Helpers for PHP tests
Helper to invoke methods and to get/set attributes values with private/protected visibility
class MyClassTest
use Snailweb\Helpers\Tests\AccessProtectedTrait;
public function testMyMethod()
// Invoke method
$returnValue = $this->invokeMethod($object, 'methodName', ['arg1', 'arg2']);
// Get attribute
$attributeValue = $this->getAttribute($object, 'attributeName');
// Set attribute
$this->setAttribute($object, 'attributeName', $attributeValue);
Helper to automatically apply Iterator tests for a class.
Requirements :
- The tested class must implement Iterator (that's the point of doing this ...)
- The tested class constructor must accept no parameters
- The test class must call setUpInterator() with class name, and optionally key name and array name (example shows defaults)
class MyClassTest extends TestCase
use Snailweb\Helpers\Tests\TestIteratorTrait;
public function setUp(): void
$this->setUpIterator(MyClass::class, 'key', 'array');
// Do your methods tests
// ...
Note: if you need to test the constructor of your class you must do this :
class MyClassTest extends TestCase
use Snailweb\Helpers\Tests\TestIteratorTrait{
testConstruct as testIteratorConstruct;
public function setUp(): void
$this->setUpIterator(MyClass::class, 'key', 'array');
public function testConstruct()
// Do your constructor tests
// ...
// Do your methods tests
// ...
Helper to automatically apply SplSubject tests for a class.
Requirements :
- The tested class must implement SplSubject (that's the point of doing this ...)
- The tested class constructor must accept no parameters
- The test class must call setUpSplSubject() with class name, and optionally observers name (example shows defaults)
class MyClassTest extends TestCase
use Snailweb\Helpers\Tests\TestSplSubjectTrait;
public function setUp(): void
$this->setUpSplSubject(MyClass::class, 'observers');
// Do your methods tests
// ...