diff --git a/components/core/CMakeLists.txt b/components/core/CMakeLists.txt
index 66901ae6c..67eb80040 100644
--- a/components/core/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/components/core/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -334,6 +334,8 @@ set(SOURCE_FILES_unitTest
+        src/clp/ffi/ir_stream/ir_unit_deserialization_methods.cpp
+        src/clp/ffi/ir_stream/ir_unit_deserialization_methods.hpp
diff --git a/components/core/src/clp/ffi/ir_stream/Deserializer.cpp b/components/core/src/clp/ffi/ir_stream/Deserializer.cpp
index 453d58bcf..11034c4a6 100644
--- a/components/core/src/clp/ffi/ir_stream/Deserializer.cpp
+++ b/components/core/src/clp/ffi/ir_stream/Deserializer.cpp
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
 #include "Deserializer.hpp"
-#include <cstddef>
 #include <cstdint>
-#include <optional>
 #include <string>
 #include <string_view>
 #include <system_error>
@@ -14,27 +12,16 @@
 #include <json/single_include/nlohmann/json.hpp>
 #include <outcome/single-header/outcome.hpp>
-#include "../../ErrorCode.hpp"
-#include "../../ir/EncodedTextAst.hpp"
-#include "../../ir/types.hpp"
 #include "../../ReaderInterface.hpp"
 #include "../../time_types.hpp"
-#include "../../type_utils.hpp"
 #include "../KeyValuePairLogEvent.hpp"
-#include "../SchemaTree.hpp"
-#include "../SchemaTreeNode.hpp"
-#include "../Value.hpp"
 #include "decoding_methods.hpp"
+#include "ir_unit_deserialization_methods.hpp"
 #include "protocol_constants.hpp"
 #include "utils.hpp"
 namespace clp::ffi::ir_stream {
 namespace {
- * A collection of schema tree leaf node IDs. It represents the schema of a `KeyValuePairLogEvent`.
- */
-using Schema = std::vector<SchemaTreeNode::id_t>;
  * Class to perform different actions depending on whether a transaction succeeds or fails. The
  * default state assumes the transaction fails.
@@ -78,551 +65,15 @@ class TransactionManager {
     bool m_success{false};
- * @param ir_error_code
- * @return Equivalent `std::errc` code indicating the same error type.
- */
-[[nodiscard]] auto ir_error_code_to_errc(IRErrorCode ir_error_code) -> std::errc;
  * @param tag
  * @return Whether the tag represents a schema tree node.
 [[nodiscard]] auto is_schema_tree_node_tag(encoded_tag_t tag) -> bool;
- * @param tag
- * @return The corresponding schema tree node type on success.
- * @return std::nullopt if the tag doesn't match to any defined schema tree node type.
- */
-[[nodiscard]] auto schema_tree_node_tag_to_type(encoded_tag_t tag
-) -> std::optional<SchemaTreeNode::Type>;
- * Deserializes the parent ID of a schema tree node.
- * @param reader
- * @param parent_id Returns the deserialized result.
- * @return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success on success.
- * @return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Incomplete_IR if the stream is truncated.
- * @return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Corrupted_IR if the next packet in the stream isn't a parent ID.
- * @return Same as `deserialize_tag` on any other failure.
- */
-[[nodiscard]] auto deserialize_schema_tree_node_parent_id(
-        ReaderInterface& reader,
-        SchemaTreeNode::id_t& parent_id
-) -> IRErrorCode;
- * Deserializes the key name of a schema tree node.
- * @param reader
- * @param key_name Returns the deserialized key name.
- * @return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success on success.
- * @return Same as `deserialize_tag` or `deserialize_string` on failure.
- */
-[[nodiscard]] auto deserialize_schema_tree_node_key_name(
-        ReaderInterface& reader,
-        std::string& key_name
-) -> IRErrorCode;
- * Deserializes an integer value packet.
- * @param reader
- * @param tag
- * @param val Returns the deserialized value.
- * @return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success on success.
- * @return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Incomplete_IR if the stream is truncated.
- * @return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Corrupted_IR if the given tag doesn't correspond to an integer
- * packet.
- */
-[[nodiscard]] auto
-deserialize_int_val(ReaderInterface& reader, encoded_tag_t tag, value_int_t& val) -> IRErrorCode;
- * Deserializes a string packet.
- * @param reader
- * @param tag
- * @param deserialized_str Returns the deserialized string.
- * @return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success on success.
- * @return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Incomplete_IR if the stream is truncated.
- * @return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Corrupted_IR if the given tag doesn't correspond to a string
- * packet.
- */
-[[nodiscard]] auto deserialize_string(
-        ReaderInterface& reader,
-        encoded_tag_t tag,
-        std::string& deserialized_str
-) -> IRErrorCode;
- * Deserializes all UTC offset packets until a non-UTC offset packet tag is read.
- * @param reader
- * @param tag Takes the current tag as input and returns the last tag read.
- * @param utc_offset Returns the deserialized UTC offset.
- * @return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success on success.
- * @return Same as `deserialize_utc_offset_change` or `deserialize_tag` on failure.
- */
-[[nodiscard]] auto deserialize_utc_offset_changes(
-        ReaderInterface& reader,
-        encoded_tag_t& tag,
-        UtcOffset& utc_offset
-) -> IRErrorCode;
- * Deserializes all schema tree node packets and inserts them into the schema tree until a non-
- * schema tree node tag is read.
- * @param reader
- * @param tag Takes the current tag as input and returns the last tag read.
- * @param schema_tree Returns the schema tree with all new nodes inserted.
- * @return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success on success.
- * @return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Corrupted_IR if the packet tag doesn't correspond to any known
- * schema node type or the node being deserialized already exists in the current in-memory schema
- * tree.
- * @return Same as `deserialize_schema_tree_node_parent_id`, `deserialize_string`, or
- * `deserialize_tag` on any other failure.
- */
-[[nodiscard]] auto deserialize_schema_tree_nodes(
-        ReaderInterface& reader,
-        encoded_tag_t& tag,
-        SchemaTree& schema_tree
-) -> IRErrorCode;
- * Deserializes the IDs of all keys in a log event.
- * @param reader
- * @param tag Takes the current tag as input and returns the last tag read.
- * @param schema Returns the deserialized schema.
- * @return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success on success.
- * @return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Incomplete_IR if the stream is truncated.
- * @return Same as `deserialize_tag` on any other failure.
- */
-[[nodiscard]] auto
-deserialize_schema(ReaderInterface& reader, encoded_tag_t& tag, Schema& schema) -> IRErrorCode;
- * Deserializes the next value and pushes the result into `node_id_value_pairs`.
- * @param reader
- * @param tag
- * @param node_id The node ID that corresponds to the value.
- * @param node_id_value_pairs Returns the ID-value pair constructed from the deserialized value.
