This document defines the APIs and requirements to develop a serializer module for Tengine. Each serializer module works on one specific model format only, such ONNX/Caffe/Caffe2/Mxnet. The serializer module loads the whole model file stored in disk, and creates a Tengine in-memory IR, which is StaticGraph. The serializer module also can store the StaticGraph into disk in the specific format. However, current version of this document describes the loading process, which is more important than the storing process. The serializer module can be built as a dynamic library and can be loaded on the fly.
The seciont 2, class serializer, introduces interfaces that the developer should implemented. The Serializer module's load method MUST be MT-Safe: multiple threads can call the load method simultaneously. It is safe to assume that there is only ONE instance for a serializer module in system.
All serializer module must be derived from class serializer. One serializer class should only implement one AI framework model load. While for a AI framework, it is possible that there are different serializer modules.
The interfaces of class serializer can be classified into below categories:
unsigned int GetFileNum(void);
bool LoadModel(const std::vector<std::string>& file_list, StaticGraph * static_graph);
GetFileNum() will return the number of files that need to load a model.
LoadModel() will do all the work to parse the saved model and convert it to StaticGraph. The static_graph is created by the caller in advance.
const std::string& GetFormatName(void);
const std::string& GetVersion(void);
const std::string& GetName(void);
bool RegisterOpLoadMethod(const std::string& op_name,const any& load_func);
any& GetOpLoadMethod(const std::string& op_name);
Register operator load function for operator op_name. This enables developer to implement operator load function outside the serializer module.
Const tensor reload helper:
bool LoadConstTensor(const std::string& fname, StaticTensor * const_tensor);
bool LoadConstTensor(int fd, StaticTensor * const_tensor);
The developer can use GetTensorName() to get the tensor name. The memory to hold the tensor data should be allocated by those functions and the memory owner will be transfered to the framework.
The user of the serializer module will get a serializer object through SerializerManager.
For example:
SerializerPtr p_onnx;
SerializerManager::SafeGet("onnx", p_onnx);
p_onnx->LoadModel(flist, graph);
Each serializer module should register an object into SerializerManager during initialization phase. As it is requested that the serializer load method is MT-Safe, only ONE serializer object is enough for whole system.
Here is an example work follow of creating and registering a serializer object. It is optional to use SerializerFactory to create a serializer object.
auto factory=SerializerFactory::GetFactory();
auto onnx_serializer=factory->Create("onnx");
The static graph is Tengine in-memory IR and it is opaque to serializer module developer. Four components are defined as the forward declaration and are manipulated through the static graph AI.
struct StaticGraph;
struct StaticNode;
struct StaticTensor;
struct StaticOp;
The description below only covers the loading process.
As different operator has its own parameter definition, the serializer developer must include the header file operator/<op_A>_param.hpp
and use the parameter defined there. After the parameters are loaded correctly, SetOperatorParam()
should be called. As some parameters may be not recorded in the saved model file, it is required to get the default parameter first, by calling OpManager::GetOpDefParam()
Here is an example of loading caffe's concat operator:
static bool LoadCaffeConcat(StaticGraph * graph, StaticNode * node,
const caffe::LayerParameter& layer_param)
ConcatParam param=any_cast<ConcatParam>(OpManager::GetOpDefParam("Concat"));
const caffe::ConcatParameter& concat_param=layer_param.concat_param();
StaticOp * op=CreateStaticOp(graph, "Concat");
SetOperatorParam(op, param);
SetNodeOp(node, op);
return true;
The sections followed will list the API in detail. Please note that the serializer module MUST not release the object pointer, returned by CreateXXX API.
void DumpStaticGraph(StaticGraph * graph);
bool CheckGraphIntegraity (StaticGraph * graph);
void SetGraphInternalName(StaticGraph * graph, const std::string& name);
void SetGraphIdentity(StaticGraph * graph, const std::string& domain, const std::string& name, const std::string& version);
void SetGraphSource(StaticGraph * graph, const std::string& source);
void SetGraphSourceFormat(StaticGraph * graph, const std::string& format);
void SetGraphConstTensorFile(StaticGraph * graph, const std::string& fname);
bool AddGraphAttr(StaticGraph * graph, const std::string& attr_name, any&& value);
StaticNode * CreateStaticNode(StaticGraph * graph, const std::string& node_name);
void SetNodeOp(StaticNode * node, StaticOp * op);
int AddNodeInputTensor(StaticNode * node, StaticTensor * tensor);
int AddNodeOutputTensor(StaticNode * node, StaticTensor * tensor);
const std::string& GetNodeName(StaticNode * node);
StaticOp * CreateStaticOp(StaticGraph * graph, const std::string& op_name);
void SetOperatorParam(StaticOp * op, any&& param);
void AddOperatorAttr(StaticOp * op, const std::string& attr_name, any&& val);
StaticTensor * CreateStaticTensor(StaticGraph * graph, const std::string& name);
StaticTensor * CreateStaticConstTensor(StaticGraph * graph, const std::string& name);
void SetTensorDim(StaticTensor * tensor, const std::vector<int>& dims);
void SetTensorDataType(StaticTensor * tensor, const std::string& data_type);
void SetTensorDataLayout(StaticTensor * tensor, const std::string& data_layout);
void SetTensorType(StaticTensor * tensor, int type);
int SetTensorSize(StaticTensor * tensor, int size);
void SetConstTensorBuffer(StaticTensor * tensor, void * addr);
void SetConstTensorFileLocation(StaticTensor * tensor, int offset, int file_size);
const std::string& GetTensorName(StaticTensor * tensor);
Here are the major external header files necessary to develop a serializer module.
serializer.hpp : the Serializer Interface as well as the SerializerManager
operator_manager.hpp : OpManager::GetOpDefParam
static_graph_interface.hpp : static graph interface
operator/xxx_param.hpp : Operator parameter
Refers to Tengine code repository: serializer/caffe/caffe_serializer.cpp and serializer/onnx/onnx_serializer.cpp