🎨 ohcolor is a moden, expandable immutable color library.
WIP: The project is currently under intensive development and its API may undergo breaking changes. A stable API is expected to be available starting from 0.1.0.
Install package:
# npm
npm install ohcolor
# yarn
yarn add ohcolor
# pnpm
pnpm install ohcolor
# bun
bun install ohcolor
import { mycolor } from "ohcolor";
// or
import mycolor from "ohcolor";
mycolor("#ff3399").rgba(); // [255, 51, 153, 1]
mycolor("#ff3399").red(); // 255
mycolor(255, 165, 0, 1).red(133).rgba(); // [133, 165, 0, 1]
mycolor(255, 165, 0, 1).green(34).rgba(); // [255, 34, 0, 1]
mycolor(255, 165, 0, 1).blue(99).rgba(); // [255, 165, 99, 1]
mycolor(255, 165, 0, 1).alpha(0.5).rgba(); // [255, 165, 0, 0.5]
mycolor("#ffa500").format('string'); // rgba(255,165,0,1)
mycolor("#ffa500").format('css'); // rgba(255 165 0 / 1)
mycolor("#ffa500").format('object'); // { r: 255, g: 165, b: 0, a: 1 }
All right, that's all ohcolor has to offer. It has simple functions and is small enough. But you can add plugins as needed to enrich ohcolor.
A plugin is an independent module that can be added to Ohcolor to extend functionality or add new features.
By default, Ohcolor comes with core code only and some core built-in plugins.
You can load multiple plugins based on your need.
You could build your own Ohcolor plugin to meet different needs.
Feel free to open a pull request to share your plugin.
Template of a Ohcolor plugin.
import type { ColorPlugin } from "ohcolor";
import "./type.d.ts"; // your plugin .d.ts
export const yourPlugin: ColorPlugin = (option, ohcolorClass, ohcolorFactory) => {
// extend ohcolor()
// e.g. add ohcolor().isSame()
const proto = ohcolorClass.prototype
proto.isSame = function(arguments) {}
// extend ohcolor
// e.g. add ohcolor.isSame()
const _ohcolorFactory = ohcolorFactory
_ohcolorFactory.isSame = arguments => {}
// overriding existing API
// e.g. extend ohcolor().format()
const oldFormat = proto.format
proto.format = function(arguments) {
// original format result
const result = oldFormat.bind(this)(arguments)
// return modified result
and your type.d.ts:
export {};
declare module "ohcolor" {
interface MyColor {
/** your custom function. */
isSame: () => boolean;
or use js:
export default (option, ohcolorClass, ohcolorFactory) => {
// extend ohcolor()
// e.g. add ohcolor().isSame()
ohcolorClass.prototype.isSame = function(arguments) {}
// extend ohcolor
// e.g. add ohcolor.isSame()
ohcolorFactory.isSame = arguments => {}
// overriding existing API
// e.g. extend ohcolor().format()
const oldFormat = ohcolorClass.prototype.format
ohcolorClass.prototype.format = function(arguments) {
// original format result
const result = oldFormat.bind(this)(arguments)
// return modified result
Support input w3cx11 color.
import mycolor from 'ohcolor'
import inputNamed from 'ohcolor/plugin/inputNamed'
mycolor("yellow").rgba() // [255, 255, 0, 1]
Returns a number (float) representing the luminance of a color.
import { mycolor } from 'ohcolor'
import { getLuminance } from 'ohcolor/plugin/getLuminance'
mycolor("#ffff00").getLuminance() // 0.9278
Generate color shades for themes.
import { mycolor } from 'ohcolor'
import { themeColors } from 'ohcolor/plugin/themeColors'
Will generate the following shades:
"100": "#FFFFE6",
"200": "#FFFFBF",
"300": "#FFFF99",
"400": "#FFFF4D",
"50": "#FFFFF2",
"500": "#FFFF00",
"600": "#E6E600",
"700": "#999900",
"800": "#737300",
"900": "#4D4D00",
"950": "#333300",
Get black or white for best contrast depending on the luminosity.
import { mycolor } from 'ohcolor'
import { readableColor } from 'ohcolor/plugin/readableColor'
mycolor("#ffff00").readableColor() // #000
mycolor("#000").readableColor() // #fff
Extend format function to support formatting to get hex color string.
import { mycolor } from 'ohcolor'
import { formatHex } from 'ohcolor/plugin/formatHex'
mycolor(255, 165, 0, 1).format("hex") // #ffa500ff
Extend format function to support formatting to get decimal number color.
import { mycolor } from 'ohcolor'
import { formatDec } from 'ohcolor/plugin/formatDec'
mycolor(46, 139, 87, 0.6).format("dec") // 780_883_865
Support output hexadecimal color string.
import { mycolor } from 'ohcolor'
import { outputHex } from 'ohcolor/plugin/outputHex'
mycolor(255, 165, 0, 1).hex() // #ffa500ff
Get rgba array, but in the channel range of 0 ~ 1 instead of 0 ~ 255.
import { mycolor } from 'ohcolor'
import { outputGl } from 'ohcolor/plugin/outputGl'
mycolor(51, 204, 0, 1).gl() // [0.2, 0.8, 0, 1]
Getters for rgba.
import { mycolor } from 'ohcolor'
import { getter } from 'ohcolor/plugin/getter'
const color = mycolor(255, 135, 0, 1);
color.getR() // 255
color.getG() // 135
color.getB() // 0
color.getA() // 1
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- Install latest LTS version of Node.js
- Enable Corepack using
corepack enable
- Install dependencies using
pnpm install
- Run interactive tests using
pnpm dev
Made with 💛 @wzc520pyfm
Published under MIT License.