- * @return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success on success.
- * @return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Incomplete_IR if the stream is truncated.
- * @return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Corrupted_IR if the tag doesn't correspond to any known value
- * type.
- * @return Same as `deserialize_encoded_text_ast_and_insert_to_node_id_value_pairs` on any other
- * failure.
- */
-[[nodiscard]] auto deserialize_value_and_insert_to_node_id_value_pairs(
-        ReaderInterface& reader,
-        encoded_tag_t tag,
-        SchemaTreeNode::id_t node_id,
-        KeyValuePairLogEvent::NodeIdValuePairs& node_id_value_pairs
-) -> IRErrorCode;
- * Deserializes an encoded text AST and pushes the result into node_id_value_pairs.
- * @tparam encoded_variable_t
- * @param reader
- * @param node_id The node ID that corresponds to the value.
- * @param node_id_value_pairs Returns the ID-value pair constructed by the deserialized encoded text
- * AST.
- * @return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success on success.
- * @return Same as `deserialize_tag` or `deserialize_encoded_text_ast` on failure.
- */
-template <typename encoded_variable_t>
-requires(std::is_same_v<ir::four_byte_encoded_variable_t, encoded_variable_t>
-         || std::is_same_v<ir::eight_byte_encoded_variable_t, encoded_variable_t>)
-[[nodiscard]] auto deserialize_encoded_text_ast_and_insert_to_node_id_value_pairs(
-        ReaderInterface& reader,
-        SchemaTreeNode::id_t node_id,
-        KeyValuePairLogEvent::NodeIdValuePairs& node_id_value_pairs
-) -> IRErrorCode;
- * Deserializes values and constructs ID-value pairs according to the given schema. The number of
- * values to deserialize is indicated by the size of the given schema.
- * @param reader
- * @param tag
- * @param schema The log event's schema.
- * @param node_id_value_pairs Returns the constructed ID-value pairs.
- * @return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success on success.
- * @return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Corrupted_IR if a key is duplicated in the deserialized log
- * event.
- * @return Same as `deserialize_tag` or `deserialize_value_and_insert_to_node_id_value_pairs` on any
- * other failure.
- */
-[[nodiscard]] auto deserialize_value_and_construct_node_id_value_pairs(
-        ReaderInterface& reader,
-        encoded_tag_t tag,
-        Schema const& schema,
-        KeyValuePairLogEvent::NodeIdValuePairs& node_id_value_pairs
-) -> IRErrorCode;
-auto ir_error_code_to_errc(IRErrorCode ir_error_code) -> std::errc {
-    switch (ir_error_code) {
-        case IRErrorCode_Incomplete_IR:
-            return std::errc::result_out_of_range;
-        case IRErrorCode_Corrupted_IR:
-        case IRErrorCode_Decode_Error:
-            return std::errc::protocol_error;
-        case IRErrorCode_Eof:
-            return std::errc::no_message_available;
-        default:
-            return std::errc::not_supported;
-    }
 auto is_schema_tree_node_tag(encoded_tag_t tag) -> bool {
     return (tag & cProtocol::Payload::SchemaTreeNodeMask) == cProtocol::Payload::SchemaTreeNodeMask;
-auto schema_tree_node_tag_to_type(encoded_tag_t tag) -> std::optional<SchemaTreeNode::Type> {
-    switch (tag) {
-        case cProtocol::Payload::SchemaTreeNodeInt:
-            return SchemaTreeNode::Type::Int;
-        case cProtocol::Payload::SchemaTreeNodeFloat:
-            return SchemaTreeNode::Type::Float;
-        case cProtocol::Payload::SchemaTreeNodeBool:
-            return SchemaTreeNode::Type::Bool;
-        case cProtocol::Payload::SchemaTreeNodeStr:
-            return SchemaTreeNode::Type::Str;
-        case cProtocol::Payload::SchemaTreeNodeUnstructuredArray:
-            return SchemaTreeNode::Type::UnstructuredArray;
-        case cProtocol::Payload::SchemaTreeNodeObj:
-            return SchemaTreeNode::Type::Obj;
-        default:
-            return std::nullopt;
-    }
-auto deserialize_schema_tree_node_parent_id(
-        ReaderInterface& reader,
-        SchemaTreeNode::id_t& parent_id
-) -> IRErrorCode {
-    encoded_tag_t tag{};
-    if (auto const err{deserialize_tag(reader, tag)}; IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success != err) {
-        return err;
-    }
-    if (cProtocol::Payload::SchemaTreeNodeParentIdUByte == tag) {
-        uint8_t deserialized_id{};
-        if (false == deserialize_int(reader, deserialized_id)) {
-            return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Incomplete_IR;
-        }
-        parent_id = static_cast<SchemaTreeNode::id_t>(deserialized_id);
-    } else if (cProtocol::Payload::SchemaTreeNodeParentIdUShort == tag) {
-        uint16_t deserialized_id{};
-        if (false == deserialize_int(reader, deserialized_id)) {
-            return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Incomplete_IR;
-        }
-        parent_id = static_cast<SchemaTreeNode::id_t>(deserialized_id);
-    } else {
-        return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Corrupted_IR;
-    }
-    return IRErrorCode_Success;
-auto deserialize_schema_tree_node_key_name(ReaderInterface& reader, std::string& key_name)
-        -> IRErrorCode {
-    encoded_tag_t str_packet_tag{};
-    if (auto const err{deserialize_tag(reader, str_packet_tag)};
-        IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success != err)
-    {
-        return err;
-    }
-    if (auto const err{deserialize_string(reader, str_packet_tag, key_name)};
-        IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success != err)
-    {
-        return err;
-    }
-    return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success;
-auto deserialize_int_val(ReaderInterface& reader, encoded_tag_t tag, value_int_t& val)
-        -> IRErrorCode {
-    if (cProtocol::Payload::ValueInt8 == tag) {
-        int8_t deserialized_val{};
-        if (false == deserialize_int(reader, deserialized_val)) {
-            return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Incomplete_IR;
-        }
-        // NOLINTNEXTLINE(bugprone-signed-char-misuse,cert-str34-c)
-        val = deserialized_val;
-    } else if (cProtocol::Payload::ValueInt16 == tag) {
-        int16_t deserialized_val{};
-        if (false == deserialize_int(reader, deserialized_val)) {
-            return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Incomplete_IR;
-        }
-        val = deserialized_val;
-    } else if (cProtocol::Payload::ValueInt32 == tag) {
-        int32_t deserialized_val{};
-        if (false == deserialize_int(reader, deserialized_val)) {
-            return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Incomplete_IR;
-        }
-        val = deserialized_val;
-    } else if (cProtocol::Payload::ValueInt64 == tag) {
-        int64_t deserialized_val{};
-        if (false == deserialize_int(reader, deserialized_val)) {
-            return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Incomplete_IR;
-        }
-        val = deserialized_val;
-    } else {
-        return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Corrupted_IR;
-    }
-    return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success;
-auto deserialize_string(ReaderInterface& reader, encoded_tag_t tag, std::string& deserialized_str)
