgsp_queryid, pgsp_planid, execution_time, scan_hint, join_hint, lead_hint from plan_repo.plan_history order by id; select queryid, planid, plan from pg_store_plans where queryid='your pgsp_queryid in plan_history' order by first_call;
See: 4 Usage in
I share two sql files such as hinted and not hinted. The hint (optimizer hint) were a result of auto tuning, and it allows to ideal plan on my environment.
Note: You have to disable feedback before running above sql files like this:
select pg_plan_advsr_disable_feedback();
Which plan is fast on your environment?
psql -f 31c_org.sql psql -f 31c_hinted.sql
My result is below, the hinted sql file is over 30 times faster than not hinted sql file. :)
Iterations | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
Planning time (ms) | 269.044 | 238.506 | 263.925 |
Execution time (ms) | 76372.644 | 68143.267 | 68784.149 |
Iterations | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
Planning time (ms) | 142.690 | 143.255 | 141.759 |
Execution time (ms) | 2171.253 | 2178.805 | 2132.115 |
Enjoy! :)