Using the iOS SDK for Amazon FreeRTOS Bluetooth Devices, you can create mobile applications that do the following:
Scan for and connect to nearby BLE devices running Amazon FreeRTOS
Provision Wi-Fi networks for a BLE device running Amazon FreeRTOS
Act as a proxy for transmitting MQTT messages between a device running Amazon FreeRTOS and the AWS IoT cloud
To install the iOS SDK for Amazon FreeRTOS Bluetooth Devices
- Install CocoaPods:
$ gem install cocoapods
$ pod setup
You might need to use sudo to install CocoaPods.
- Install the SDK with CocoaPods (In Podfile):
Older version of the freertos firmware use JSON encoding, please use:
pod 'AmazonFreeRTOS', :git => '', :tag => '0.9.4'
Newer version of the freertos firmware use CBOR encoding, please use:
pod 'AmazonFreeRTOS', :git => ''
All main functions are defined in AmazonFreeRTOSManager.swift. These functions include:
The SDK includes some functions that help you perform BLE operations with Amazon FreeRTOS devices:
The device information service provides basic device-related information. Its functions include:
getAfrVersionOfPeripheral(_ peripheral: CBPeripheral)
getBrokerEndpointOfPeripheral(_ peripheral: CBPeripheral)
getMtuOfPeripheral(_ peripheral: CBPeripheral)
The MQTT proxy service controls the MQTT proxy. Its functions include:
getMqttProxyControlOfPeripheral(_ peripheral: CBPeripheral)
updateMqttProxyControlOfPeripheral(_ peripheral: CBPeripheral, mqttProxyControl: MqttProxyControl)
The network configuration service configures the Wi-Fi network of the Amazon FreeRTOS Device. Its functions include:
listNetworkOfPeripheral(_ peripheral: CBPeripheral, listNetworkReq: ListNetworkReq)
saveNetworkToPeripheral(_ peripheral: CBPeripheral, saveNetworkReq: SaveNetworkReq)
editNetworkOfPeripheral(_ peripheral: CBPeripheral, editNetworkReq: EditNetworkReq)
deleteNetworkFromPeripheral(_ peripheral: CBPeripheral, deleteNetworkReq: DeleteNetworkReq)
The SDK includes a demo application that demonstrates some of the main features of the SDK. You can find the demo in Example/AmazonFreeRTOSDemo.
This library is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.