-        -> IRErrorCode {
-    size_t str_length{};
-    if (cProtocol::Payload::StrLenUByte == tag) {
-        uint8_t length{};
-        if (false == deserialize_int(reader, length)) {
-            return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Incomplete_IR;
-        }
-        str_length = static_cast<size_t>(length);
-    } else if (cProtocol::Payload::StrLenUShort == tag) {
-        uint16_t length{};
-        if (false == deserialize_int(reader, length)) {
-            return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Incomplete_IR;
-        }
-        str_length = static_cast<size_t>(length);
-    } else if (cProtocol::Payload::StrLenUInt == tag) {
-        uint32_t length{};
-        if (false == deserialize_int(reader, length)) {
-            return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Incomplete_IR;
-        }
-        str_length = static_cast<size_t>(length);
-    } else {
-        return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Corrupted_IR;
-    }
-    if (clp::ErrorCode_Success != reader.try_read_string(str_length, deserialized_str)) {
-        return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Incomplete_IR;
-    }
-    return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success;
-auto deserialize_utc_offset_changes(
-        ReaderInterface& reader,
-        encoded_tag_t& tag,
-        UtcOffset& utc_offset
-) -> IRErrorCode {
-    while (cProtocol::Payload::UtcOffsetChange == tag) {
-        if (auto const err{deserialize_utc_offset_change(reader, utc_offset)};
-            IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success != err)
-        {
-            return err;
-        }
-        if (auto const err{deserialize_tag(reader, tag)}; IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success != err) {
-            return err;
-        }
-    }
-    return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success;
-auto deserialize_schema_tree_nodes(
-        ReaderInterface& reader,
-        encoded_tag_t& tag,
-        SchemaTree& schema_tree
-) -> IRErrorCode {
-    while (is_schema_tree_node_tag(tag)) {
-        auto const type{schema_tree_node_tag_to_type(tag)};
-        if (false == type.has_value()) {
-            return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Corrupted_IR;
-        }
-        SchemaTreeNode::id_t parent_id{};
-        if (auto const err{deserialize_schema_tree_node_parent_id(reader, parent_id)};
-            IRErrorCode_Success != err)
-        {
-            return err;
-        }
-        std::string key_name;
-        if (auto const err{deserialize_schema_tree_node_key_name(reader, key_name)};
-            IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success != err)
-        {
-            return err;
-        }
-        // Insert the node to the schema tree
-        SchemaTree::NodeLocator const locator{parent_id, key_name, type.value()};
-        if (schema_tree.has_node(locator)) {
-            return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Corrupted_IR;
-        }
-        std::ignore = schema_tree.insert_node(locator);
-        // Read the next tag
-        if (auto const err{deserialize_tag(reader, tag)}; IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success != err) {
-            return err;
-        }
-    }
-    return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success;
-auto deserialize_schema(ReaderInterface& reader, encoded_tag_t& tag, Schema& schema)
-        -> IRErrorCode {
-    schema.clear();
-    while (true) {
-        if (cProtocol::Payload::KeyIdUByte == tag) {
-            uint8_t id{};
-            if (false == deserialize_int(reader, id)) {
-                return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Incomplete_IR;
-            }
-            schema.push_back(static_cast<SchemaTreeNode::id_t>(id));
-        } else if (cProtocol::Payload::KeyIdUShort == tag) {
-            uint16_t id{};
-            if (false == deserialize_int(reader, id)) {
-                return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Incomplete_IR;
-            }
-            schema.push_back(static_cast<SchemaTreeNode::id_t>(id));
-        } else {
-            break;
-        }
-        if (auto const err{deserialize_tag(reader, tag)}; IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success != err) {
-            return err;
-        }
-    }
-    return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success;
-auto deserialize_value_and_insert_to_node_id_value_pairs(
-        ReaderInterface& reader,
-        encoded_tag_t tag,
-        SchemaTreeNode::id_t node_id,
-        KeyValuePairLogEvent::NodeIdValuePairs& node_id_value_pairs
-) -> IRErrorCode {
-    switch (tag) {
-        case cProtocol::Payload::ValueInt8:
-        case cProtocol::Payload::ValueInt16:
-        case cProtocol::Payload::ValueInt32:
-        case cProtocol::Payload::ValueInt64: {
-            value_int_t value_int{};
-            if (auto const err{deserialize_int_val(reader, tag, value_int)};
-                IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success != err)
-            {
-                return err;
-            }
-            node_id_value_pairs.emplace(node_id, Value{value_int});
-            break;
-        }
-        case cProtocol::Payload::ValueFloat: {
-            uint64_t val{};
-            if (false == deserialize_int(reader, val)) {
-                return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Incomplete_IR;
-            }
-            node_id_value_pairs.emplace(node_id, Value{bit_cast<value_float_t>(val)});
-            break;
-        }
-        case cProtocol::Payload::ValueTrue:
-            node_id_value_pairs.emplace(node_id, Value{true});
-            break;
-        case cProtocol::Payload::ValueFalse:
-            node_id_value_pairs.emplace(node_id, Value{false});
-            break;
-        case cProtocol::Payload::StrLenUByte:
-        case cProtocol::Payload::StrLenUShort:
-        case cProtocol::Payload::StrLenUInt: {
-            std::string value_str;
-            if (auto const err{deserialize_string(reader, tag, value_str)};
-                IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success != err)
-            {
-                return err;
-            }
-            node_id_value_pairs.emplace(node_id, Value{std::move(value_str)});
-            break;
-        }
-        case cProtocol::Payload::ValueEightByteEncodingClpStr:
-            if (auto const err{deserialize_encoded_text_ast_and_insert_to_node_id_value_pairs<
-                        ir::eight_byte_encoded_variable_t>(reader, node_id, node_id_value_pairs)};
-                IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success != err)
-            {
-                return err;
-            }
-            break;
-        case cProtocol::Payload::ValueFourByteEncodingClpStr:
-            if (auto const err{deserialize_encoded_text_ast_and_insert_to_node_id_value_pairs<
-                        ir::four_byte_encoded_variable_t>(reader, node_id, node_id_value_pairs)};
-                IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success != err)
-            {
-                return err;
-            }
