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Wellington Wallace edited this page Nov 17, 2018 · 60 revisions

When reporting bugs provide the following information if possible

Basic Logs

  1. Distribution and Desktop Environment.
  2. How you installed PulseEffects (Flatpak or native package).
  3. Messages printed by PulseEffects when executed from command line in debug mode G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=pulseeffects pulseeffects.
  4. The output of the command pactl list short.
  5. The output of the command pacmd list-sinks.
  6. The output of the command pacmd list-sink-inputs.
  7. The output of the command pacmd list-sources.
  8. The output of the command pacmd list-source-outputs.
  9. The output of the command pulseaudio --dump-conf.
  10. Screenshots of Pavucontrol tabs.
  11. PulseEffects settings. You can save them to a file using the command dconf dump /com/github/wwmm/pulseeffects/ > pesettings.txt

Sometimes the log messages can be long and a simple copy and paste in the comment will force everybody to scroll a lot in the browser. In order to avoid this I suggest that you attach the logs in a txt file or use the following tags when pasting the log in he comment:

<summary> Short title </summary>

put the logs here


This is how they will look like in the comment:

Short title put the logs here

Advanced Pulseaudio Logs

It is not always that we need this information. Consider it a last resort in case none of the basic information helps to solve the problem.

  1. Increase the number of lines your terminal is able to show
  2. Execute pacmd in a terminal
  3. Now you are inside pacmd command line. Execute set-log-level 4
  4. Close Pavucontrol if it is open
  5. In another terminal execute sudo journalctl -fb | grep -i pulse
  6. Start PulseEffects and do what is necessary for the problems to happen. You should see lots of lines whenever an audio related action like volume changes is done
  7. Save the lines printed by journaltcl to a file

Getting Coredumps

Coredumps may be useful when PulseEffects is crashing with a segmentation fault. To get them run the command sudo coredumpctl list. This should show an output like this:

TIME                            PID   UID   GID SIG COREFILE  EXE
Sat 2018-10-13 17:58:21 -03   16527  1000  1000  11 present   /usr/bin/nautilus

Once you have the PID of the core dump generated by PE run the command coredumpctl info pid_value and show its output to us using the same rules explained in the basic section above

How to quickly make a coredump on Ubuntu

First, install debug symbols as described here:

Then install systemd-coredump:

sudo apt install systemd-coredump

pulseeffects, reproduce the segfault

coredumpctl -o /tmp/pe372.coredump dump /usr/bin/pulseeffects

The file /tmp/pe372.coredump will be your coredump.
The file will be around 350 MB, but if you run xz -9 --threads=0 /tmp/pe372.coredump, you will get the file /tmp/pe372.coredump.xz around 3.5 MB.

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