- imagenet_classification(squeezenet, mobilenet, resnet50, alexnet, googlenet, inception_v3, inception_v4, vgg16)
- yolov2
- ssd
- faster_rcnn
- mtcnn
- lighten_cnn
- caffe_wrapper
- cpp_classification(squeezenet, mobilenet)
- mtcnn
- tensorflow_wrapper
- label_image(inception_v3, mobilenet)
- mobilenet_ssd
Download the models from Tengine model zoo (psw: 57vb)
1. install Tengine
sudo apt-get install libopencv-dev
cd ~/tengine/examples
vim build_linux.sh
Set the correct Tengine path
mkdir build
cd build
make -j4
cd ~/tengine/examples
vim android_build_armv7.sh or vim android_build_armv8.sh
Set the correct NDK path ,Tengine path ,Opencv path and protobuf path. if you want to run Tengine with OpenBlas, please add the correct blas path in android_build_armv7.sh or android_build_armv8.sh.eg: -DBLAS_DIR=/home/usr/openbla020_android
mkdir build
cd build
../android_build_armv7.sh or ../android_build_armv8.sh
make -j4