-            break;
-        case cProtocol::Payload::ValueNull:
-            node_id_value_pairs.emplace(node_id, Value{});
-            break;
-        case cProtocol::Payload::ValueEmpty:
-            node_id_value_pairs.emplace(node_id, std::nullopt);
-            break;
-        default:
-            return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Corrupted_IR;
-    }
-    return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success;
-template <typename encoded_variable_t>
-requires(std::is_same_v<ir::four_byte_encoded_variable_t, encoded_variable_t>
-         || std::is_same_v<ir::eight_byte_encoded_variable_t, encoded_variable_t>)
-[[nodiscard]] auto deserialize_encoded_text_ast_and_insert_to_node_id_value_pairs(
-        ReaderInterface& reader,
-        SchemaTreeNode::id_t node_id,
-        KeyValuePairLogEvent::NodeIdValuePairs& node_id_value_pairs
-) -> IRErrorCode {
-    encoded_tag_t tag{};
-    if (auto const err{deserialize_tag(reader, tag)}; IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success != err) {
-        return err;
-    }
-    std::string logtype;
-    std::vector<encoded_variable_t> encoded_vars;
-    std::vector<std::string> dict_vars;
-    if (auto const err{deserialize_encoded_text_ast(reader, tag, logtype, encoded_vars, dict_vars)};
-        IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success != err)
-    {
-        return err;
-    }
-    node_id_value_pairs.emplace(
-            node_id,
-            Value{ir::EncodedTextAst<encoded_variable_t>{logtype, dict_vars, encoded_vars}}
-    );
-    return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success;
-auto deserialize_value_and_construct_node_id_value_pairs(
-        ReaderInterface& reader,
-        encoded_tag_t tag,
-        Schema const& schema,
-        KeyValuePairLogEvent::NodeIdValuePairs& node_id_value_pairs
-) -> IRErrorCode {
-    node_id_value_pairs.clear();
-    node_id_value_pairs.reserve(schema.size());
-    for (auto const node_id : schema) {
-        if (node_id_value_pairs.contains(node_id)) {
-            // The key should be unique in a schema
-            return IRErrorCode_Corrupted_IR;
-        }
-        if (auto const err{deserialize_value_and_insert_to_node_id_value_pairs(
-                    reader,
-                    tag,
-                    node_id,
-                    node_id_value_pairs
-            )};
-            IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success != err)
-        {
-            return err;
-        }
-        if (schema.size() != node_id_value_pairs.size()) {
-            if (auto const err{deserialize_tag(reader, tag)};
-                IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success != err)
-            {
-                return err;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success;
 }  // namespace
 auto Deserializer::create(ReaderInterface& reader
@@ -679,56 +130,49 @@ auto Deserializer::deserialize_to_next_log_event(clp::ReaderInterface& reader
     encoded_tag_t tag{};
-    if (auto const err{deserialize_tag(reader, tag)}; IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success != err) {
-        return ir_error_code_to_errc(err);
-    }
-    if (auto const err{deserialize_utc_offset_changes(reader, tag, m_utc_offset)};
-        IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success != err)
-    {
-        return ir_error_code_to_errc(err);
-    }
-    if (auto const err{deserialize_schema_tree_nodes(reader, tag, *m_schema_tree)};
-        IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success != err)
-    {
-        return ir_error_code_to_errc(err);
-    }
+    std::string schema_tree_node_key_name;
+    while (true) {
+        if (auto const err{deserialize_tag(reader, tag)}; IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success != err) {
+            return ir_error_code_to_errc(err);
+        }
-    Schema schema;
-    if (auto const err{deserialize_schema(reader, tag, schema)};
-        IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success != err)
-    {
-        return ir_error_code_to_errc(err);
-    }
+        if (cProtocol::Eof == tag) {
+            return std::errc::no_message_available;
+        }
-    KeyValuePairLogEvent::NodeIdValuePairs node_id_value_pairs;
-    if (false == schema.empty()) {
-        if (auto const err{deserialize_value_and_construct_node_id_value_pairs(
+        if (is_schema_tree_node_tag(tag)) {
+            auto const result{deserialize_ir_unit_schema_tree_node_insertion(
-                    schema,
-                    node_id_value_pairs
+                    schema_tree_node_key_name
-            IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success != err)
-        {
-            return ir_error_code_to_errc(err);
+            if (result.has_error()) {
+                return result.error();
+            }
+            auto const& locator{result.value()};
+            if (m_schema_tree->has_node(locator)) {
+                return std::errc::protocol_error;
+            }
+            std::ignore = m_schema_tree->insert_node(locator);
+            continue;
-    } else {
-        if (cProtocol::Payload::ValueEmpty != tag) {
-            return ir_error_code_to_errc(IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Corrupted_IR);
+        if (cProtocol::Payload::UtcOffsetChange == tag) {
+            auto const result{deserialize_ir_unit_utc_offset_change(reader)};
+            if (result.has_error()) {
+                return result.error();
+            }
+            m_utc_offset = result.value();
+            continue;
+        break;
-    auto result{KeyValuePairLogEvent::create(
-            m_schema_tree,
-            std::move(node_id_value_pairs),
-            m_utc_offset
-    )};
+    auto result{deserialize_ir_unit_kv_pair_log_event(reader, tag, m_schema_tree, m_utc_offset)};
     if (false == result.has_error()) {
     return std::move(result);
 }  // namespace clp::ffi::ir_stream
diff --git a/components/core/src/clp/ffi/ir_stream/Deserializer.hpp b/components/core/src/clp/ffi/ir_stream/Deserializer.hpp
index 7ba7822da..0fb7e8c83 100644
--- a/components/core/src/clp/ffi/ir_stream/Deserializer.hpp
+++ b/components/core/src/clp/ffi/ir_stream/Deserializer.hpp
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ class Deserializer {
     // Methods
-     * Deserializes the stream from the given reader up to and including the next log event.
+     * Deserializes the stream from the given reader up to and including the next log event IR unit.
      * @param reader
      * @return A result containing the deserialized log event or an error code indicating the
      * failure:
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ class Deserializer {
      * - std::errc::protocol_error if the IR stream is corrupted.
      * - std::errc::protocol_not_supported if the IR stream contains an unsupported metadata format
      *   or uses an unsupported version.
-     * - Same as `KeyValuePairLogEvent::create` if the intermediate deserialized result cannot
-     *   construct a valid key-value pair log event.
+     * - Forwards `KeyValuePairLogEvent::create`'s return values if the intermediate deserialized
+     *   result cannot construct a valid key-value pair log event.
     [[nodiscard]] auto deserialize_to_next_log_event(ReaderInterface& reader
     ) -> OUTCOME_V2_NAMESPACE::std_result<KeyValuePairLogEvent>;
diff --git a/components/core/src/clp/ffi/ir_stream/ir_unit_deserialization_methods.cpp b/components/core/src/clp/ffi/ir_stream/ir_unit_deserialization_methods.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cfbe235d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/core/src/clp/ffi/ir_stream/ir_unit_deserialization_methods.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,537 @@
+#include "ir_unit_deserialization_methods.hpp"
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <memory>
+#include <optional>
+#include <string>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include <outcome/single-header/outcome.hpp>
+#include "../../ErrorCode.hpp"
+#include "../../ir/EncodedTextAst.hpp"
+#include "../../ir/types.hpp"
+#include "../../ReaderInterface.hpp"
+#include "../../time_types.hpp"
+#include "../../type_utils.hpp"
+#include "../KeyValuePairLogEvent.hpp"
+#include "../SchemaTree.hpp"
+#include "../SchemaTreeNode.hpp"
+#include "../Value.hpp"
+#include "decoding_methods.hpp"
+#include "protocol_constants.hpp"
+#include "utils.hpp"
+namespace clp::ffi::ir_stream {
+namespace {
+ * A collection of schema tree leaf node IDs. It represents the schema of a `KeyValuePairLogEvent`.
+ */
+using Schema = std::vector<SchemaTreeNode::id_t>;
+ * @param tag
+ * @return The corresponding schema tree node type on success.
+ * @return std::nullopt if the tag doesn't match to any defined schema tree node type.
+ */
+[[nodiscard]] auto schema_tree_node_tag_to_type(encoded_tag_t tag
+) -> std::optional<SchemaTreeNode::Type>;
+ * Deserializes the parent ID of a schema tree node.
+ * @param reader
+ * @param parent_id Returns the deserialized result.
+ * @return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success on success.
+ * @return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Incomplete_IR if the stream is truncated.
+ * @return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Corrupted_IR if the next packet in the stream isn't a parent ID.
+ * @return Forwards `deserialize_tag`'s return values on any other failure.
+ */
+[[nodiscard]] auto deserialize_schema_tree_node_parent_id(
+        ReaderInterface& reader,
+        SchemaTreeNode::id_t& parent_id
+) -> IRErrorCode;
+ * Deserializes the key name of a schema tree node.
+ * @param reader
+ * @param key_name Returns the deserialized key name.
+ * @return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success on success.
+ * @return Forwards `deserialize_tag`'s return values on failure.
+ * @return Forwards `deserialize_string`'s return values on failure.
+ */
+[[nodiscard]] auto deserialize_schema_tree_node_key_name(
+        ReaderInterface& reader,
+        std::string& key_name
+) -> IRErrorCode;
+ * Deserializes an integer value packet.
+ * @param reader
+ * @param tag
+ * @param val Returns the deserialized value.
+ * @return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success on success.
+ * @return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Incomplete_IR if the stream is truncated.
+ * @return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Corrupted_IR if the given tag doesn't correspond to an integer
+ * packet.
+ */
+[[nodiscard]] auto
+deserialize_int_val(ReaderInterface& reader, encoded_tag_t tag, value_int_t& val) -> IRErrorCode;
+ * Deserializes a string packet.
+ * @param reader
+ * @param tag
+ * @param deserialized_str Returns the deserialized string.
+ * @return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success on success.
+ * @return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Incomplete_IR if the stream is truncated.
+ * @return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Corrupted_IR if the given tag doesn't correspond to a string
+ * packet.
+ */
+[[nodiscard]] auto deserialize_string(
+        ReaderInterface& reader,
+        encoded_tag_t tag,
+        std::string& deserialized_str
+) -> IRErrorCode;
+ * Deserializes the IDs of all keys in a log event.
+ * @param reader
+ * @param tag Takes the current tag as input and returns the last tag read.
+ * @param schema Returns the deserialized schema.
+ * @return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success on success.
+ * @return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Incomplete_IR if the stream is truncated.
+ * @return Forwards `deserialize_tag`'s return values on any other failure.
+ */
+[[nodiscard]] auto
+deserialize_schema(ReaderInterface& reader, encoded_tag_t& tag, Schema& schema) -> IRErrorCode;
+ * Deserializes the next value and pushes the result into `node_id_value_pairs`.
+ * @param reader
+ * @param tag
+ * @param node_id The node ID that corresponds to the value.
+ * @param node_id_value_pairs Returns the ID-value pair constructed from the deserialized value.
+ * @return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success on success.
+ * @return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Incomplete_IR if the stream is truncated.
+ * @return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Corrupted_IR if the tag doesn't correspond to any known value
+ * type.
+ * @return Forwards `deserialize_encoded_text_ast_and_insert_to_node_id_value_pairs`'s return
+ * values on any other failure.
+ */
+[[nodiscard]] auto deserialize_value_and_insert_to_node_id_value_pairs(
+        ReaderInterface& reader,
+        encoded_tag_t tag,
+        SchemaTreeNode::id_t node_id,
+        KeyValuePairLogEvent::NodeIdValuePairs& node_id_value_pairs
+) -> IRErrorCode;
+ * Deserializes an encoded text AST and pushes the result into node_id_value_pairs.
+ * @tparam encoded_variable_t
+ * @param reader
+ * @param node_id The node ID that corresponds to the value.
+ * @param node_id_value_pairs Returns the ID-value pair constructed by the deserialized encoded text
+ * AST.
+ * @return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success on success.
+ * @return Forwards `deserialize_tag`'s return values on failure.
+ * @return Forwards `deserialize_encoded_text_ast`'s return values on failure.
+ */
+template <typename encoded_variable_t>
+requires(std::is_same_v<ir::four_byte_encoded_variable_t, encoded_variable_t>
+         || std::is_same_v<ir::eight_byte_encoded_variable_t, encoded_variable_t>)
+[[nodiscard]] auto deserialize_encoded_text_ast_and_insert_to_node_id_value_pairs(
+        ReaderInterface& reader,
+        SchemaTreeNode::id_t node_id,
+        KeyValuePairLogEvent::NodeIdValuePairs& node_id_value_pairs
+) -> IRErrorCode;
+ * Deserializes values and constructs ID-value pairs according to the given schema. The number of
+ * values to deserialize is indicated by the size of the given schema.
+ * @param reader
+ * @param tag
+ * @param schema The log event's schema.
+ * @param node_id_value_pairs Returns the constructed ID-value pairs.
+ * @return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success on success.
+ * @return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Corrupted_IR if a key is duplicated in the deserialized log
+ * event.
+ * @return Forwards `deserialize_tag`'s return values on failure.
+ * @return Forwards `deserialize_value_and_insert_to_node_id_value_pairs`'s return values on
+ * failure.
+ */
+[[nodiscard]] auto deserialize_value_and_construct_node_id_value_pairs(
+        ReaderInterface& reader,
+        encoded_tag_t tag,
+        Schema const& schema,
+        KeyValuePairLogEvent::NodeIdValuePairs& node_id_value_pairs
+) -> IRErrorCode;
+auto schema_tree_node_tag_to_type(encoded_tag_t tag) -> std::optional<SchemaTreeNode::Type> {
+    switch (tag) {
+        case cProtocol::Payload::SchemaTreeNodeInt:
+            return SchemaTreeNode::Type::Int;
+        case cProtocol::Payload::SchemaTreeNodeFloat:
+            return SchemaTreeNode::Type::Float;
+        case cProtocol::Payload::SchemaTreeNodeBool:
+            return SchemaTreeNode::Type::Bool;
+        case cProtocol::Payload::SchemaTreeNodeStr:
+            return SchemaTreeNode::Type::Str;
+        case cProtocol::Payload::SchemaTreeNodeUnstructuredArray:
+            return SchemaTreeNode::Type::UnstructuredArray;
+        case cProtocol::Payload::SchemaTreeNodeObj:
+            return SchemaTreeNode::Type::Obj;
+        default:
+            return std::nullopt;
+    }
+auto deserialize_schema_tree_node_parent_id(
+        ReaderInterface& reader,
+        SchemaTreeNode::id_t& parent_id
+) -> IRErrorCode {
+    encoded_tag_t tag{};
+    if (auto const err{deserialize_tag(reader, tag)}; IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success != err) {
+        return err;
+    }
+    if (cProtocol::Payload::SchemaTreeNodeParentIdUByte == tag) {
+        uint8_t deserialized_id{};
+        if (false == deserialize_int(reader, deserialized_id)) {
+            return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Incomplete_IR;
+        }
+        parent_id = static_cast<SchemaTreeNode::id_t>(deserialized_id);
+    } else if (cProtocol::Payload::SchemaTreeNodeParentIdUShort == tag) {
+        uint16_t deserialized_id{};
+        if (false == deserialize_int(reader, deserialized_id)) {
+            return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Incomplete_IR;
+        }
+        parent_id = static_cast<SchemaTreeNode::id_t>(deserialized_id);
+    } else {
+        return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Corrupted_IR;
+    }
+    return IRErrorCode_Success;
+auto deserialize_schema_tree_node_key_name(ReaderInterface& reader, std::string& key_name)
+        -> IRErrorCode {
+    encoded_tag_t str_packet_tag{};
+    if (auto const err{deserialize_tag(reader, str_packet_tag)};
+        IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success != err)
+    {
+        return err;
+    }
+    if (auto const err{deserialize_string(reader, str_packet_tag, key_name)};
+        IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success != err)
+    {
+        return err;
+    }
+    return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success;
+auto deserialize_int_val(ReaderInterface& reader, encoded_tag_t tag, value_int_t& val)
+        -> IRErrorCode {
+    if (cProtocol::Payload::ValueInt8 == tag) {
+        int8_t deserialized_val{};
+        if (false == deserialize_int(reader, deserialized_val)) {
+            return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Incomplete_IR;
+        }
+        val = deserialized_val;
+    } else if (cProtocol::Payload::ValueInt16 == tag) {
+        int16_t deserialized_val{};
+        if (false == deserialize_int(reader, deserialized_val)) {
+            return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Incomplete_IR;
+        }
+        val = deserialized_val;
+    } else if (cProtocol::Payload::ValueInt32 == tag) {
+        int32_t deserialized_val{};
+        if (false == deserialize_int(reader, deserialized_val)) {
+            return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Incomplete_IR;
+        }
+        val = deserialized_val;
+    } else if (cProtocol::Payload::ValueInt64 == tag) {
+        int64_t deserialized_val{};
+        if (false == deserialize_int(reader, deserialized_val)) {
+            return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Incomplete_IR;
+        }
+        val = deserialized_val;
+    } else {
+        return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Corrupted_IR;
+    }
+    return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success;
+auto deserialize_string(ReaderInterface& reader, encoded_tag_t tag, std::string& deserialized_str)
+        -> IRErrorCode {
+    size_t str_length{};
+    if (cProtocol::Payload::StrLenUByte == tag) {
+        uint8_t length{};
+        if (false == deserialize_int(reader, length)) {
+            return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Incomplete_IR;
+        }
+        str_length = static_cast<size_t>(length);
+    } else if (cProtocol::Payload::StrLenUShort == tag) {
+        uint16_t length{};
+        if (false == deserialize_int(reader, length)) {
+            return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Incomplete_IR;
+        }
+        str_length = static_cast<size_t>(length);
+    } else if (cProtocol::Payload::StrLenUInt == tag) {
+        uint32_t length{};
+        if (false == deserialize_int(reader, length)) {
+            return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Incomplete_IR;
+        }
+        str_length = static_cast<size_t>(length);
+    } else {
+        return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Corrupted_IR;
+    }
+    if (clp::ErrorCode_Success != reader.try_read_string(str_length, deserialized_str)) {
+        return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Incomplete_IR;
+    }
+    return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success;
+auto deserialize_schema(ReaderInterface& reader, encoded_tag_t& tag, Schema& schema)
+        -> IRErrorCode {
+    schema.clear();
+    while (true) {
+        if (cProtocol::Payload::KeyIdUByte == tag) {
+            uint8_t id{};
+            if (false == deserialize_int(reader, id)) {
+                return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Incomplete_IR;
+            }
+            schema.push_back(static_cast<SchemaTreeNode::id_t>(id));
+        } else if (cProtocol::Payload::KeyIdUShort == tag) {
+            uint16_t id{};
+            if (false == deserialize_int(reader, id)) {
+                return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Incomplete_IR;
+            }
+            schema.push_back(static_cast<SchemaTreeNode::id_t>(id));
+        } else {
+            break;
+        }
+        if (auto const err{deserialize_tag(reader, tag)}; IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success != err) {
+            return err;
+        }
+    }
+    return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success;
+auto deserialize_value_and_insert_to_node_id_value_pairs(
+        ReaderInterface& reader,
+        encoded_tag_t tag,
+        SchemaTreeNode::id_t node_id,
+        KeyValuePairLogEvent::NodeIdValuePairs& node_id_value_pairs
+) -> IRErrorCode {
+    switch (tag) {
+        case cProtocol::Payload::ValueInt8:
+        case cProtocol::Payload::ValueInt16:
+        case cProtocol::Payload::ValueInt32:
+        case cProtocol::Payload::ValueInt64: {
+            value_int_t value_int{};
+            if (auto const err{deserialize_int_val(reader, tag, value_int)};
+                IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success != err)
+            {
+                return err;
+            }
+            node_id_value_pairs.emplace(node_id, Value{value_int});
+            break;
+        }
+        case cProtocol::Payload::ValueFloat: {
+            uint64_t val{};
+            if (false == deserialize_int(reader, val)) {
+                return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Incomplete_IR;
+            }
+            node_id_value_pairs.emplace(node_id, Value{bit_cast<value_float_t>(val)});
+            break;
+        }
+        case cProtocol::Payload::ValueTrue:
+            node_id_value_pairs.emplace(node_id, Value{true});
+            break;
+        case cProtocol::Payload::ValueFalse:
+            node_id_value_pairs.emplace(node_id, Value{false});
+            break;
+        case cProtocol::Payload::StrLenUByte:
+        case cProtocol::Payload::StrLenUShort:
+        case cProtocol::Payload::StrLenUInt: {
+            std::string value_str;
+            if (auto const err{deserialize_string(reader, tag, value_str)};
+                IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success != err)
+            {
+                return err;
+            }
+            node_id_value_pairs.emplace(node_id, Value{std::move(value_str)});
+            break;
+        }
+        case cProtocol::Payload::ValueEightByteEncodingClpStr:
+            if (auto const err{deserialize_encoded_text_ast_and_insert_to_node_id_value_pairs<
+                        ir::eight_byte_encoded_variable_t>(reader, node_id, node_id_value_pairs)};
+                IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success != err)
+            {
+                return err;
+            }
+            break;
+        case cProtocol::Payload::ValueFourByteEncodingClpStr:
+            if (auto const err{deserialize_encoded_text_ast_and_insert_to_node_id_value_pairs<
+                        ir::four_byte_encoded_variable_t>(reader, node_id, node_id_value_pairs)};
+                IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success != err)
+            {
+                return err;
+            }
+            break;
+        case cProtocol::Payload::ValueNull:
+            node_id_value_pairs.emplace(node_id, Value{});
+            break;
+        case cProtocol::Payload::ValueEmpty:
+            node_id_value_pairs.emplace(node_id, std::nullopt);
+            break;
+        default:
+            return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Corrupted_IR;
+    }
+    return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success;
+template <typename encoded_variable_t>
+requires(std::is_same_v<ir::four_byte_encoded_variable_t, encoded_variable_t>
+         || std::is_same_v<ir::eight_byte_encoded_variable_t, encoded_variable_t>)
+[[nodiscard]] auto deserialize_encoded_text_ast_and_insert_to_node_id_value_pairs(
+        ReaderInterface& reader,
+        SchemaTreeNode::id_t node_id,
+        KeyValuePairLogEvent::NodeIdValuePairs& node_id_value_pairs
+) -> IRErrorCode {
+    encoded_tag_t tag{};
+    if (auto const err{deserialize_tag(reader, tag)}; IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success != err) {
+        return err;
+    }
+    std::string logtype;
+    std::vector<encoded_variable_t> encoded_vars;
+    std::vector<std::string> dict_vars;
+    if (auto const err{deserialize_encoded_text_ast(reader, tag, logtype, encoded_vars, dict_vars)};
+        IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success != err)
+    {
+        return err;
+    }
+    node_id_value_pairs.emplace(
+            node_id,
+            Value{ir::EncodedTextAst<encoded_variable_t>{logtype, dict_vars, encoded_vars}}
+    );
+    return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success;
+auto deserialize_value_and_construct_node_id_value_pairs(
+        ReaderInterface& reader,
+        encoded_tag_t tag,
+        Schema const& schema,
+        KeyValuePairLogEvent::NodeIdValuePairs& node_id_value_pairs
+) -> IRErrorCode {
+    node_id_value_pairs.clear();
+    node_id_value_pairs.reserve(schema.size());
+    for (auto const node_id : schema) {
+        if (node_id_value_pairs.contains(node_id)) {
+            // The key should be unique in a schema
+            return IRErrorCode_Corrupted_IR;
+        }
+        if (auto const err{deserialize_value_and_insert_to_node_id_value_pairs(
+                    reader,
+                    tag,
+                    node_id,
+                    node_id_value_pairs
+            )};
+            IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success != err)
+        {
+            return err;
+        }
+        if (schema.size() != node_id_value_pairs.size()) {
+            if (auto const err{deserialize_tag(reader, tag)};
+                IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success != err)
+            {
+                return err;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success;
+}  // namespace
+auto deserialize_ir_unit_schema_tree_node_insertion(
+        ReaderInterface& reader,
+        encoded_tag_t tag,
+        std::string& key_name
+) -> OUTCOME_V2_NAMESPACE::std_result<SchemaTree::NodeLocator> {
+    auto const type{schema_tree_node_tag_to_type(tag)};
+    if (false == type.has_value()) {
+        return ir_error_code_to_errc(IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Corrupted_IR);
+    }
+    SchemaTreeNode::id_t parent_id{};
+    if (auto const err{deserialize_schema_tree_node_parent_id(reader, parent_id)};
+        IRErrorCode_Success != err)
+    {
+        return ir_error_code_to_errc(err);
+    }
+    if (auto const err{deserialize_schema_tree_node_key_name(reader, key_name)};
+        IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success != err)
+    {
+        return ir_error_code_to_errc(err);
+    }
+    return SchemaTree::NodeLocator{parent_id, key_name, type.value()};
+auto deserialize_ir_unit_utc_offset_change(ReaderInterface& reader
+) -> OUTCOME_V2_NAMESPACE::std_result<UtcOffset> {
+    UtcOffset utc_offset{0};
+    if (auto const err{deserialize_utc_offset_change(reader, utc_offset)};
+        IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success != err)
+    {
+        return ir_error_code_to_errc(err);
+    }
+    return utc_offset;
+auto deserialize_ir_unit_kv_pair_log_event(
+        ReaderInterface& reader,
+        encoded_tag_t tag,
+        std::shared_ptr<SchemaTree> schema_tree,
+        UtcOffset utc_offset
+) -> OUTCOME_V2_NAMESPACE::std_result<KeyValuePairLogEvent> {
+    Schema schema;
+    if (auto const err{deserialize_schema(reader, tag, schema)};
+        IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success != err)
+    {
+        return ir_error_code_to_errc(err);
+    }
+    KeyValuePairLogEvent::NodeIdValuePairs node_id_value_pairs;
+    if (false == schema.empty()) {
+        if (auto const err{deserialize_value_and_construct_node_id_value_pairs(
+                    reader,
+                    tag,
+                    schema,
+                    node_id_value_pairs
+            )};
+            IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Success != err)
+        {
+            return ir_error_code_to_errc(err);
+        }
+    } else {
+        if (cProtocol::Payload::ValueEmpty != tag) {
+            return ir_error_code_to_errc(IRErrorCode::IRErrorCode_Corrupted_IR);
+        }
+    }
+    return KeyValuePairLogEvent::create(
+            std::move(schema_tree),
+            std::move(node_id_value_pairs),
+            utc_offset
+    );
+}  // namespace clp::ffi::ir_stream
diff --git a/components/core/src/clp/ffi/ir_stream/ir_unit_deserialization_methods.hpp b/components/core/src/clp/ffi/ir_stream/ir_unit_deserialization_methods.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0ba21866c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/core/src/clp/ffi/ir_stream/ir_unit_deserialization_methods.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include <outcome/single-header/outcome.hpp>
+#include "../../ReaderInterface.hpp"
+#include "../../time_types.hpp"
+#include "../KeyValuePairLogEvent.hpp"
+#include "../SchemaTree.hpp"
+#include "decoding_methods.hpp"
+namespace clp::ffi::ir_stream {
+ * Deserializes a schema tree node insertion IR unit.
+ * @param reader
+ * @param tag
+ * @param key_name Returns the key name of the deserialized new node. This should be the underlying
+ * storage of the returned schema tree node locator.
+ * @return A result containing the locator of the inserted schema tree node or an error code
+ * indicating the failure:
+ * - std::errc::result_out_of_range if the IR stream is truncated.
+ * - std::errc::protocol_error if the deserialized node type isn't supported.
+ * - Forwards `deserialize_schema_tree_node_key_name`'s return values.
+ * - Forwards `deserialize_schema_tree_node_parent_id`'s return values.
+ */
+[[nodiscard]] auto deserialize_ir_unit_schema_tree_node_insertion(
+        ReaderInterface& reader,
+        encoded_tag_t tag,
+        std::string& key_name
+) -> OUTCOME_V2_NAMESPACE::std_result<SchemaTree::NodeLocator>;
+ * Deserializes a UTC offset change IR unit.
+ * @param reader
+ * @return A result containing the new UTC offset or an error code indicating the failure:
+ * - std::errc::result_out_of_range if the IR stream is truncated.
+ * - Forwards `clp::ffi::ir_stream::deserialize_utc_offset_change`'s return values.
+ */
+[[nodiscard]] auto deserialize_ir_unit_utc_offset_change(ReaderInterface& reader
+) -> OUTCOME_V2_NAMESPACE::std_result<UtcOffset>;
+ * Deserializes a key-value pair log event IR unit.
+ * @param reader
+ * @param tag
+ * @param schema_tree Schema tree used to construct the KV-pair log event.
+ * @param utc_offset UTC offset used to construct the KV-pair log event.
+ * @return A result containing the deserialized log event or an error code indicating the
+ * failure:
+ * - std::errc::result_out_of_range if the IR stream is truncated.
+ * - std::errc::protocol_error if the IR stream is corrupted.
+ * - std::errc::protocol_not_supported if the IR stream contains an unsupported metadata format
+ *   or uses an unsupported version.
+ * - Forwards `KeyValuePairLogEvent::create`'s return values if the intermediate deserialized result
+ *   cannot construct a valid key-value pair log event.
+ */
+[[nodiscard]] auto deserialize_ir_unit_kv_pair_log_event(
+        ReaderInterface& reader,
+        encoded_tag_t tag,
+        std::shared_ptr<SchemaTree> schema_tree,
+        UtcOffset utc_offset
+) -> OUTCOME_V2_NAMESPACE::std_result<KeyValuePairLogEvent>;
+}  // namespace clp::ffi::ir_stream
diff --git a/components/core/src/clp/ffi/ir_stream/utils.cpp b/components/core/src/clp/ffi/ir_stream/utils.cpp
index 66277720c..cfbc9d5a9 100644
--- a/components/core/src/clp/ffi/ir_stream/utils.cpp
+++ b/components/core/src/clp/ffi/ir_stream/utils.cpp
@@ -2,11 +2,13 @@
 #include <cstdint>
 #include <string_view>
+#include <system_error>
 #include <vector>
 #include <json/single_include/nlohmann/json.hpp>
 #include "../../type_utils.hpp"
+#include "decoding_methods.hpp"
 #include "protocol_constants.hpp"
 namespace clp::ffi::ir_stream {
@@ -49,4 +51,18 @@ auto serialize_string(std::string_view str, std::vector<int8_t>& output_buf) ->
     output_buf.insert(output_buf.cend(), str.cbegin(), str.cend());
     return true;
+auto ir_error_code_to_errc(IRErrorCode ir_error_code) -> std::errc {
+    switch (ir_error_code) {
+        case IRErrorCode_Incomplete_IR:
+            return std::errc::result_out_of_range;
+        case IRErrorCode_Corrupted_IR:
+        case IRErrorCode_Decode_Error:
+            return std::errc::protocol_error;
+        case IRErrorCode_Eof:
+            return std::errc::no_message_available;
+        default:
+            return std::errc::not_supported;
+    }
 }  // namespace clp::ffi::ir_stream
diff --git a/components/core/src/clp/ffi/ir_stream/utils.hpp b/components/core/src/clp/ffi/ir_stream/utils.hpp
index b816c6385..4e68ca67a 100644
--- a/components/core/src/clp/ffi/ir_stream/utils.hpp
+++ b/components/core/src/clp/ffi/ir_stream/utils.hpp
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 #include <span>
 #include <string>
 #include <string_view>
+#include <system_error>
 #include <vector>
 #include <json/single_include/nlohmann/json.hpp>
@@ -13,6 +14,7 @@
 #include "../../ir/types.hpp"
 #include "../../ReaderInterface.hpp"
 #include "byteswap.hpp"
+#include "decoding_methods.hpp"
 #include "encoding_methods.hpp"
 #include "protocol_constants.hpp"
@@ -68,6 +70,12 @@ template <typename encoded_variable_t>
 [[nodiscard]] auto serialize_string(std::string_view str, std::vector<int8_t>& output_buf) -> bool;
+ * @param ir_error_code
+ * @return Equivalent `std::errc` code indicating the same error type.
+ */
+[[nodiscard]] auto ir_error_code_to_errc(IRErrorCode ir_error_code) -> std::errc;
 template <typename integer_t>
 auto serialize_int(integer_t value, std::vector<int8_t>& output_buf) -> void {
     integer_t value_big_endian{};
diff --git a/components/core/tests/test-ir_encoding_methods.cpp b/components/core/tests/test-ir_encoding_methods.cpp
index af8314369..ba8c59280 100644
--- a/components/core/tests/test-ir_encoding_methods.cpp
+++ b/components/core/tests/test-ir_encoding_methods.cpp
@@ -1123,6 +1123,7 @@ TEMPLATE_TEST_CASE(
     flush_and_clear_serializer_buffer(serializer, ir_buf);
+    ir_buf.push_back(clp::ffi::ir_stream::cProtocol::Eof);
     // Deserialize the results
     BufferReader reader{size_checked_pointer_cast<char>(ir_buf.data()), ir_buf.size()};
@@ -1143,4 +1144,8 @@ TEMPLATE_TEST_CASE(
         REQUIRE((json_obj == serialized_json_result.value()));
+    auto const eof_result{deserializer.deserialize_to_next_log_event(reader)};
+    REQUIRE(eof_result.has_error());
+    REQUIRE((std::errc::no_message_available == eof_result.error()));